!$Author: fredfox $ !$Date: 2011-06-23 10:32:39 -0500 (Thu, 23 Jun 2011) $ !$Revision: 11930 $ !$HeadURL: https://svn.weru.ksu.edu/weru/weps1/trunk/weps.src/src/lib_crop/cropinit.for $ subroutine cropinit(isr) ! + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer isr ! + + + PARAMETERS AND COMMON BLOCKS + + + include 'p1werm.inc' include 'c1info.inc' include 'c1gen.inc' include 'c1report.inc' include 'c1db1.inc' include 'c1db2.inc' include 'c1glob.inc' include 'b1glob.inc' include 's1layr.inc' include 's1sgeo.inc' include 'manage/tcrop.inc' include 'crop/gcrop.inc' ! + + + LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + integer idx acmstandstem(isr) = 0.0 acmstandleaf(isr) = 0.0 acmstandstore(isr) = 0.0 acmflatstem(isr) = 0.0 acmflatleaf(isr) = 0.0 acmflatstore(isr) = 0.0 do idx = 1, mnsz acmrootstorez(idx,isr) = 0.0 acmrootfiberz(idx,isr) = 0.0 acmbgstemz(idx,isr) = 0.0 end do aczht(isr) = 0.0 acdstm(isr) = 0.0 aczrtd(isr) = 0.0 acdayap(isr) = 0 acthucum(isr) = 0.0 actrthucum(isr) = 0.0 acgrainf(isr) = 0.0 acmrootstore(isr) = 0.0 acmrootfiber(isr) = 0.0 acxstmrep(isr) = 0.0 acfliveleaf(isr) = 0.0 acm(isr) = 0.0 acmst(isr) = 0.0 acmf(isr) = 0.0 acmrt(isr) = 0.0 do idx = 1, mnsz acmrtz(idx,isr) = 0.0 end do acrsai(isr) = 0.0 acrlai(isr) = 0.0 do idx = 1, mncz acrsaz(idx,isr) = 0.0 acrlaz(idx,isr) = 0.0 end do acffcv(isr) = 0.0 acfscv(isr) = 0.0 acftcv(isr) = 0.0 acxstm(isr) = 0.0 acrbc(isr) = 1 accovfact(isr) = 0.0 ac0ck(isr) = 0.0 abdstm(isr) = 0.0 abffcv(isr) = 0.0 abfscv(isr) = 0.0 ! initialize some derived globals for crop global variables acfcancov(isr) = 0.0 acrcd(isr) = 0.0 ! crop harvest reporting day counters cprevrotation(isr) = 1 ! initialize crop yield reporting parameters in case harvest call before planting ac0nam(isr) = '' acynmu(isr) = '' acycon(isr) = 1.0 acywct(isr) = 0.0 ! initialize crop type id to 0 indicating no crop type is growing ac0idc(isr) = 0 ac0sla(isr) = 0.0 acdpop(isr) = 0.0 ! initialize row placement to be on the ridge ac0rg(isr) = 1 ! initialize harvestable yield fraction flag achyfg(isr) = 0 ! initialize decomp parameters since they are used before a crop is growing do idx = 1, mndk acdkrate(idx,isr) = 0.0 end do acddsthrsh(isr) = 0.0 ! temporary crop atmstandstem(isr) = 0.0 atmstandleaf(isr) = 0.0 atmstandstore(isr) = 0.0 atmflatstem(isr) = 0.0 atmflatleaf(isr) = 0.0 atmflatstore(isr) = 0.0 atmflatrootstore(isr) = 0.0 atmflatrootfiber(isr) = 0.0 do idx = 1, mnsz atmbgstemz(idx,isr) = 0.0 atmbgleafz(idx,isr) = 0.0 atmbgstorez(idx,isr) = 0.0 atmbgrootstorez(idx,isr) = 0.0 atmbgrootfiberz(idx,isr) = 0.0 end do atzht(isr) = 0.0 atdstm(isr) = 0.0 atxstmrep(isr) = 0.0 atzrtd(isr) = 0.0 atgrainf(isr) = 0.0 ! temporary crop agmstandstem(isr) = 0.0 agmstandleaf(isr) = 0.0 agmstandstore(isr) = 0.0 agmflatstem(isr) = 0.0 agmflatleaf(isr) = 0.0 agmflatstore(isr) = 0.0 agmflatrootstore(isr) = 0.0 agmflatrootfiber(isr) = 0.0 do idx = 1, mnsz agmbgstemz(idx,isr) = 0.0 agmbgleafz(idx,isr) = 0.0 agmbgstorez(idx,isr) = 0.0 agmbgrootstorez(idx,isr) = 0.0 agmbgrootfiberz(idx,isr) = 0.0 end do agzht(isr) = 0.0 agdstm(isr) = 0.0 agxstmrep(isr) = 0.0 agzrtd(isr) = 0.0 aggrainf(isr) = 0.0 ! values that need initialization for cdbug calls (before initial crop entry) actdtm(isr) = 0 ac0shoot(isr) = 0.0 return end