! $Author$ ! $Date$ ! $Revision$ ! $HeadURL$ ! file: decopen.for subroutine decopen ! + + + Purpose + + + ! opens the files for decomp output include 'file.fi' include 'p1werm.inc' include 'wpath.inc' include 'm1flag.inc' include 'd1gen.inc' include 'h1temp.inc' ! + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + ! + + + FORMATS + + + ! 2020 format (///////////) ! 2210 format (/,' warning, the output file - ',a80,/,' already exists - ! & press enter to overwrite this file or control break to stop') 2030 format( 29x,'Standing',9x,'Flat',9x,'Surface Cover Silhouett ' & &,'Area Total Residue Amounts') 2035 format (14x,'Pool',1x,'Stem',1x,2(2x,'decomp',3x,'bio-',1x),2x, & & 15('-'),3x,14('-'),4x,24('-')) 2040 format ('sr day/mo/yr no. no. days mass days mass',& & ' Stems Flat Total /5 Stand Flat ',& &' Buried ') ! + + + DATA + + + ! + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + ! open output file for root residues ! open output file for cover estiamtes ! Write headers for output files ! dabove.out ! dbelow.out ! write headers for above ground residues file if requested if ((am0dfl .eq. 1) .or. (am0dfl .eq. 3)) then write (luod_above,*) & & 'Above Ground Residue Decomposition Output File' write (luod_above,*) 'Standing and Surface Residues' write (luod_above,*) ' ' write (luod_above,2030) write (luod_above,2035) write (luod_above,2040) write (luod_above,*) ' ' end if ! write headers for below ground residues file if requested if ((am0dfl .eq. 2) .or. (am0dfl .eq. 3)) then write (luod_below,*) & & 'Below Ground Residue Decomposition Output File' write (luod_below,*) 'Data by soil layer for age pools 1 and 2' write (luod_below,*) ' ' write (luod_below,*) ' day/mo/year ' end if return end