!$Author: joelevin $ !$Date: 2011-03-24 11:33:26 -0500 (Thu, 24 Mar 2011) $ !$Revision: 11724 $ !$HeadURL: https://svn.weru.ksu.edu/weru/weps1/trunk/weps.src/src/lib_crop/shoot_grow.for $ subroutine shoot_grow( bnslay, bszlyd, bcdpop, & & bczmxc, bczmrt, bcfleafstem, & & bcfshoot, bc0ssa, bc0ssb, bc0diammax, & & hui, huiy, bcthu_shoot_beg, bcthu_shoot_end, & & bcmstandstem, bcmstandleaf, bcmstandstore, & & bcmflatstem, bcmflatleaf, bcmflatstore, & & bcmshoot, bcmtotshoot, bcmbgstemz, & & bcmrootstorez, bcmrootfiberz, & & bczht, bczshoot, bcdstm, bczrtd, & & bczgrowpt, bcfliveleaf, bc0nam, & & bchyfg, bcyld_coef, bcresid_int, bcgrf, & & daysim, bcdayap ) ! + + + PURPOSE + + + ! + + + KEYWORDS + + + ! shoot growth ! + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer bnslay real bszlyd(*), bcdpop real bczmxc, bczmrt, bcfleafstem real bcfshoot, bc0ssa, bc0ssb, bc0diammax real hui, huiy, bcthu_shoot_beg, bcthu_shoot_end real bcmstandstem, bcmstandleaf, bcmstandstore real bcmflatstem, bcmflatleaf, bcmflatstore real bcmshoot, bcmtotshoot, bcmbgstemz(*) real bcmrootstorez(*), bcmrootfiberz(*) real bczht, bczshoot, bcdstm, bczrtd real bczgrowpt, bcfliveleaf character*(80) bc0nam integer bchyfg real bcyld_coef, bcresid_int, bcgrf integer daysim, bcdayap ! + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + ! bnslay - number of soil layers ! bszlyd - depth from top of soil to botom of layer, m ! bcdpop - Number of plants per unit area (#/m^2) ! - Note: bcdstm/bcdpop gives the number of stems per plant ! bczmxc - maximum potential plant height (m) ! bczmrt - maximum root depth ! bcfleafstem - crop leaf to stem mass ratio for shoots ! bcfshoot - crop ratio of shoot diameter to length ! bc0ssa - stem area to mass coefficient a, result is m^2 per plant ! bc0ssb - stem area to mass coefficient b, argument is kg per plant ! bc0diammax - crop maximum plant diameter (m) ! hui - heat unit index for today ! huiy - heat unit index for yesterday ! bcthu_shoot_beg - heat unit index (fraction) for beginning of shoot grow from root storage period ! bcthu_shoot_end - heat unit index (fraction) for end of shoot grow from root storage period ! bcmstandstem - crop standing stem mass (kg/m^2) ! bcmstandleaf - crop standing leaf mass (kg/m^2) ! bcmstandstore - crop standing storage mass (kg/m^2) ! (head with seed, or vegetative head (cabbage, pineapple)) ! bcmflatstem - crop flat stem mass (kg/m^2) ! bcmflatleaf - crop flat leaf mass (kg/m^2) ! bcmflatstore - crop flat storage mass (kg/m^2) ! bcmshoot - crop shoot mass grown from root storage (kg/m^2) ! this is a "breakout" mass and does not represent a unique pool ! since this mass is destributed into below ground stem and ! standing stem as each increment of the shoot is added ! bcmtotshoot - total mass of shoot growing from root storage biomass (kg/m^2) ! in the period from beginning to completion of emegence heat units ! bcmbgstemz - crop stem mass below soil surface by layer (kg/m^2) ! bcmrootstorez - crop root storage mass by soil layer (kg/m^2) ! (tubers (potatoes, carrots), extended leaf (onion), seeds (peanuts)) ! bcmrootfiberz - crop root fibrous mass by soil layer (kg/m^2) ! bczht - Crop height (m) ! bczshoot - length of actively growing shoot from root biomass (m) ! bcdstm - Number of crop stems per unit area (#/m^2) ! bczrtd - root depth (m) ! bczgrowpt - depth in the soil of the growing point (m) ! bcfliveleaf - fraction of standing plant leaf which is living (transpiring) ! bc0nam - crop name ! bchyfg - flag indicating the part of plant to apply the "grain fraction", ! GRF, to when removing that plant part for yield ! 