!$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ ! This common block contains variables used for tracking the conditions ! that prevented any erosion. ! + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + integer ne_erosion(mnsub) integer ne_snowdepth(mnsub) real ne_wus_anemom(mnsub) real ne_wus_random(mnsub) real ne_wus_ridge(mnsub) real ne_wus_biodrag(mnsub) real ne_wus(mnsub) real ne_bare(mnsub) real ne_flat_cov(mnsub) real ne_surf_wet(mnsub) real ne_ag_den(mnsub) real ne_wust(mnsub) real ne_sfd84(mnsub) real ne_asvroc(mnsub) real ne_wzzo(mnsub) real ne_sfcv(mnsub) common /threshold/ & & ne_erosion, ne_snowdepth, & & ne_wus_anemom, ne_wus_random, ne_wus_ridge, ne_wus_biodrag, & & ne_wus, ne_bare, ne_flat_cov, ne_surf_wet, ne_ag_den, ne_wust,& & ne_sfd84, ne_asvroc, ne_wzzo, ne_sfcv ! + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + ! ne_erosion - flag indicating that erosion was entered ! 0 - erosion was not entered ! 1 - erosion was entered ! ne_snowdepth - snow depth is great enough that no erosion occurs ! 0 - snow depth too low to prevent erosion ! 1 - snow depth deeper than threshold, prevents erosion ! ne_wus_anemom - anemometer located friction velocity for critical no erosion condition ! ne_wus_random - site surface random roughness adjusted friction velocity for critical no erosion condition ! ne_wus_ridge - site surface oriented roughness adjusted friction velocity for critical no erosion condition ! ne_wus_biodrag - site biodrag adjusted friction velocity for critical no erosion condition ! ne_wus - friction velocity for critical no erosion condition (biodrag added in) ! ne_bare - bare friction veolocity greater ! ne_flat_cov - flat cover increases threshold ! ne_surf_wet - surface wetness increases threshold ! ne_ag_den - ag density increases threshold ! ne_wust - resultant threshold friction velocity ! ne_sfd84 - fraction of the surface material less than 0.84 mm in diameter ! ne_asvroc - fraction of the surface matherial greater than 2 mm in diameter ! ne_wzzo - aerodynamic roughness length of the soil surface below canopy (mm) ! ne_sfcv - fraction of soil surface which is non emitting