!$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ subroutine write_hydro_summary(sumfile,totalPrecip,precipEvents, & & totalRunoff,runoffEvents,totalSnowrunoff, snowmeltEvents,years) integer, intent(in) :: sumfile real, intent(in) :: totalPrecip,totalRunoff, totalSnowrunoff integer, intent(in):: precipEvents, runoffEvents,snowmeltEvents integer, intent(in) :: years write(sumfile,1050) write(sumfile,1200) 1,years write(sumfile,1350) precipEvents,totalPrecip,runoffEvents, & & totalRunoff,snowmeltEvents,totalSnowrunoff write(sumfile,1650) years,totalPrecip/years,totalRunoff/years, & & totalSnowrunoff/years return 1050 format(//'AVERAGE ANNUAL SUMMARIES',/,72('-')) 1200 format (//'I. RAINFALL AND RUNOFF SUMMARY',/,5x,8('-'),1x,3('-' 1 ),1x,6('-'),1x,7('-'),//,6x,'total summary: ',' years ',i4, 1 ' - ',i4) 1350 format(/5x,i5, 1 ' storms produced ',f9.2, 1 ' mm of precipitation',/,5x,i5, 1 ' rain storm runoff events produced ',f9.2, 1 ' mm of runoff',/,5x,i5, 1 ' snow melts and/or',/,10x, 1 ' events during winter produced ',f9.2, 1 ' mm of runoff',/) 1650 format (6x,'annual averages'/6x,'---------------'//6x, 1 ' Number of years ', 1 3x,i4,/,6x, 1 ' Mean annual precipitation ', 1 f7.2,1x,'mm',/,6x, 1 ' Mean annual runoff from rainfall ', 1 f7.2,1x,'mm',/,6x, 1 ' Mean annual runoff from snow melt',/,6x, 1 ' and/or rain storm during winter ', 1 f7.2,1x,'mm',/) end