0 GRF applied to above ground storage (seeds, reproductive) ! 1 GRF times growth stage factor (see growth.for) applied to ! above ground storage (seeds, reproductive) ! 2 GRF applied to all aboveground biomass (forage) ! 3 GRF applied to leaf mass (tobacco) ! 4 GRF applied to stem mass (sugarcane) ! 5 GRF applied to below ground storage mass (potatoes, peanuts) ! bcyld_coef - yield coefficient (kg/kg) harvest_residue = bcyld_coef(kg/kg) * Yield + bcresid_int (kg/m^2) ! bcresid_int - residue intercept (kg/m^2) harvest_residue = bcyld_coef(kg/kg) * Yield + bcresid_int (kg/m^2) ! bcgrf - fraction of reproductive biomass that is yield ! daysim - day of the simulation ! bcdayap - number of days of growth completed since crop planted ! + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include 'file.inc' include 'm1flag.inc' include 'p1unconv.inc' include 'command.inc' ! + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + integer day, mo, yr, doy integer lay real shoot_hui, shoot_huiy real fexp_hui, fexp_huiy real d_shoot_mass, d_stem_mass, d_leaf_mass, d_root_mass real d_s_root_mass, tot_mass_req, red_mass_rat, diff_mass real end_root_mass, end_shoot_mass, end_stem_mass real end_stem_area, end_shoot_len, yesterday_len real stem_propor real ag_stem, bg_stem, flat_stem, stand_stem real f_root_sum, s_root_sum real lost_mass, dlfwt, dstwt, drpwt, drswt ! + + + LOCAL VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + ! day - day of month ! mo - month of year ! yr - year ! doy - day of year ! lay - index into soil layers for looping ! shoot_hui - today fraction of heat unit shoot growth index accumulation ! shoot_huiy - previous day fraction of heat unit shoot growth index accumulation ! fexp_hui - exponential function evaluated at todays shoot heat unit index ! fexp_huiy - exponential function evaluated at yesterdays shoot heat unit index ! d_shoot_mass - mass increment added to shoot for the present day (mg/shoot) ! d_stem_mass - mass increment added to stem for the present day (mg/shoot) ! d_leaf_mass - mass increment added to leaf for the present day (mg/shoot) ! d_root_mass - mass increment added to roots for the present day (mg/shoot) ! d_s_root_mass - mass increment removed from storage roots for the present day (mg/shoot) ! tot_mass_req - mass required from root mass for one shoot (mg/shoot) ! red_mass_rat - ratio of reduced mass available for stem growth to expected mass available ! diff_mass - mass difference for adjustment ! end_root_mass - total root mass at end of shoot growth period (mg/shoot) ! end_shoot_mass - total shoot mass at end of shoot growth period (mg/shoot) ! end_stem_mass - total stem mass at end of shoot growth period (mg/shoot) ! end_stem_area - total stem area at end of shoot growth period (m^2/shoot) ! end_shoot_len - total shoot length at end of shoot growth period (m) ! yesterday_len - length of shoot yesterday (m) ! stem_propor - ratio of standing stems mass to flat stem mass ! ag_stem - above ground stem mass (mg/shoot) ! bg_stem - below ground stem mass (mg/shoot) ! flat_stem - flat stem mass (mg/shoot) ! stand_stem - standing stem mass (mg/shoot) ! f_root_sum - fibrous root mass sum (total in all layers) (kg/m^2) ! s_root_sum - storage root mass sum (total in all layers) (kg/m^2) ! lost_mass - passed into cook yield, is simply set to zero ! dlfwt - increment in leaf dry weight (kg/m^2) ! dstwt - increment in dry weight of stem (kg/m^2) ! drpwt - increment in reproductive mass (kg/m^2) ! drswt - biomass diverted from partitioning to root storage ! + + + LOCAL PARAMETERS + + + real shoot_exp, be_stor, rootf parameter( shoot_exp = 2.0 ) parameter( be_stor = 0.7 ) parameter( rootf = 0.4 ) ! + + + LOCAL PARAMETER DEFINITIONS + + + ! shoot_exp - exponent for shape of exponential function ! small numbers go toward straight line ! large numbers delay development to end of period ! be_stor - conversion efficiency of biomass from storage to growth ! rootf - fraction of biomass allocated to roots when growing from seed ! + + + FUNCTIONS CALLED + + + integer dayear real frac_lay ! + + + END OF SPECIFICATIONS + + + call caldatw(day, mo, yr) doy = dayear (day, mo, yr) ! fraction of shoot growth from stored reserves (today and yesterday) shoot_hui = min( 1.0, (hui - bcthu_shoot_beg) & & / (bcthu_shoot_end - bcthu_shoot_beg) ) shoot_huiy = max( 0.0, (huiy - bcthu_shoot_beg) & & / (bcthu_shoot_end - bcthu_shoot_beg) ) ! total shoot mass is grown at an exponential rate fexp_hui = (exp(shoot_exp*shoot_hui)-1.0) / (exp(shoot_exp)-1) fexp_huiy = (exp(shoot_exp*shoot_huiy)-1.0) / (exp(shoot_exp)-1) ! sum present storage and fibrous root mass (kg/m^2) s_root_sum = 0.0 f_root_sum = 0.0 do lay = 1, bnslay s_root_sum = s_root_sum + bcmrootstorez(lay) f_root_sum = f_root_sum + bcmrootfiberz(lay) end do ! calculate storage mass required to grow a single shoot ! units: kg/m^2 / ( shoots/m^2 * kg/mg ) = mg/shoot tot_mass_req = bcmtotshoot / (bcdstm * mgtokg) ! divide ending mass between shoot and root if( f_root_sum .le. bcmshoot ) then ! this works as long as rootf <= 0.5 !roots develop along with shoot from same mass end_shoot_mass = tot_mass_req * be_stor * (1.0-rootf) end_root_mass = tot_mass_req * be_stor * rootf else !roots remain static, while shoot uses all mass from storage end_shoot_mass = tot_mass_req * be_stor end_root_mass = 0.0 end if ! this days incremental shoot mass for a single shoot (mg/shoot) d_shoot_mass = end_shoot_mass * (fexp_hui - fexp_huiy) d_root_mass = end_root_mass * (fexp_hui - fexp_huiy) ! this days mass removed from the storage root (mg/shoot) d_s_root_mass = (d_shoot_mass + d_root_mass) / be_stor ! check that sufficient storage root mass is available ! units: mg/shoot = kg/m^2 / (kg/mg * shoot/m^2) diff_mass = d_s_root_mass - s_root_sum / (bcdstm * mgtokg) if( diff_mass .gt. 0.0 ) then ! reduce removal to match available storage red_mass_rat = d_s_root_mass / (diff_mass + d_s_root_mass) ! adjust root increment to match d_root_mass = d_root_mass * red_mass_rat ! adjust shoot increment to match d_shoot_mass = d_shoot_mass * red_mass_rat ! adjust removal amount to match exactly d_s_root_mass = d_s_root_mass * red_mass_rat end if ! if no additional mass, no need to go further if( d_shoot_mass .le. 0.0) return !! +++++++++++++ RETURN FROM HERE IF ZERO +++++++++++++++++ ! find stem mass when shoot completely developed ! (mg tot/shoot) / ((kg leaf/kg stem)+1) = mg stem/shoot end_stem_mass = end_shoot_mass / (bcfleafstem+1.0) ! length of shoot when completely developed, use the mass of stem per plant ! (mg stem/shoot)*(kg/mg)*(#stem/m^2)/(#plants/m^2) = kg stem/plant ! inserted into stem area index equation to get stem area in m^2 per plant ! and then conversted back to m^2 per stem end_stem_area = bc0ssa & & * (end_stem_mass*mgtokg*bcdstm/bcdpop)**bc0ssb & & * bcdpop / bcdstm ! use silhouette area and stem diameter to length ratio to find length ! since silhouette area = length * diameter ! *** the square root is included since straight ratios do not really ! fit, but grossly