! SUBROUTINE water_erosion(isr, cd, cm, cy,luowepperod,sumfile) use wepp_interface_defs implicit none !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! water_erosion() ! ! This is the entry point for setting up the WEPP erosion ! routines. Any wind erosion processing is done before this ! subroutine. Also, this runs after any submodels have been ! run. See the main weps.for file where this is called from. ! ! This is run on a daily timestep. ! ! Jim Frankenberger ! November 7, 2008 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- include 'wepp_erosion.inc' integer, intent(in):: isr,cd,cm,cy,luowepperod,sumfile ! ! Local Variables ! integer j,iyear,noout real kiadj,kradj,shcrtadj real ainf(mxslp),binf(mxslp),cinf(mxslp) real ainftc(mxslp), binftc(mxslp), cinftc(mxslp) real canhgt,cancov, rtm15 real sand(mxnsl), silt(mxnsl), clay(mxnsl), orgmat(mxnsl) real thetdr(mxnsl), tens, rh, qshear real rrc,qostar, dg(mxnsl), st(mxnsl), thdp, frdp, phi real theta, tauc, eata, fidel(mxpart), tcf1(mxpart) real strldn, slpend, ktrato real frctrl, frcsol, tcend real shrsol,load(101) real avsole, rtm(3), smrm(3) integer ifrost,ndetach,ndepos real FRCFLW(MXPART), thetfc(mxnsl), por(mxnsl),prcp real dslost(101),dstot(1000),stdist(1000),ysdist(1000) real avedet,maxdet,ptdet real avedep,maxdep,ptdep real detpt1(100), detpt2(100), dtavls(100) real detstd(100), detmax(100), pdtmax(100) real detmin(100), deppt1(100), deppt2(100) real dpavls(100), depstd(100), depmax(100) real pdpmax(100), depmin(100), pdpmin(100) real pdtmin(100), enrato real anflst,bnflst,cnflst,atclst, btclst,ctclst,slpprv,wdhtop ! ! Local variable definitions ! ! ainf(mxslp) - nondimensional shear stress coefficient, computed by xinflo ! binf(mxslp) - nondimensional shear stress coefficient, computed by xinflo ! cinf(mxslp) - nondimensional shear stress coefficient, computed by xinflo ! ainftc(mxslp) - nondimensional transport coefficient, computed by xinflo ! binftc(mxslp) - nondimensional transport coefficient, computed by xinflo ! cinftc(mxslp) - nondimensional transport coefficient, computed by xinflo ! kiadj - adjusted ki after factor applied, computed by soil_adj ! kradj - adjusted kr after factor applied, computed by soil_adj ! shcrtadj - adjusted shcrit after factor applied, computed by soil_adj ! canhgt - canopy height(m), computed by getFromWeps ! cancov - canopy cover. computed by getFromWeps ! rtm15 - root mass at 15 cm, computed by getFromWeps ! thetdr - 15-bar soil water content (wilting point), computed by getFromWeps ! sand - sand content, computed by getFromWeps ! silt - silt content, computed by getFromWeps ! clay - clay content, computed by getFromWeps ! orgmat - organic matter, computed by getFromWeps ! rrc - random roughness coefficient (m) ! qostar - non-dimensional discharge out of strips, computed by xinflo ! qshear - peak flow discharge (m^3/s), computed by xinflo ! dg(mxnsl) - depth of each soil layer (m) ! st(mxnsl) - current available water content per soil layer (m) ! thdp - Thaw depth of the frozen-layer system ! frdp - depth of the frost layer ! por(mxnsl) - porosity for each soil layer(m**3/m**3) ! rh - ridge height coefficent ! thetfc(mxnsl) - 1/3-bar soil water content (field capacity) ! phi - ! theta - ! tauc - ! eata - ! fidel(mxpart) - ! tcf1(mxpart) - ! strldn - ! slpend - ! ktrato - ! effint - ! frctrl - ! frcsol - ! tcend - ! shrsol - ! load(101) - ! avsole - ! other ! wp_inrcov - interrill cover (0-1) ! wp_cycle - counter of # of freeze/thaw cycles occuring ! write(*,*) 'Compute WEPP EROSION : ', cm, '/', cd, '/', cy iyear = 0 noout = 2 wp_inrcov = 0.0 wp_bconsd = 0.02 do j = 2, 101 dslost(j-1) = 0.0 end do do j = 1, wp_npart frcflw(j) = 0.0 end do wp_irdgdx = 0.0 ! wp_enrato = 0.0 avsole = 0.0 wp_qsout = 0.0 enrato = 0.0 anflst = 0.0 bnflst = 0.0 cnflst = 0.0 atclst = 0.0 btclst = 0.0 ctclst = 0.0 slpprv = 0.0 wdhtop = 0.0 ! ! copy any weps variables into WEPP names ! variables that begin with wp_ are stored in the WEPP ! common