!$Author: wjr $ !$Date: 2012-03-30 09:46:26 -0500 (Fri, 30 Mar 2012) $ !$Revision: 12162 $ !$HeadURL: https://svn.weru.ksu.edu/weru/weps1/trunk/weps.src/src/inc/main/w1cli.inc $ ! This common block contains the buffers that cligen data is read into ! Edit History ! 08-Mar-99 wjr created ! ! Parameter include files: ! + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + integer wcd(maxCliWinInp) integer wcm(maxCliWinInp) integer wcy(maxCliWinInp) integer n_header integer daycdx integer newyrcdx logical cwrnflg real wwzdpt(maxCliWinInp) real wwdurpt(maxCliWinInp) real wwpeaktpt(maxCliWinInp) real wwpeakipt(maxCliWinInp) real wwtdmx(maxCliWinInp) real wwtdmn(maxCliWinInp) real wgrad(maxCliWinInp) real wwtdpt(maxCliWinInp) integer maxday parameter (maxday = 366) common /w1cli/ & & wwzdpt, wwtdmx, wwtdmn, wgrad, & & wwtdpt, wwdurpt, wwpeaktpt, wwpeakipt, & & wcd, wcm, wcy, n_header, daycdx, newyrcdx, cwrnflg save :: /w1cli/ ! the following definitions don't match the variables declared. ! this should be fixed. ! + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + ! wcd - day ! wcm - month ! wcy - year ! maxday - maximum number of days in the year ! n_header - number of lines in the cligen file header ! daycdx - index pointing to current day in cligen file buffer ! newyrcdx - index pointing to first day of next year in cligen file buffer ! cwrnflg - indicator turing off cligen warnings after the first ! wwzdpt - Daily precipitation (mm) ! wwdurpt - Duration of Daily precipitation (hours) ! wwpeaktpt - Normalized time to peak of Daily ! precipitation (time to peak/duration) ! wwpeakipt - Normalized intensity of peak Daily ! precipitation (peak intensity/average intensity) ! wwtdmx - Maximum daily air temperature (deg C) ! wwtdmn - Minimum daily air temperature (deg C) ! wgrad - Daily global radiation (langleys/day) (as in cligen file) ! wwtdpt - Daily dew point air temperature (deg C)