!$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ !********************************************************************** ! MAIN for TSTINTERNODE !********************************************************************** ! +++ PURPOSE +++ ! Test code for internode_wt_bc code to compare with document ! +++ FUNCTIONS CALLED+++ real internode_wt_bc ! ++++ LOCAL VARIABLES +++ integer idx real cond_up, cond_low, ksat real lambda, tlay1, tlay2, airentry, kup, klow, kref, tref real weight ! +++ END SPECIFICATIONS +++ ksat = 1.0 lambda = 1.0 tref = 0.02 airentry = -1.0e-1 ! loop through values of K logarithmic ksat = 2.06490786E-005 kup = ksat klow = ksat * 1.0e-10 lambda = 3.57637256E-001 airentry = -7.96725526E-002 ! kref = 1.0e-4 idx = 1 do while( idx .le. 40 ) ! kup = kref / (10.0**idx) ! klow = kref tlay1 = tref + tref * idx tlay2 = tref + tref * idx weight = internode_wt_bc(kup, klow, & & ksat, ksat, lambda, lambda, & & tlay1, tlay2, airentry, airentry ) ! write(*,*) 'Kup, Klow, weight', kup, klow, weight idx = idx + 1 end do end