! !$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ ! !$Header: /weru/cvs/weps/weps.src/util/date/lstday.for,v 1.2 2002-09-04 20:22:18 wagner Exp $ integer function lstday (mm, yyyy) ! + + + PURPOSE + + + ! Given a date in mm/yyyy format, lstday will return the last day ! of that month. ! ! + + + KEYWORDS + + + ! date, utility ! ! + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer mm, yyyy ! ! + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + ! mm - month ! yyyy - year ! ! + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + integer lm, ld, ly integer julian ! ! + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + ! julian - julian day value ! ! + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + ! caldat ! ! + + + FUNCTION DECLARATIONS + + + integer julday ! ! + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + ! ! Go to the first day of the next month ! (This is exactly one day after the day we want to find) lm=mm+1 ld=1 ly=yyyy if (lm.eq.13) then lm=1 ly=yyyy+1 end if ! We simply find the Julian Day and subtract 1 day to get the last ! day of the previous month julian=julday (ld, lm, ly)-1 ! Now convert back to gregorian calendar to get the actual day call caldat (julian, ld, lm, ly) lstday=ld ! return end ! !$Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ !Revision 1999/03/12 17:05:31 wagner !Baseline version of WEPS with Bill Rust's modifications ! ! Revision 1.2 1998/09/03 18:35:39 jt ! check in a full copy of WEPS - I hope ??? ! ! Revision 1995/01/18 04:20:07 wagner ! Initial checkin ! ! Revision 2.1 1992/03/27 17:22:53 wagner ! Version 2 code. !