!$Author: joelevin $ !$Date: 2011-03-24 11:33:26 -0500 (Thu, 24 Mar 2011) $ !$Revision: 11724 $ !$HeadURL: https://svn.weru.ksu.edu/weru/weps1/trunk/weps.src/src/inc/hydro/vapprop.inc $ ! soil vapor properties required for calculations real rgas, molewater, zerokelvin real denwat, gravconst, potwilt, potfc, potfcs real diffuntp, atmstand, templapse, tempstand, rair ! rgas - universal gas constant (joules/(mole degree K) ! molewater - molecular weight of water (kg/mole) ! zerokelvin - kelvin equivalent of zero degree centigrade ! denwat - density of the liquid (water) (kg/m^3) ! gravconst - acceleration due to gravity (m/s^2) ! potwilt - matric potential for wilting point (15 bar) in meters of water ! potfc - matric potential for field capacity (1/3 bar) in meters of water ! potfcs - matric potential for field capacity (1/10 bar) in meters of water ! diffuntp - Binary diffusion coefficient for water vapor in air at ! normal temperature and pressure (0 C, 1 standard atmosphere) (m^2/s) ! atmstand - standard atmosphere (kilopascals) ! templapse - temperature lapse rate for troposphere (degree K/meter) ! tempstand - standard temperature used to find standard atmosphere (degree K) ! rair - gas constant for air (J/kg/K or m^2/s^2/K) !*** Parameter Definitions *** parameter (rgas = 8.3143) parameter (molewater = 0.018) parameter (zerokelvin = 273.16) parameter (denwat = 1000.0) parameter (gravconst = 9.807) parameter (potwilt = -152.95) !in meters of water at max density parameter (potfc = -3.3989) !in meters of water at max density parameter (potfcs = -1.01967) !in meters of water at max density parameter (diffuntp = 2.12e-5) parameter (atmstand = 101.3) parameter (templapse = 0.0065) parameter (tempstand = 288.0) parameter (rair = 287.0)