! !$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ ! module m_handlers_simple use flib_sax private ! ! It defines the routines that are called by the XML parser in response ! to particular events. ! ! In this particular example we just print the names of the elements, ! the attribute list, and the content of the pcdata chunks ! ! A module such as this could use "utility routines" to convert pcdata ! to numerical arrays, and to populate specific data structures. ! public :: begin_element_handler, end_element_handler, pcdata_chunk_handler CONTAINS !============================================================= subroutine begin_element_handler(name,attributes) character(len=*), intent(in) :: name type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: attributes write(unit=*,fmt="(2a)") ">>Begin Element: ", name write(unit=*,fmt="(a,i2,a)") "--- ", len(attributes), " attributes:" call print_dict(attributes) end subroutine begin_element_handler !-------------------------------------------------- subroutine end_element_handler(name) character(len=*), intent(in) :: name write(unit=*,fmt="(/,2a)") ">>-------------End Element: ", trim(name) end subroutine end_element_handler !-------------------------------------------------- subroutine pcdata_chunk_handler(chunk) character(len=*), intent(in) :: chunk write(unit=*,fmt="(a)",advance="no") trim(chunk) end subroutine pcdata_chunk_handler end module m_handlers_simple