! !$Author: joelevin $ !$Date: 2011-03-24 11:33:26 -0500 (Thu, 24 Mar 2011) $ !$Revision: 11724 $ !$HeadURL: https://svn.weru.ksu.edu/weru/weps1/trunk/weps.src/src/util/lib_odepack/scfode.for $ ! subroutine scfode (meth, elco, tesco) !***BEGIN PROLOGUE SCFODE !***SUBSIDIARY !***PURPOSE Set ODE integrator coefficients. !***TYPE SINGLE PRECISION (SCFODE-S, DCFODE-D) !***AUTHOR Hindmarsh, Alan C., (LLNL) !***DESCRIPTION ! ! SCFODE is called by the integrator routine to set coefficients ! needed there. The coefficients for the current method, as ! given by the value of METH, are set for all orders and saved. ! The maximum order assumed here is 12 if METH = 1 and 5 if METH = 2. ! (A smaller value of the maximum order is also allowed.) ! SCFODE is called once at the beginning of the problem, ! and is not called again unless and until METH is changed. ! ! The ELCO array contains the basic method coefficients. ! The coefficients el(i), 1 .le. i .le. nq+1, for the method of ! order nq are stored in ELCO(i,nq). They are given by a genetrating ! polynomial, i.e., ! l(x) = el(1) + el(2)*x + ... + el(nq+1)*x**nq. ! For the implicit Adams methods, l(x) is given by ! dl/dx = (x+1)*(x+2)*...*(x+nq-1)/factorial(nq-1), l(-1) = 0. ! For the BDF methods, l(x) is given by ! l(x) = (x+1)*(x+2)* ... *(x+nq)/K, ! where K = factorial(nq)*(1 + 1/2 + ... + 1/nq). ! ! The TESCO array contains test constants used for the ! local error test and the selection of step size and/or order. ! At order nq, TESCO(k,nq) is used for the selection of step ! size at order nq - 1 if k = 1, at order nq if k = 2, and at order ! nq + 1 if k = 3. ! !***SEE ALSO SLSODE !***ROUTINES CALLED (NONE) !***REVISION HISTORY (YYMMDD) ! 791129 DATE WRITTEN ! 890501 Modified prologue to SLATEC/LDOC format. (FNF) ! 890503 Minor cosmetic changes. (FNF) ! 930809 Renamed to allow single/double precision versions. (ACH) !***END PROLOGUE SCFODE !**End integer meth integer i, ib, nq, nqm1, nqp1 real elco, tesco real agamq, fnq, fnqm1, pc, pint, ragq real rqfac, rq1fac, tsign, xpin dimension elco(13,12), tesco(3,12) dimension pc(12) ! !***first executable statement scfode go to (100, 200), meth ! 100 elco(1,1) = 1.0e0 elco(2,1) = 1.0e0 tesco(1,1) = 0.0e0 tesco(2,1) = 2.0e0 tesco(1,2) = 1.0e0 tesco(3,12) = 0.0e0 pc(1) = 1.0e0 rqfac = 1.0e0 do 140 nq = 2,12 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! the pc array will contain the coefficients of the polynomial ! p(x) = (x+1)*(x+2)*...*(x+nq-1). ! initially, p(x) = 1. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- rq1fac = rqfac rqfac = rqfac/nq nqm1 = nq - 1 fnqm1 = nqm1 nqp1 = nq + 1 ! form coefficients of p(x)*(x+nq-1). ---------------------------------- pc(nq) = 0.0e0 do 110 ib = 1,nqm1 i = nqp1 - ib 110 pc(i) = pc(i-1) + fnqm1*pc(i) pc(1) = fnqm1*pc(1) ! compute integral, -1 to 0, of p(x) and x*p(x). ----------------------- pint = pc(1) xpin = pc(1)/2.0e0 tsign = 1.0e0 do 120 i = 2,nq tsign = -tsign pint = pint + tsign*pc(i)/i 120 xpin = xpin + tsign*pc(i)/(i+1) ! store coefficients in elco and tesco. -------------------------------- elco(1,nq) = pint*rq1fac elco(2,nq) = 1.0e0 do 130 i = 2,nq 130 elco(i+1,nq) = rq1fac*pc(i)/i agamq = rqfac*xpin ragq = 1.0e0/agamq tesco(2,nq) = ragq if (nq .lt. 12) tesco(1,nqp1) = ragq*rqfac/nqp1 tesco(3,nqm1) = ragq 140 continue return ! 200 pc(1) = 1.0e0 rq1fac = 1.0e0 do 230 nq = 1,5 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! the pc array will contain the coefficients of the polynomial ! p(x) = (x+1)*(x+2)*...*(x+nq). ! initially, p(x) = 1. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- fnq = nq nqp1 = nq + 1 ! form coefficients of p(x)*(x+nq). ------------------------------------ pc(nqp1) = 0.0e0 do 210 ib = 1,nq i = nq + 2 - ib 210 pc(i) = pc(i-1) + fnq*pc(i) pc(1) = fnq*pc(1) ! store coefficients in elco and tesco. -------------------------------- do 220 i = 1,nqp1 220 elco(i,nq) = pc(i)/pc(2) elco(2,nq) = 1.0e0 tesco(1,nq) = rq1fac tesco(2,nq) = nqp1/elco(1,nq) tesco(3,nq) = (nq+2)/elco(1,nq) rq1fac = rq1fac/fnq 230 continue return !----------------------- end of subroutine scfode ---------------------- end