subroutine param(qin,qout,qostar,qshear,qsout,a,b,avgslp, & & width,rspace,ktrato,shrsol,tcend,frcsol,frctrl,rrc,npart,frac,& & dia,spg,fall,runoff,effdrn,effint,effdrr,strldn,tcf1,fidel, & & eata,tauc,theta,phi,slpend,ainf,binf,cinf,ainftc,binftc, & & cinftc,sand,slplen,kiadj,kradj,shcrtadj,nslpts,efflen, & & anflst, bnflst, cnflst, atclst, btclst, ctclst,slpprv, wdhtop,& & rwflag) use wepp_interface_defs implicit none ! ! subroutine param finds dimensionless rill and interrill ! soil erosion parameters: one for interrill erosion (theta), ! two for rill erosion (eata and tauc), and one for deposition (phi) ! param calls functions shears and falvel, and subroutine trcoef ! ! module adapted from wepp version 2004.7 and called from the ! main program ! ! author(s): d.c. flanagan and j.c. ascough ii ! date last modified: 4-1-2005 ! ! + + + parameter declarations + + + ! include '' ! ! + + + argument declarations + + + ! real, intent(out) :: ktrato, shrsol, tcend, strldn, eata, tauc real, intent(out) :: phi, tcf1(mxpart), theta, fidel(mxpart) real, intent(out) :: slpend real, intent(out) :: ainftc(mxslp), binftc(mxslp),cinftc(mxslp) real, intent(inout) :: width,avgslp real, intent(in):: a(mxslp), b(mxslp),qin,qout,qostar real, intent(in):: qsout, qshear, rspace, frcsol, frctrl, rrc real, intent(in):: frac(mxpart), dia(mxpart),spg(mxpart) real, intent(in):: fall(mxpart), runoff,effdrn, effint, effdrr real, intent(in):: sand(mxnsl), slplen, kiadj, kradj, shcrtadj real, intent(in) ::efflen real, intent(inout):: ainf(mxslp),binf(mxslp),cinf(mxslp) integer, intent(in):: npart, nslpts,rwflag real, intent(inout) :: anflst, bnflst, cnflst, atclst, btclst real, intent(inout) :: ctclst, slpprv, wdhtop ! ! + + + argument definitions + + + ! ! ! + + + local variables + + + ! ! save anflst, bnflst, cnflst, atclst, btclst, ctclst ! real kt, kt2, shrend, detinr, diaeff, spgeff, sumf, veleff, beta, & & ktrprv, tcprev, & & sterm1, sterm2, spart1, tpart1, tterm1, tterm2, tprod, & & denom, shrspv, qi, rif, intdr, drinti(mxpart), az, bz, widprv,& & qtop,slptop,shrtp1,ktop1,ktop2,ktop real trcoef,shrdum, shrati, tcrati, pkro !real shears, falvel integer i,k, iclass ! ! + + + local variable definitions + + + ! ! drinti - unitless interrill delivery ratio of each particle size ! class (computed as function of rif) ! intdr - unitless weighted interrill sediment delivery ratio ! kt2 - transport coefficient calculated using the average ! of shrend and shrsol ! npart - number of particle types to use in calculating ! effective particle parameters ! shrend - shear stress calculated using actual slope at end ! of ofe ! shrsol - shear stress calculated using average slope of ofe ! detinr - interrill detchment rate ! diaeff - effective sediment diameter ! fall - fall velocity of each particle size of each ofe (m/s) ! spgeff - effective sediment specific gravity ! sumf - sum of the mass fractions of npart fractions ! veleff - effective particle full velocity ! beta - rainfall induced turbulence factor ! pkro - slope of the flow discharge line. for 1-ofe hills ! pkro is the flow discharge per unit width ! qi - average unit discharge of runoff from interrill ! over time of excess rainfall ! rif - interrill roughness factor for calculating sediment ! delivery (from foster, 1981 modeling chapter) ! ! begin subroutine param ! ! compute actual slope gradient at the end of slope (slpend) ! ! case of positive outflow ! if ( slpend = (a(nslpts)*1.0 + b(nslpts)) * avgslp ! ! case of no outflow from plane ! if (qout.le.0.0) slpend = b(2) * avgslp ! ! obtain variables