area and don't have direct WEPS equivalent. ! For those variables that have a WEPS counterpart we can grab ! them now. ! call getFromWeps(isr,canhgt,cancov,sand,silt,clay,orgmat, & & rtm15,thetdr,rrc,dg,st,thdp,frdp, thetfc, por, rh, & & frctrl, frcsol,rtm,smrm,prcp) call soil_adj(wp_ki,wp_kr,wp_shcrit,kiadj,kradj,shcrtadj,rrc, & & canhgt, & & cancov, wp_inrcov,rtm15,rtm,wp_bconsd,wp_daydis,rh, & & wp_rspace, & & wp_avgslp,smrm,wp_krcrat,wp_tccrat,wp_kicrat,dg,thetdr,st, & & thdp,frdp, & & ifrost, & & thetfc,por,tens,wp_cycle) call xinflo(wp_x,wp_efflen,wp_slplen,wp_a,wp_b,wp_qin, & & wp_qout,wp_peakro,qostar, & & ainf,binf,cinf,ainftc,binftc,cinftc,qshear,wp_rspace, & & wp_nslpts) ! ! call param subroutine to calculate the nondimensional parameter ! values to use in the erosion calculations. ! call param(wp_qin,wp_qout,qostar,qshear,wp_qsout,wp_a,wp_b, & & wp_avgslp,wp_width,wp_rspace, & & ktrato,shrsol,tcend,frcsol,frctrl,rrc,wp_npart, & & wp_frac,wp_dia,wp_spg, & & wp_fall,wp_runoff,wp_effdrn,wp_effint,wp_effdrr,strldn, & & tcf1,fidel,eata, & & tauc,theta,phi,slpend,ainf,binf,cinf,ainftc,binftc, & & cinftc, & & sand,wp_slplen,kiadj,kradj,shcrtadj,wp_nslpts,wp_efflen, & & anflst, bnflst, cnflst, atclst, btclst, ctclst,slpprv, & & wdhtop,wp_rwflag) ! ! call the erosion routing subroutine route. ! this is largely taken from wepp v2004.7 dcf ! only do erosion calculations if there is runon or runoff ! from the hillslope element. ! if (wp_qin.gt.0.0 .or. wp_qout.gt.0.0)then call route(wp_qin,wp_qout,qostar,strldn,ktrato,ainf,binf,cinf, & & ainftc,binftc,cinftc,wp_npart,wp_frac,wp_frcly, & & wp_frslt, & & wp_frsnd, & & wp_frorg,wp_fall,frcflw,wp_nslpts,wp_x,wp_xu, & & wp_xl,load, & & enrato, & & tcf1,fidel,sand,silt,clay,orgmat,eata,tauc,theta, & & phi,wp_slplen) ! ! call the sloss subroutine to redimensionalize the ! sediment load at point output from route, and ! compute the dg/dx values at the points and sediment ! leaving the profile. ! call sloss(load,tcend,wp_width,wp_rspace,wp_effdrn,theta, & & wp_slplen,wp_irdgdx, & & wp_qsout,dslost,wp_dsmon, wp_dsyear, wp_dsavg, & & avsole,wp_qout,frcflw,wp_npart,enrato) ! ! following added to correct error at ofe break between ! a case 4 ofe and a case 2 ofe. dcf 1-21-2005 ! call sedseg(dslost,luowepperod,iyear,noout,dstot,stdist,wp_irdgdx,& & ysdist,wp_avgslp,wp_slplen,wp_y,avedet,maxdet,ptdet,avedep, & & maxdep,ptdep,detpt1, detpt2, dtavls, detstd, detmax, pdtmax, & & detmin, pdtmin, deppt1, deppt2, dpavls, depstd, depmax, pdpmax, & & depmin, pdpmin,ndetach,ndepos) if(wp_qout.le.0.0) wp_qsout = 0.0 ! ! write output to erosion events file ! call write_event(luowepperod,cd, cm, cy, prcp,wp_runoff*1000, & & wp_irdgdx,avedet,maxdet,ptdet,avedep,maxdep,ptdep,avsole, & & enrato) ! ! if detailed output in main file write event output there also ! but in a different format ! if (wp_detailout .eq. 1) then call write_main_event(sumfile,cd, cm, cy, prcp, & & wp_runoff*1000, & & wp_irdgdx,avedet,maxdet,ptdet,avedep,maxdep,ptdep,avsole, & & enrato,detpt1, detpt2, dtavls, detstd, detmax, pdtmax, & & detmin, pdtmin, deppt1, deppt2, dpavls, depstd, depmax, pdpmax, & & depmin, pdpmin,ndetach,ndepos,wp_npart,wp_frac,frcflw,wp_dia,& & wp_spg,wp_frsnd,wp_frslt, wp_frcly,wp_frorg, & & wp_slplen,wp_fwidth,wp_avgslp,stdist,dslost,1,0) endif ! call write_plot(sumfile,stdist, ysdist, dstot) ! call enrprt(sumfile,wp_npart,wp_frac,frcflw,wp_dia,wp_spg, & ! & wp_frsnd,wp_frslt, wp_frcly,wp_frorg,wp_enrato) ! endif ! else ! ! no runon or runoff for the ofe, then set soil loss, ! sediment, particle and enrichment outputs to zero. ! do j = 2, 101 dslost(j-1) = 0.0 end do do j = 1, wp_npart frcflw(j) = 0.0 end do wp_irdgdx = 0.0 ! wp_enrato = 0.0 avsole = 0.0 wp_qsout = 0.0 endif ! update running final, monthly and year totals wp_avsolf = wp_avsolf + avsole wp_avsolm = wp_avsolm + avsole wp_avsoly = wp_avsoly + avsole return 1100 format (3(i5), 3x, f5.1, 3x, f5.1, f7.3,f7.2,f7.2,f7.1, & 1 f7.2,f7.2,f7.1,2x,f8.3,f7.2) end