! !$Author: joelevin $ !$Date: 2011-03-24 11:33:26 -0500 (Thu, 24 Mar 2011) $ !$Revision: 11724 $ !$HeadURL: https://svn.weru.ksu.edu/weru/weps1/trunk/weps.src/src/util/lib_misc/generic_list.f95 $ ! ! The problem is how to treat generic lists in Fortran 90. ! Lists can be (1) homogeneous (elements all of the same type) or ! (2) heterogeneous. ! ! (1) Often there is a need to work with many (homogeneous) lists which ! may be of different types. Patrice Lignelet has shown how generic list ! properties may be logically treated in Fortran 90. However it still ! appears that the list operations (initialization, addition/removal of ! elements etc) must be separately defined for each list type, which ! leads to considerable duplication of code. ! ! (2) Jean Vezina has shown how to handle a heterogeneous list by employing the ! F90 TRANSFER() function. ! ! Peter McGavin at Industrial Research Limited (p.mcgavin@irl.cri.nz) ! has constructed a species of generic list for Fortran 90. The method ! is based on 2 ideas: the properties of the TRANSFER() function, and ! the fact that a pointer to a derived data type also points to the ! *first field* within the data type (and conversely). ! ! Since the TRANSFER() function does not accept pointer arguments the ! method requires the introduction of 2 auxilliary data types which ! contain the pointers, one in the generic list module and one for each ! list type in the calling program (the same construction is adopted ! when defining "arrays of pointers"). In spite of this complication the ! method represents a big saving, both conceptually and practically, when ! many lists of different types are involved. ! ! To make clear the method we present a simple generic list module ! together with a calling program. The list module defines a ! uni-directional linked list with a few sample operations, but ! obviously more complicated generic lists could be substituted in its ! place (eg include back pointers). ! ! Roger Young ! Peter McGavin ! ! ......................................................................... MODULE generic_list ! Defines a generic uni-directional linked list with a few sample operations IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC :: & Link_Type, &! Put a Link_Type field first in your structure Link_Ptr_Type, &! Mold this to and from your type ptr with TRANSFER List_Type ! You should declare a List_Type variable PUBLIC :: & LI_Init_List, &! Initialise the List_Type variable before use LI_Get_Head, &! Returns the first Link in the list LI_Get_Next, &! Return the next Link after a given one LI_Add_To_Head, &! Add a Link to the head of the list LI_Remove_Head, &! Remove the first Link and return it LI_Get_Len, &! Compute list length LI_Associated, &! Check if list member is associated LI_Check_List ! Aborts program if list is invalid or corrupt TYPE Link_Type PRIVATE TYPE(Link_Type), POINTER :: Next END TYPE Link_Type ! Auxilliary data type required for the transfer function TYPE Link_Ptr_Type ! Use TRANSFER() function to mold Link_Ptr_Type PRIVATE ! to your pointer type and vice versa TYPE(Link_Type), POINTER :: P END TYPE Link_Ptr_Type TYPE List_Type PRIVATE TYPE(Link_Type) :: Head ! Dummy Link always at head of list END TYPE List_Type CONTAINS !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE Abort(Message) IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER *(*) Message WRITE(6,*) Message WRITE(6,*) 'Program aborted' STOP END SUBROUTINE Abort !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE LI_Check_List(List,Message) IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(List_Type) List CHARACTER *(*) Message IF(.NOT.ASSOCIATED(List%Head%Next))THEN WRITE(6,*) Message CALL Abort('List is not initialised in call to LI_Check_List()') ENDIF END SUBROUTINE LI_Check_List !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE LI_Init_List(List) IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(List_Type),INTENT(INOUT),TARGET :: List NULLIFY(List%Head%Next) RETURN END SUBROUTINE LI_Init_List !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE LI_Add_To_Head(Link,List) IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(List_Type),INTENT(INOUT) :: List TYPE(Link_Ptr_Type),INTENT(INOUT) :: Link Link%P%Next => List%Head%Next List%Head%Next => Link%P RETURN END SUBROUTINE LI_Add_To_Head !----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER FUNCTION LI_Get_Len(List) IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(List_Type), INTENT(IN),TARGET :: List TYPE(Link_Ptr_Type) :: Link INTEGER N Link%P => List%Head N = 0 DO WHILE(ASSOCIATED(Link%P%Next)) Link%P => Link%P%Next N = N+1 ENDDO LI_Get_Len = N RETURN END FUNCTION LI_Get_Len !----------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION LI_Associated(Link) IMPLICIT NONE LOGICAL :: LI_Associated TYPE(Link_Ptr_Type),INTENT(IN) :: Link LI_Associated = .FALSE. IF(ASSOCIATED(Link%P))LI_Associated=.TRUE. RETURN END FUNCTION LI_Associated !----------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION LI_Get_Next(Link) IMPLICIT NONE Type(Link_Ptr_Type) :: LI_Get_Next TYPE(Link_Ptr_Type),INTENT(IN) :: Link IF(.NOT.ASSOCIATED(Link%P%Next))THEN NULLIFY(LI_Get_Next%P) ELSE LI_Get_Next%P => Link%P%Next ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION LI_Get_Next !----------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION LI_Get_Head(List) IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(Link_Ptr_Type) :: LI_Get_Head TYPE(List_Type),INTENT(IN),TARGET :: List LI_Get_Head%P => List%Head%Next RETURN END FUNCTION LI_Get_Head !----------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION LI_Remove_Head(List) IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(Link_Ptr_Type) :: LI_Remove_Head TYPE(List_Type),INTENT(INOUT),TARGET :: List TYPE(Link_Ptr_Type) :: Link Link%P => List%Head%Next IF(ASSOCIATED(Link%P))THEN List%Head%Next => Link%P%Next NULLIFY(Link%P%Next) ENDIF LI_Remove_Head%P => Link%P RETURN END FUNCTION LI_Remove_Head !----------------------------------------------------------------------- END MODULE generic_list