needed for making shear stress and transport ! capacity continuous at flow plane breaks ! if ( .and. then qtop = qin * rspace slptop = b(2) * avgslp call sheart(qtop,slptop,rspace,wdhtop,frcsol,frctrl,shrtp1) if ( shrtp1 = 0.000001 call sheart(qtop,slpprv,rspace,wdhtop,frcsol,frctrl,shrspv) if ( shrspv = 0.000001 call trcoeff(trcoef,shrtp1,sand,dia,spg,tcf1,npart,frac) ktop1 = trcoef shrdum = (shrtp1+shrspv) / 2.0 call trcoeff(trcoef,shrdum,sand,dia,spg,tcf1,npart,frac) ktop2 = trcoef ktop = ktop2 / ktop1 tcprev = ktop1 * shrspv**1.5 ktrprv = ktop end if ! ! compute shear stress at the end of slope (shrend) using actual ! slope gradient ! call shears(qshear,slpend,rspace,width,frcsol,frctrl,shrend, & & rwflag) if ( shrend = 0.000001 ! ! compute shear stress at the end of the slope (shrsol) using ! average slope gradient (avgslp) ! call shears(qshear,avgslp,rspace,width,frcsol,frctrl,shrsol, & & rwflag) ! if ( shrsol = 0.000001 ! ! compute the transport coefficient (kt) based on the average slope ! for the purpose of normalizing ! call trcoeff(trcoef,shrsol,sand,dia,spg,tcf1,npart,frac) ! kt = trcoef ! ! compute transport coefficient (kt2) using the average of ! shrend and shrsol ! shrdum = (shrend+shrsol) / 2.0 call trcoeff(trcoef,shrdum,sand,dia,spg,tcf1,npart,frac) ! kt2 = trcoef ! ! compute the normalized transport coefficient (ktrato) ! ktrato = kt2 / kt ! ! compute sediment transport capacity (tcend) at end of average ! slope ! tcend = kt * shrsol ** 1.5 ! ! limit tcend so that it is a very small number, but never 0.0 so ! that the code will not bomb for inputs of zero slopes ! if ( tcend = 1.0e-10 ! ! compute the starting nondimensional sediment load at the top of ! the current flow plane ! if (qin.le.0.0 .or. qout.le.0.0)then strldn = qsout * rspace / tcend / width else strldn = qsout * rspace / tcend / wdhtop endif ! ! compute new values of shear stress (ainf,binf,cinf) coefficients ! and new values of transport coefficients (ainftc,binftc,cinftc) ! that make shear stress and transport capacity functions ! continuous on adjacent planes ! if ( then ! ! check to see that the shear stress at the end of the previous ! ofe was not zero - if it is zero the solutions for the new ! shear stress and transport coefficients are not valid and must ! use original values calculated in xinflo.for ! spart1 = anflst + bnflst + cnflst ! if ( then sterm1 = b(2) / spart1 sterm2 = (shrspv/shrsol) ** 1.5 shrati = 1.0 / ((sterm1/sterm2)-1.0) tpart1 = atclst + btclst + ctclst ! if ( then tterm1 = b(2) / tpart1 else tterm1 = b(2) / 1.0e-5 end if ! tterm2 = ((tcend/tcprev)*(ktrato/ktrprv)) tprod = (tterm1*tterm2) - 1.0 ! if (abs(tprod).gt.1.0e-5) then tcrati = 1.0 / tprod else if ( then tcrati = 1.0 / 1.0e-5 else tcrati = -1.0 / 1.0e-5 end if end if ! ! else - have zero transport capacity at beginning of ofe ! due to a zero slope condition - if this is the case the best ! solution is to use qostar in place of shrati and tcrati ! since it will usually still have a reasonable number - and ! when you have a zero slope at an ofe boundary the shear ! and transport will still be continuous even when using ! qostar ! else shrati = qostar tcrati = qostar end if ! ! re-calculate the shear stress and transport coefficients ! using the just calculated shear stress and transport ratios ! do i = 2, nslpts ! denom = (shrati+1.0) ! ! prevent the denominator term for the coefficients from ! becoming zero, which will cause code to bomb in ! following computations ! if (abs(denom).lt.1.0e-3) then if ( then denom = 0.001 else denom = -0.001 end if end