!$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ ! module m_converters use m_debug private ! ! Takes a string and turns it into useful data structures, ! such as numerical arrays. ! ! NOTE: The string must contain *homogeneous* data, i.e.: all real numbers, ! all integers, etc. ! public :: build_data_array interface build_data_array module procedure build_data_array_real_sp, & build_data_array_real_dp, & build_data_array_integer end interface private :: build_data_array_real_sp private :: build_data_array_real_dp private :: build_data_array_integer private :: token_analysis, is_separator, is_CR_or_LF CONTAINS !--------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine build_data_array_real_dp(str,x,n) integer, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind(14) ! character(len=*), intent(in) :: str real(kind=dp), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: x integer, intent(inout) :: n integer :: ntokens, status, last_pos character(len=len(str)) :: s s = str call token_analysis(s,ntokens,last_pos) if (debug) print *, "ntokens, last_pos ", ntokens, last_pos if (debug) print *, s if ((n + ntokens) > size(x)) STOP "data array full" read(unit=s(1:last_pos),fmt=*,iostat=status) x(n+1:n+ntokens) if (status /= 0) STOP "real conversion error" n = n + ntokens end subroutine build_data_array_real_dp !--------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine build_data_array_real_sp(str,x,n) integer, parameter :: sp = selected_real_kind(6) ! character(len=*), intent(in) :: str real(kind=sp), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: x integer, intent(inout) :: n integer :: ntokens, status, last_pos character(len=len(str)) :: s s = str call token_analysis(s,ntokens,last_pos) if (debug) print *, "ntokens, last_pos ", ntokens, last_pos if (debug) print *, s if ((n + ntokens) > size(x)) STOP "data array full" read(unit=s(1:last_pos),fmt=*,iostat=status) x(n+1:n+ntokens) if (status /= 0) STOP "real conversion error" n = n + ntokens end subroutine build_data_array_real_sp !--------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine build_data_array_integer(str,x,n) integer, parameter :: sp = selected_real_kind(14) ! character(len=*), intent(in) :: str integer, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: x integer, intent(inout) :: n integer :: ntokens, status, last_pos character(len=len(str)) :: s s = str call token_analysis(s,ntokens,last_pos) if (debug) print *, "ntokens, last_pos ", ntokens, last_pos if (debug) print *, s if ((n + ntokens) > size(x)) STOP "data array full" read(unit=s(1:last_pos),fmt=*,iostat=status) x(n+1:n+ntokens) if (status /= 0) STOP "integer conversion error" n = n + ntokens end subroutine build_data_array_integer !================================================================== function is_separator(c) result(sep) character(len=1), intent(in) :: c logical :: sep sep = ((c == char(32)) .or. (c == char(10)) & .or. (c == char(9)) .or. (c == char(13))) end function is_separator !---------------------------------------------------------------- function is_CR_or_LF(c) result(res) character(len=1), intent(in) :: c logical :: res res = ((c == char(10)) .or. (c == char(13))) end function is_CR_or_LF !================================================================== subroutine token_analysis(str,ntokens,last_pos) ! character(len=*), intent(inout) :: str integer, intent(out) :: ntokens, last_pos ! ! ! Checks the contents of a string and finds the number of tokens it contains ! The standard separator is generalized whitespace (space, tab, CR, or LF) ! It also returns the last useful position in the string (excluding ! separator characters which are not blanks, and thus not caught by the ! (len_)trim fortran intrinsic). This is necessary to perform list-directed ! I/O in the string as an internal file. ! ! Also, replace on the fly CR and LF by blanks. This is necessary if ! str spans more than one record. In that case, internal reads only ! look at the first record. ! -- ** Compiler limits on size of internal record?? ! integer :: i, str_length logical :: in_token character(len=1) :: c in_token = .false. ntokens = 0 last_pos = 0 str_length = len_trim(str) !print *, "string length: ", str_length do i = 1, str_length c = str(i:i) if (in_token) then if (is_separator(c)) then in_token = .false. if (is_CR_or_LF(c)) str(i:i) = " " else last_pos = i endif else ! not in token if (is_separator(c)) then if (is_CR_or_LF(c)) str(i:i) = " " ! do nothing else in_token = .true. last_pos = i ntokens = ntokens + 1 endif endif enddo !print *, "ntokens, last_pos: ", ntokens, last_pos end subroutine token_analysis end module m_converters