!$Author: joelevin $ !$Date: 2011-03-24 11:33:26 -0500 (Thu, 24 Mar 2011) $ !$Revision: 11724 $ !$HeadURL: https://svn.weru.ksu.edu/weru/weps1/trunk/weps.src/src/lib_erosion/sbwind.for $ !*********************************************************************** !* subroutine sbwind !*********************************************************************** subroutine sbwind (thrsFricVelEmsnfl,awu, wind_dir, ntstep, intstep, rusust) ! ! +++ PURPOSE +++ ! to update wzzo at each grid point; ! To update soil friction velocity on each grid point ! and modify it for barriers and hills; ! To initialize en thresh. and cp thresh. fr. velocites on grid; ! To calculate max ratios of friction velocity to threshold ! friction velocity ! ! +++ ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS +++ integer thrsFricVelEmsnfl,intstep, ntstep real awu, rusust, wind_dir ! ! +++ ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS +++ ! intstep - current index of ntstep thru time ! ntstep - max. no. of time steps in day ! icsr - index of current subregion. ! thrsFricVelTranCap - subregion soil threshold friction vel. trans. cap. (m/s) ! rusust - max ratio of friction velocity to thresh. friction vel. ! imax - no. grid intervals in x-direction. ! jmax - no. grid intervals in y-direction. ! thrsFricVel - soil friction velocity at grid points corrected for ! hills and barriers (m/s). ! thrsFricVelEmsn - threshold fr. vel. for en. at grid points ! thrsFricVelTranCap - threshold fr. vel. for trans. cap. at grid points ! wind_dir - direction of wind (degrees from north) ! ! + + + GLOBAL COMMON BLOCKS + + + include 'p1werm.inc' include 'c1gen.inc' include 'm1geo.inc' include 'b1glob.inc' include 'c1glob.inc' include 'd1glob.inc' include 'h1db1.inc' include 'p1const.inc' include 's1agg.inc' include 's1dbh.inc' include 's1sgeo.inc' ! ! + + + LOCAL COMMON BLOCKS + + + include 'erosion/m2geo.inc' include 'erosion/w2wind.inc' include 'erosion/e2grid.inc' include 'erosion/e3grid.inc' include 'erosion/s2agg.inc' include 'erosion/s2sgeo.inc' include 'erosion/s2surf.inc' ! ! +++ LOCAL VARIABLES +++ integer i,j, icurrSubr,k real wzorg, wzorr, wzzo, wzzov real at, rintstep, brcd real wubsts, wucsts, wucwts, wucdts, sfcv ! ! +++ SUBROUTINES CALLED ! sbzo ! calcFricVelc ! sbwust ! ! + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + ! assign subregion index, currently only one icurrSubr = 1 rusust = 0.1 ! loop through grid interior to update do 40 i = 1, imax-1 do 30 j = 1, jmax-1 ! update aerodynamic roughness ! ^^^ tmp out ! write (*,*) 'in sbwind, call to sbzo' call sbzo & & (ridgSpacParaWindDir(icurrSubr), ridgHght(i,j), soilRandRoug(i,j), & & wzoflg, adrlaitot(icurrSubr), adrsaitot(icurrSubr), abzht(icurrSubr), & & acrlai(icurrSubr), acrsai(icurrSubr), aczht(icurrSubr), & & acxrow(icurrSubr), ac0rg(icurrSubr), wzorg, wzorr, & & wzzo, wzzov, awzzo, brcd) ! ^^^ tmp out ! write (*,*) 'in sbwind, call to sbwus' ! update surface (below canopy) friction velocity call calcFricVelc (anemht, awzzo, awu, wzzov, brcd, thrsFricVel(i,j) ) ! correct friction velocity for hills ! if (nhill .ne. 0 ) then ! wus(i,j) = wus(i,j) * w0hill(i,j,kbr) ! endif ! ! correct friction velocity for barriers if (nbr .ne. 0 ) then thrsFricVel(i,j) = thrsFricVel (i,j) * fricVelcShelFrac (i,j,kbr) endif if (thrsFricVelEmsnfl .eq. 1) then ! update threshold friction velocities ! calculate hour k for surface water content rintstep = intstep k = aint(rintstep*23.75/ntstep) + 1 call sbwust & & (sf84(i,j), asdagd(1,icurrSubr), soilFracCrstCovr(i,j), svroc(i,j), & & crusLoosFrac(i,j), abffcv(icurrSubr),wzzo, ahrwc0(k,icurrSubr), ahrwcw(1,icurrSubr), & & thrsFricVel(i,j), sf84ic, asvroc(1,1), moblMassAggrSurfDelt(i,j), & & thrsFricVelEmsn(i,j), thrsFricVelTranCap(i,j), thrsFricVelEmsno, sf84mn(i,j), moblMassAggrSurf(i,j), & & moblMassAggrSurfmx(i,j), wubsts, wucsts, wucwts, wucdts, sfcv) ! ^^^ tmp out ! if( wust(i,j) .le. 0.0 ) then ! write(*,*) "sbwind: i,j", i, j ! write(*,*) "sbwind: wus(i,j), wust(i,j), rusust", & ! & wus(i,j), wust(i,j), rusust ! write(*,*) "sf84(i,j) = ", sf84(i,j) ! write(*,*) "asdagd(1,icsr)", asdagd(1,icsr) ! write(*,*) "sfcr(i,j)", sfcr(i,j) ! write(*,*) "svroc(i,j)", svroc(i,j) ! write(*,*) "sflos(i,j) ",sflos(i,j) ! write(*,*) "abffcv(icsr)", abffcv(icsr) ! write(*,*) "wzzo", wzzo ! write(*,*) "ahrwc0(k,icsr)", ahrwc0(k,icsr) ! write(*,*) "ahrwcw(1,icsr)", ahrwcw(1,icsr) ! write(*,*) "wus(i,j)", wus(i,j) ! write(*,*) "sf84ic", sf84ic ! write(*,*) "rusust", rusust ! write(*,*) "asvroc(1,1)", asvroc(1,1) ! write(*,*) "dmlos(i,j)", dmlos(i,j) ! write(*,*) "wust(i,j)", wust(i,j) ! write(*,*) "wusp(i,j)", wusp(i,j) ! write(*,*) "sf84mn(i,j)", sf84mn(i,j) ! write(*,*) "smaglos(i,j)", smaglos(i,j) ! stop ! end if endif at = thrsFricVel(i,j)/thrsFricVelEmsn(i,j) rusust = amax1(rusust, at) 30 continue 40 continue ! write (*,*) 'at exit sbwind rusust =', rusust ! write (*,*) ' wus(3,3), thrsFricVelEmsn(3,3)', wus(3,3), thrsFricVelEmsn(3,3) return end !++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++