underestimate the shoot length. This is possibly ! due to the difference between mature stem density vs. new growth ! with new stems being much higher in water content *** ! note: diameter to length ratio is when shoot has fully grown from root reserves ! during it's extension, it is assumed to grow at full diameter end_shoot_len = sqrt( end_stem_area / bcfshoot ) ! screen shoot emergence parameters for validity if( end_shoot_len .le. bczgrowpt ) then write(UNIT=6,FMT="(1x,3(a),f7.4,a,f7.4,a)") & & 'Warning: ', & & bc0nam(1:len_trim(bc0nam)), & & ' growth halted. Shoot extension: ', end_shoot_len, & & ' Depth in soil: ', bczgrowpt, ' meters.' end if ! today and yesterday shoot length and stem and leaf mass increments ! length increase scaled by mass increase ! stem and leaf mass allocated proportionally (prevents premature emergence) bczshoot = end_shoot_len & & * ((bcmshoot /(mgtokg * bcdstm))+d_shoot_mass) & & / end_shoot_mass yesterday_len = end_shoot_len * (bcmshoot /(mgtokg * bcdstm)) & & / end_shoot_mass d_stem_mass = d_shoot_mass / (bcfleafstem+1.0) d_leaf_mass = d_shoot_mass * bcfleafstem / (bcfleafstem+1.0) ! divide above ground and below ground mass if( bczshoot .le. bczgrowpt ) then ! all shoot growth for today below ground ag_stem = 0.0 bg_stem = d_stem_mass else if( yesterday_len .ge. bczgrowpt ) then ! all shoot growth for today above ground ag_stem = d_stem_mass bg_stem = 0.0 else ! shoot breaks ground surface today ag_stem = d_stem_mass & & * (bczshoot-bczgrowpt) / (bczshoot-yesterday_len) bg_stem = d_stem_mass * (bczgrowpt - yesterday_len) & & / (bczshoot - yesterday_len) end if !convert to from mg/shoot to kg/m^2 dlfwt = d_leaf_mass * mgtokg * bcdstm dstwt = ag_stem * mgtokg * bcdstm drpwt = 0.0 drswt = 0.0 lost_mass = 0.0 ! yield residue relationship adjustment ! since this is in shoot_grow, do not allow this with bchyfg=5 since ! it is illogical to store yield into the storage root while at the ! same time using the storage root to grow the shoot if( (cook_yield .eq. 1) & & .and. (bcyld_coef .gt. 1.0) .and. (bcresid_int .ge. 0.0) & & .and. ( (bchyfg.eq.0).or.(bchyfg.eq.1) ) ) then call cookyield(bchyfg, bnslay, dlfwt, dstwt, drpwt, drswt, & & bcmstandstem, bcmstandleaf, bcmstandstore, & & bcmflatstem, bcmflatleaf, bcmflatstore, & & bcmrootstorez, lost_mass, & & bcyld_coef, bcresid_int, bcgrf ) end if ! divide above ground stem between standing and flat stem_propor = min(1.0, bczmxc/bc0diammax) stand_stem = dstwt * stem_propor flat_stem = dstwt * (1.0 - stem_propor) ! distribute mass into mass pools ! units: mg stem/shoot * kg/mg * shoots/m^2 = kg/m^2 ! shoot mass pool (breakout pool, not true accumulator) bcmshoot = bcmshoot + d_shoot_mass * mgtokg * bcdstm ! reproductive mass is added to above ground pools bcmstandstore = bcmstandstore + drpwt * stem_propor bcmflatstore = bcmflatstore + drpwt * (1.0 - stem_propor) ! leaf mass is added even if below ground ! leaf has very low mass (small effect) and some light interaction ! does occur as emergence apporaches (if problem can be changed easily) if( (bcmstandleaf + dlfwt) .gt. 0.0 ) then ! added leaf mass adjusts live leaf fraction, otherwise no change bcfliveleaf = (bcfliveleaf*bcmstandleaf+dlfwt) & & / (bcmstandleaf + dlfwt) end if bcmstandleaf = bcmstandleaf + dlfwt ! above ground stems bcmstandstem = bcmstandstem + stand_stem bcmflatstem = bcmflatstem + flat_stem ! below ground stems do lay = 1, bnslay if( lay .eq. 1 ) then ! units: mg stem/shoot * kg/mg * shoots/m^2 = kg/m^2 bcmbgstemz(lay) = bcmbgstemz(lay) + bg_stem & & * mgtokg * bcdstm * frac_lay( bczgrowpt-bczshoot, & & bczgrowpt-yesterday_len, 0.0, bszlyd(lay) * mmtom ) else ! units: mg stem/shoot * kg/mg * shoots/m^2 = kg/m^2 bcmbgstemz(lay) = bcmbgstemz(lay) + bg_stem & & * mgtokg * bcdstm * frac_lay( bczgrowpt-bczshoot, & & bczgrowpt-yesterday_len, bszlyd(lay-1) * mmtom, & & bszlyd(lay) * mmtom ) end if end do ! check plant height, the the case of regrowth from stem ! do not allow reaching max height in single day ! use stem proportion to account for flat stems bczht = min( 0.5 * (bczmxc + bczht), max( bczht, max( 0.0, & & (bczshoot-bczgrowpt)*stem_propor ) ) ) ! check root depth bczrtd = max( bczrtd, (bczgrowpt + bczshoot) ) ! add to fibrous root mass, remove from storage root mass do lay = 1, bnslay if( lay .eq. 1 ) then ! units: mg stem/shoot * kg/mg * shoots/m^2 = kg/m^2 bcmrootfiberz(lay) = bcmrootfiberz(lay) + d_root_mass & & * mgtokg * bcdstm * frac_lay( bczgrowpt, bczrtd, & & 0.0, bszlyd(lay) * mmtom ) else ! units: mg stem/shoot * kg/mg * shoots/m^2 = kg/m^2 bcmrootfiberz(lay) = bcmrootfiberz(lay) + d_root_mass & & * mgtokg * bcdstm * frac_lay( bczgrowpt, bczrtd, & & bszlyd(lay-1) * mmtom, bszlyd(lay) * mmtom ) end if ! check for sufficient storage in layer to meet demand if( (bcmrootstorez(lay) .gt. 0.0) & & .and. (d_s_root_mass .gt. 0.0) ) then ! demand and storage to meet it ! units: mg/shoot * kg/mg * shoots/m^2 = kg/m^2 bcmrootstorez(lay) = bcmrootstorez(lay) - d_s_root_mass & & * mgtokg * bcdstm if( bcmrootstorez(lay) .lt. 0.0 ) then ! not enough mass in this layer to meet need. Carry over ! to next layer in d_s_root_mass d_s_root_mass = - bcmrootstorez(lay) / (mgtokg*bcdstm) bcmrootstorez(lay) = 0.0 else ! no more mass needed d_s_root_mass = 0.0 end if end if end do ! the following write statements are for 'shoot.out' ! am0cfl is flag to print crop submodel output if (am0cfl .ge. 1) then write(luoshoot, 1000) daysim, doy, yr, bcdayap, shoot_hui, & & s_root_sum, f_root_sum, tot_mass_req, end_shoot_mass, & & end_root_mass, d_root_mass, d_shoot_mass, d_s_root_mass, & & end_stem_mass, end_stem_area, end_shoot_len, bczshoot, & & bcmshoot, bcdstm, bc0nam end if 1000 format(1x,i5,1x,i3,1x,i4,1x,i4,1x,f6.3, & & 2(1x,f10.4), 2(1x,f12.4), & & 4(1x,f10.4), & & 4(1x,f10.4), & & (1x,f8.4),(1x,f8.3),1x,a20) ! check if shoot sucessfully reached above ground if( (d_s_root_mass .gt. 0.0) .and. (bczht .le. 0.0) ) then write(0,*) "shoot_grow: not enough root storage to grow shoot" call exit(1) end if return end real function frac_lay( top_loc, bot_loc, top_lay, bot_lay ) ! this function determines the fraction of a location which ! is contained in a layer. It could also be viewed as the ! fraction of "overlap" of the linear location with a layer ! depth slice. It was written assuming that top values are ! less than bottom values real top_loc, bot_loc, top_lay, bot_lay if( top_lay .le. top_loc .and. bot_lay .gt. top_loc ) then ! top location is in layer if( bot_lay .ge. bot_loc ) then ! bottom location is also in layer frac_lay = 1.0 else ! bottom location is below layer, proportion frac_lay = (bot_lay - top_loc)/(bot_loc - top_loc) end if else if( top_lay .lt. bot_loc .and. bot_lay .ge. bot_loc ) then ! bottom location is in layer ! if we are here, top location is not in layer so proportion frac_lay = (bot_loc - top_lay)/(bot_loc - top_loc) else if( top_lay .gt. top_loc .and. bot_lay .lt. bot_loc ) then ! location completely spans layer frac_lay = (bot_lay - top_lay)/(bot_loc - top_loc) else ! location is not in the layer at all frac_lay = 0.0 end if return end