real function falvel(spg,dia) implicit none ! ! function falvel returns the fall velocity for a specific size ! class particle given specific gravity (spg), diameter (dia), ! kinematic viscosity of the water (kinvis), and acceleration ! of gravity (accgav) ! ! module adapted from wepp version 2004.7 and called from the ! main program ! ! author(s): d.c flanagan and j.c. ascough ii ! date last modified: 10-12-2004 ! ! + + + argument declarations + + + ! real, intent(in) :: spg, dia ! ! + + + argument definitions + + + ! ! spg - specific gravity ! dia - particle size diameter ! ! + + + local declarations + + + ! real kinvis, accgav, rtsid, rey, cdre(9), cdre2(9) integer i ! ! + + + local variable definitions + + + ! ! + + + data initializations + + + ! ! begin function falvel ! data cdre /-6.90775, -4.60517, -2.30258, 0.0, 2.30258, 4.60517, & & 6.90775, 9.21034, 11.51292/ data cdre2 / -4.50986, -1.51413, 0.78846, 3.12676, 6.04025, & & 9.30565, 13.08154, 17.50439, 22.29188/ ! kinvis = 1.0e-06 accgav = 9.807 ! ! dimensionless parameter (rtsid=cd*rey*rey) for drag coeffient ! rtsid = ((spg-1.0)*accgav*(dia**3)/(kinvis**2)) * (8.0/6.0) ! ! compute falvel from tabled values for larger particles ! if ( then rtsid = alog(rtsid) do i = 2, 9 if (cdre2(i).gt.rtsid) then rey = exp((rtsid-cdre2(i-1))/(cdre2(i)-cdre2(i-1))*( & & cdre(i)-cdre(i-1))+cdre(i-1)) falvel = rey * kinvis / dia return end if end do ! ! trap values which are larger than table values ! write (6,*) ' cdre2 out of range. spg=', spg, ' dia=', dia ! falvel = exp(cdre(9)) * kinvis / dia ! ! falvel using stokes solution for spheres for small particles ! else falvel = ((dia**2)*(spg-1.0)*(accgav)) / (kinvis*18.0) end if ! return ! end