!$Author: joelevin $ !$Date: 2011-03-24 11:33:26 -0500 (Thu, 24 Mar 2011) $ !$Revision: 11724 $ !$HeadURL: https://svn.weru.ksu.edu/weru/weps1/trunk/weps.src/src/lib_crop/cookyield.for $ subroutine cookyield(bchyfg, bnslay, dlfwt, dstwt, drpwt, drswt, & & bcmstandstem, bcmstandleaf, bcmstandstore, & & bcmflatstem, bcmflatleaf, bcmflatstore, & & bcmrootstorez, lost_mass, & & bcyld_coef, bcresid_int, bcgrf ) ! + + + PURPOSE + + + ! adjust incremental biomass allocation to leaf stem and reproductive ! pools to match the input residue yield ratio and intercept value, ! if running the model in that mode ! + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer bchyfg, bnslay real dlfwt, dstwt, drpwt, drswt real bcmstandstem, bcmstandleaf, bcmstandstore real bcmflatstem, bcmflatleaf, bcmflatstore real bcmrootstorez(*), lost_mass real bcyld_coef, bcresid_int, bcgrf ! + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + ! bchyfg - flag indicating the part of plant to apply the "grain fraction", ! GRF, to when removing that plant part for yield ! 0 GRF applied to above ground storage (seeds, reproductive) ! 1 GRF times growth stage factor (see growth.for) applied to ! above ground storage (seeds, reproductive) ! 2 GRF applied to all aboveground biomass (forage) ! 3 GRF applied to leaf mass (tobacco) ! 4 GRF applied to stem mass (sugarcane) ! 5 GRF applied to below ground storage mass (potatoes, peanuts) ! bnslay - number of soil layers ! dlfwt - increment in leaf dry weight (kg/m^2) ! dstwt - increment in dry weight of stem (kg/m^2) ! drpwt - increment in reproductive mass (kg/m^2) ! drswt - biomass diverted from partitioning to root storage ! bcmstandstem - crop standing stem mass (kg/m^2) ! bcmstandleaf - crop standing leaf mass (kg/m^2) ! bcmstandstore - crop standing storage mass (kg/m^2) ! (head with seed, or vegetative head (cabbage, pineapple)) ! bcmflatstem - crop flat stem mass (kg/m^2) ! bcmflatleaf - crop flat leaf mass (kg/m^2) ! bcmflatstore - crop flat storage mass (kg/m^2) ! bcmrootstorez - crop root storage mass by soil layer (kg/m^2) ! (tubers (potatoes, carrots), extended leaf (onion), seeds (peanuts)) ! lost_mass - biomass that decayed (disappeared) ! bcyld_coef - yield coefficient (kg/kg) harvest_residue = bcyld_coef(kg/kg) * Yield + bcresid_int (kg/m^2) ! bcresid_int - residue intercept (kg/m^2) harvest_residue = bcyld_coef(kg/kg) * Yield + bcresid_int (kg/m^2) ! bcgrf - fraction of reproductive biomass that is yield ! + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + ! + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + integer idx real ddm_res_yld, temp_tot, store_mass, ddm_adj ! + + + LOCAL VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + ! idx - array index used in loops ! ddm_res_yld - increment in aboveground dry matter (kg/m^2) ! temp_tot - temporary total biomass ! store_mass - intermediate storage mass value ! ddm_adj - adjusted increment in aboveground dry matter (kg/m^2) ! + + + FUNCTIONS CALLED + + + ! + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + ! + + + END OF SPECIFICATIONS + + + ! bchyfg = 0 - GRF times reproductive mass ! bchyfg = 1 - GRF calculated in growth.FOR times reproductive mass (grain) ! bchyfg = 5 - GRF times below ground storage mass ! method based on yield residue relationship ! sum yield mass increments select case (bchyfg) case (0,1) ! 0 - GRF times reproductive mass ! 1 - GRF calculated in growth.FOR times reproductive mass (grain) ! change in residue + yield biomass ! (new mass (abovegound + yield) - lost scenesced mass) ddm_res_yld = dlfwt + dstwt + drpwt - lost_mass case (5) ! 5 - GRF times below ground storage mass ! change in residue + yield biomass ! (new mass (abovegound + yield) - lost scenesced mass) ddm_res_yld = dlfwt + dstwt + drpwt + drswt - lost_mass case default ! no adjustment ! variable must be initialized ddm_res_yld = 0.0 end select ! find yield storage mass increment based on yield residue relationship ! sum present yield + residue biomass temp_tot = 0.0 if ( bchyfg .eq. 5) then ! 5 - GRF times below ground storage mass do idx = 1, bnslay temp_tot = temp_tot + bcmrootstorez(idx) end do end if ! add lost mass here to allow removing if mass was above threshold temp_tot = temp_tot + lost_mass & & + bcmstandstem + bcmstandleaf + bcmstandstore & & + bcmflatstem + bcmflatleaf + bcmflatstore if( temp_tot + ddm_res_yld .le. bcresid_int ) then store_mass = 0.0 else if( temp_tot .le. bcresid_int ) then store_mass = (ddm_res_yld - (bcresid_int-temp_tot)) & & / bcyld_coef / bcgrf else store_mass = ddm_res_yld / bcyld_coef / bcgrf end if select case (bchyfg) case (0,1) ! 0 - GRF times reproductive mass ! 1 - GRF calculated in growth.FOR times reproductive mass (grain) ! (new mass (abovegound + yield) - lost scenesced mass) ddm_adj = dlfwt + dstwt + drpwt ! set reproductive mass increment drpwt = store_mass ! find remainder of mass increment ddm_adj = ddm_adj - drpwt ! distribute remainder of mass increment between stem and leaf ! leaf increment gets priority if( ddm_adj .gt. dlfwt ) then ! set stem increment dstwt = ddm_adj - dlfwt else ! not enough for both, leaf increment reduced dstwt = 0.0 dlfwt = ddm_adj end if case (5) ! 5 - GRF times below ground storage mass ddm_adj = dlfwt + dstwt + drpwt + drswt ! set reproductive mass increment drswt = store_mass ! find remainder of mass increment ddm_adj = ddm_adj - drswt ! distribute remainder of mass increment between stem and leaf ! leaf increment, then reproductive gets priority if( ddm_adj .gt. dlfwt + drpwt ) then ! set stem increment dstwt = ddm_adj - dlfwt - drpwt else if( ddm_adj .gt. dlfwt ) then ! set stem increment dstwt = 0.0 ! set reproductive increment drpwt = ddm_adj - dlfwt else ! not enough for both, leaf increment reduced dstwt = 0.0 drpwt = 0.0 dlfwt = ddm_adj end if case default ! no adjustment end select return end