!$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ real function diffusive( theta, porosity, airtemp, atmpres ) ! calculation of the soil water vapor diffusivity in air (m^2/sec) ! using the methods from Campbell (1985) to account for temperature, ! pressure and air filled porosity !*** Argument declarations *** real theta, porosity, airtemp, atmpres ! theta - volumetric soil water content ! porosity - total soil porosity (air + water volume fraction) ! airtemp - air temperature (c) ! atmpres - atmospheric pressure (kPa) !*** Include files *** include 'hydro/vapprop.inc' !*** Local declarations *** real diffutp, airpore, poreb, porem ! diffutp - diffusivity adjusted for temperature and pressure (m^2/s) ! soilairpore - soil air filed porosity (m^3/m^3) ! poreb - b coefficient for diffusivity air filled pore function ! porem - m coefficient for diffusivity air filled pore function parameter (poreb = 0.66) parameter (porem = 1.0) diffutp = diffuntp * atmstand / atmpres & & * ((airtemp+zerokelvin)/zerokelvin)**2 airpore = max(0.0,porosity - theta) diffusive = diffutp * poreb * airpore ** porem return end