!$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ ! Note: The & in column 6 and column 73 are there to allow this ! included file to be acceptable for both free source form ! and the original fixed source form. ! This common block contains the state variables relating to ! the daily WERM weather parameters generated by the CLIGEN weather ! generator. ! Parameter include files: ! + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + real awrrh real awtdav real awtyav real awzypt real awtmav(12) real awtmnav(12) real awtmxav(12) real awzmpt(12) real awtdmxprev real awtdmn real awtdmx real awtdmnnext real awtdpt real awzdpt real awdurpt real awpeaktpt real awpeakipt real aweirr character*80 awclsn common / w1clig / & & awrrh, awtdav, awzypt, & & awtyav, awtmav, awtmnav, awtmxav, awzmpt, & & awtdmxprev, awtdmn, awtdmx, awtdmnnext, & & awtdpt, awzdpt, awdurpt, awpeaktpt, awpeakipt, & & aweirr, awclsn save :: /w1clig/ ! + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + ! awrrh - daily relative humidity. ! awtdav - Mean daily air temperature (deg C) ! awtyav - Average yearly air temperature (deg C) obtained from CLIGEN. ! awzypt - Average yearly total precipitation (mm) ! awtmav - Average monthly air temperature (deg C) obtained from the CLIGEN run file ! awtmnav - Average monthly minimum air temperature (deg C) obtained from the CLIGEN run file ! awtmxav - Average monthly maximum air temperature (deg C) obtained from the CLIGEN run file ! awzmpt - Average monthly total precipitation depth (mm) ! awtdmxprev - Maximum daily air temperatureof the previous day (deg C) ! awtdmn - Minimum daily air temperature (deg C) ! awtdmx - Maximum daily air temperature (deg C) ! awtdmnnext - Minimum daily air temperature of the next day (deg C) ! awtdpt - Daily dew point air temperature (deg C) ! awzdpt - Daily precipitation (mm) ! awpeaktpt - Normalized time to peak of Daily ! precipitation (time to peak/duration) ! awpeakipt - Normalized intensity of peak Daily ! precipitation (peak intensity/average intensity) ! aweirr - Daily global radiation (MJ/m^2) ! awclsn - CLIGEN station name from WEPS.RUN file