List of all members.
Data Types |
type | SimState |
Public Member Functions |
subroutine, public | DoErosion (bgridp, bcellp, bwindp, binitp, bnerop) |
Private Member Functions |
logical function | IsSnowTooDeepForErosion (bcellp, snowDepth) |
logical function, private | UpdateSurface (gridp, cwindp, simStat) |
logical function, private | UpdateCell (cgridp, direction, speed) |
subroutine, private | FinalizeCell (cgridp, cwindp, simStat) |
real function, private | CalcFricVel (anemHght, surfAeroRoug, windSpeed, cellAreoRoug, bioDragCoef) |
The documentation for this module was generated from the following file:
- C:/cygwin/home/wjr/weps.src/src/lib_erosion2/erosion.f95