!$Author: joelevin $ !$Date: 2011-03-24 11:33:26 -0500 (Thu, 24 Mar 2011) $ !$Revision: 11724 $ !$HeadURL: https://svn.weru.ksu.edu/weru/weps1/trunk/weps.src/src/lib_hydro/movewind.for $ real function movewind( meas_wind, meas_za, meas_zo, meas_zd, & & loc_za, loc_zo, loc_zd) ! + + + PURPOSE + + + ! returns wind velocity in the same units as the measured wind ! adjusted from measured height, roughness, zero plane displacement ! to the location height, roughness and zero plane displacement. ! Reference: Jensen, Burman, Allen. 1989. ASCE 70, Evapotranspiration ! and irrigation water requirements. Adjustment for differential roughness ! included as a power function (Hagen reference: Panofsky and Dutton, 1984) ! + + + KEY WORDS + + + ! log law wind velocity adjustment ! + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + ! + + + LOCAL COMMON BLOCKS + + + ! + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + real meas_wind, meas_za, meas_zo, meas_zd real loc_za, loc_zo, loc_zd ! + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + ! meas_wind - measured wind velocity (units same as output units) ! these parameters should all have the same units ! meas_za - measured wind anemometer height ! meas_zo - measured wind aerodynamic roughness ! meas_zd - measured wind zero plane displacement ! loc_za - location wind velocity height ! loc_zo - location wind aerodynamic roughness ! loc_zd - location wind zero plane displacement ! + + + PARAMETERS + + + ! + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + ! + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + ! + + + FUNCTION CALLS +++ ! + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + movewind = meas_wind * ( log( (loc_za - loc_zd) / loc_zo ) & & / log( (meas_za - meas_zd) / meas_zo ) ) & & * ( (loc_zo / meas_zo)**0.067 ) return end