real function depc(xu,a,b,phi,theta,du,ktrato,qostar) implicit none ! ! function depc computes a portion of the deposition equation ! ! module adapted from wepp version 2004.7 and called from ! subroutine route in two locations ! ! author(s): d.c flanagan and j.c. ascough ii ! date last modified: 9-30-2004 ! ! + + + argument declarations + + + ! real, intent(in) :: xu, a, b, phi, theta, du, ktrato, qostar ! ! + + + argument definitions + + + ! ! xu - nondimensional distance on an plane where current ! deposition region begins ! a - "a" shear stress coefficient for current slope ! section ! b - "b" shear stress coefficient for current slope ! section ! phi - nondimensional deposition parameter for current plane ! theta - nondimensional interrill detachment parameter for ! current plane ! du - deposition rate at xu ! ktrato - nondimensional transport capacity coefficient ! qostar - nondimensional flow discharge onto an plane ! ! + + + local variables + + + ! + + + local variable definitions + + + ! ! begin function depc ! if (abs(qostar+xu).ge.10e-8) then depc = du - (a*ktrato*phi*2.0*(qostar+xu)/(phi+2.0)) - ((b* & & ktrato-2.0*a*ktrato*qostar-theta)*phi/(phi+1.0)) else depc = 0.0 end if ! return end