WEPP+WEPS Common Model Standalone ________________________________________ This contains the WEPS code with the addition of the WEPP erosion and hydrology code. The build files are in the weppweps subdirectory and use the Intel FORTRAN compiler. There is also a simple_gui subdirectory that it a stub interface to run the model and look at outputs. The testcases directory contains a sample run, use the runweppweps.bat which will run the weppweps.exe model. This should be run from the a DOS/cmd window. The baseline WEPS code is current from December 11, 2008. The WEPP additions to the base WEPS include the following: 1. Flow routing for runoff durations 2. WEPP format slope input file (contained in wepp.run file) 3. WEPP erosion code 4. Conductivity adjustments for frozen soil using Saxton/Rawls code from WEPP. There is a new command flag to the model to control what erosion calculations to run: -E1 will run wind erosion code only (no water erosion). -E2 will run water erosion code only (no wind erosion). -E3 will run both wind and water erosion code. To run the WEPP hydrology use the -W2 flag. The main WEPS run file is the same. The new WEPP options are in a separate file called wepp.run. This file contains the detail slope shape (in the same format as a WEPP slope file) and a flag for the type of main WEPP output. To Build: 1. Using the Intel FORTRAN compiler inside Visual Studio and the open the project weppweps/weppweps.vfproj 2. After the project is loaded right-click on the weppweps node and select 'Rebuild' 3. Wait for the build to complete - hopefully ok. To Run: 1. Copy the executable from weppweps/debug/weppweps.exe to weppweps/testcases 2. Open a DOS/cmd window and go to the testcases directory 3. Run 'runweppweps.bat' to run the combined model. This has all submodel output flags turned on so it will be slower. 4. The WEPP related output files are: wepp_summary.out - main output wepp_runoff.out - flow routing output wepp_eroplot.out - water erosion plot output wepp_eroevents.out - water erosion event output 5. The WEPS related output files are unchanged from the WEPS standalone. ---------------------