! !$Author: joelevin $ !$Date: 2011-03-24 11:33:26 -0500 (Thu, 24 Mar 2011) $ !$Revision: 11724 $ !$HeadURL: https://svn.weru.ksu.edu/weru/weps1/trunk/weps.src/src/util/lib_odepack/sbnorm.for $ ! real function sbnorm (n, a, nra, ml, mu, w) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This function computes the norm of a banded N by N matrix, ! stored in the array A, that is consistent with the weighted max-norm ! on vectors, with weights stored in the array W. ! ML and MU are the lower and upper half-bandwidths of the matrix. ! NRA is the first dimension of the A array, NRA .ge. ML+MU+1. ! In terms of the matrix elements a(i,j), the norm is given by: ! SBNORM = MAX(i=1,...,N) ( W(i) * Sum(j=1,...,N) ABS(a(i,j))/W(j) ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer n, nra, ml, mu integer i, i1, jlo, jhi, j real a, w real an, sum dimension a(nra,n), w(n) an = 0.0e0 do 20 i = 1,n sum = 0.0e0 i1 = i + mu + 1 jlo = max(i-ml,1) jhi = min(i+mu,n) do 10 j = jlo,jhi 10 sum = sum + abs(a(i1-j,j))/w(j) an = max(an,sum*w(i)) 20 continue sbnorm = an return !----------------------- end of function sbnorm ------------------------ end