if ! ainf(i) = a(i) / denom binf(i) = (a(i)*shrati+b(i)) / denom cinf(i) = (b(i)*shrati/denom) ! denom = (tcrati+1.0) ! ! prevent the denominator term for the coefficients from ! becoming zero, which will cause the code to bomb in ! following computations ! if (abs(denom).lt.1.0e-3) then if ( then denom = 0.001 else denom = -0.001 end if end if ! ainftc(i) = a(i) / denom binftc(i) = (a(i)*tcrati+b(i)) / denom cinftc(i) = (b(i)*tcrati/denom) ! anflst = ainf(i) bnflst = binf(i) cnflst = cinf(i) ! atclst = ainftc(i) btclst = binftc(i) ctclst = cinftc(i) ! end do ! end if ! if (qin.le.0.0) then do i = 2, nslpts anflst = ainf(i) bnflst = binf(i) cnflst = cinf(i) ! atclst = ainf(i) btclst = binf(i) ctclst = cinf(i) end do end if ! ! compute dimensionless parameters for rill erosion (eata and tauc) ! eata = slplen * kradj * shrsol / tcend tauc = shcrtadj / shrsol ! ! compute the interrill delivery ! ratio as function of random roughness and particle size ! distribution ! rif = -23.0 * rrc + 1.14 ! if ( rif = 0.0 if ( rif = 1.0 ! intdr = 0.0 ! do iclass = 1, npart if (fall(iclass).lt.0.01) then bz = 0.1286 + 2209.0 * fall(iclass) az = exp(0.0672+659.0*fall(iclass)) drinti(iclass) = az * rif ** bz else drinti(iclass) = 2.5 * rif - 1.5 end if if (drinti(iclass).gt.1.0) drinti(iclass) = 1.0 if (drinti(iclass).lt.0.0) drinti(iclass) = 0.0 intdr = intdr + frac(iclass) * drinti(iclass) end do ! do iclass = 1, npart ! ! added check to prevent a divide by zero if no delivery of ! interrill sediment ! ! this problem has been enhanced due to the new equation ! added above to compute rif (now, for an "rrc" value of ! 0.05 meters (2 inches) or greater, the value of rif is ! always zero, causing a bomb here) ! if ( then fidel(iclass) = frac(iclass) * drinti(iclass) / intdr else fidel(iclass) = 0.0 end if end do ! if ( then qi = runoff / effdrr else qi = 0.0 end if ! if ( then detinr = kiadj * effint * qi * intdr * rspace / width else detinr = 0.0 end if ! ! compute dimensionless interill erosion parameter (theta) ! theta = slplen * detinr / tcend if (qout.le.qin) then ! for planes with no rainfall excess, set interrill detachment ! parameter to 0.0 theta = 0.0 else ! time correction for interrill detachment theta = theta * (effdrr/effdrn) endif ! ! compute the effective particle diameter (diaeff), effective ! specific gravity (spgeff), and effective particle fall ! velocity (veleff) using three size classes (primary clay, ! silt and sand) ! diaeff = 0.0 spgeff = 0.0 sumf = 0.0 ! ! corrections need to be made here to compute the effective ! diameter, specific gravity, and fall velocity when there are ! large amounts of large aggregates or sand present ! do k = 1, 3 diaeff = diaeff + frac(k) * alog(dia(k)) spgeff = spgeff + frac(k) * alog(spg(k)) sumf = sumf + frac(k) end do ! if ( then diaeff = exp(diaeff/sumf) spgeff = exp(spgeff/sumf) veleff = falvel(spgeff,diaeff) ! ! set the turbulence factor beta to 0.5 ! beta = 0.5 ! end if ! end if ! ! compute the slope of the flow discharge line (pkro) ! pkro = -1.0e-10 ! if ( then pkro = (qout-qin) / slplen else if ( then if ( then pkro = -qin / efflen else pkro = -1.0e-10 end if end if end if ! ! compute demensionless deposition parameter (phi) ! if (abs(pkro).ge.1.0e-15) then phi = beta * veleff / pkro else ! ! if slope of flow discharge line is almost 0.0 then ! set maximum value of deposition parameter to +-100000 ! if ( then phi = 100000. else phi = -100000. end if end if ! ! limit value of deposition parameter to absolute value of 100000 ! if ( phi = 100000.0 if ( phi = -100000.0 ! return end