!$Author: joelevin $ !$Date: 2011-03-24 11:33:26 -0500 (Thu, 24 Mar 2011) $ !$Revision: 11724 $ !$HeadURL: https://svn.weru.ksu.edu/weru/weps1/trunk/weps.src/src/util/lib_sax/m_buffer.f95 $ ! module m_buffer ! ! At this point we use a fixed-size buffer. ! Note however that buffer overflows will only be ! triggered by overly long *unbroken* pcdata values, or ! by overly long attribute values. Hopefully ! element or attribute names are "short enough". ! There is code in m_fsm to avoid buffer overflows ! caused by pcdata with whitespace. ! ! In a forthcoming implementation it could be made dynamical... ! integer, parameter, public :: MAX_BUFF_SIZE = 1024 integer, parameter, private :: BUFF_SIZE_WARNING = 900 ! type, public :: buffer_t private integer :: size character(len=MAX_BUFF_SIZE) :: str end type buffer_t public :: add_to_buffer public :: print_buffer, str, len !! , char public :: operator (.equal.) public :: buffer_nearly_full, reset_buffer, init_buffer public :: buffer_to_character !---------------------------------------------------------------- interface add_to_buffer module procedure add_str_to_buffer end interface private :: add_char_to_buffer, add_str_to_buffer interface operator (.equal.) module procedure compare_buffers, compare_buffer_str, & compare_str_buffer end interface private :: compare_buffers, compare_buffer_str, compare_str_buffer interface str module procedure buffer_to_str end interface interface char ! Experimental module procedure buffer_to_str end interface private :: buffer_to_str interface len module procedure buffer_length end interface private :: buffer_length CONTAINS !================================================================== !---------------------------------------------------------------- function compare_buffers(a,b) result(equal) ! .equal. generic type(buffer_t), intent(in) :: a type(buffer_t), intent(in) :: b logical :: equal equal = ((a%size == b%size) .and. (a%str(1:a%size) == b%str(1:b%size))) end function compare_buffers !---------------------------------------------------------------- function compare_buffer_str(buffer,str) result(equal) ! .equal. generic type(buffer_t), intent(in) :: buffer character(len=*), intent(in) :: str logical :: equal equal = (buffer%str(1:buffer%size) == trim(str)) end function compare_buffer_str !---------------------------------------------------------------- function compare_str_buffer(str,buffer) result(equal) ! .equal. generic character(len=*), intent(in) :: str type(buffer_t), intent(in) :: buffer logical :: equal equal = (buffer%str(1:buffer%size) == trim(str)) end function compare_str_buffer !---------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine add_char_to_buffer(c,buffer) character(len=1), intent(in) :: c type(buffer_t), intent(inout) :: buffer integer :: n buffer%size = buffer%size + 1 n = buffer%size if (n> MAX_BUFF_SIZE) then !! RETURN ! ! It will only affect long comments and sgml declarations STOP "Buffer overflow: long unbroken string of pcdata or attribute value..." endif buffer%str(n:n) = c end subroutine add_char_to_buffer !---------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine add_str_to_buffer(s,buffer) character(len=*), intent(in) :: s type(buffer_t), intent(inout) :: buffer integer :: n, len_s, last_pos len_s = len(s) last_pos = buffer%size buffer%size = buffer%size + len_s n = buffer%size if (n> MAX_BUFF_SIZE) then !! RETURN ! ! It will only affect long comments and sgml declarations STOP "Buffer overflow: long unbroken string of pcdata or attribute value..." endif buffer%str(last_pos+1:n) = s end subroutine add_str_to_buffer !---------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine init_buffer(buffer) type(buffer_t), intent(inout) :: buffer buffer%size = 0 buffer%str="" ! To avoid "undefined" status end subroutine init_buffer !---------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine reset_buffer(buffer) type(buffer_t), intent(inout) :: buffer buffer%size = 0 end subroutine reset_buffer !---------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine print_buffer(buffer) type(buffer_t), intent(in) :: buffer integer :: i do i = 1, buffer%size write(unit=6,fmt="(a1)",advance="no") buffer%str(i:i) enddo end subroutine print_buffer !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! This is better... but could it lead to memory leaks? ! function buffer_to_str(buffer) result(str) type(buffer_t), intent(in) :: buffer character(len=buffer%size) :: str str = buffer%str(1:buffer%size) end function buffer_to_str !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! subroutine buffer_to_character(buffer,str) type(buffer_t), intent(in) :: buffer character(len=*), intent(out) :: str str = buffer%str(1:buffer%size) end subroutine buffer_to_character !---------------------------------------------------------------- function buffer_nearly_full(buffer) result(warn) type(buffer_t), intent(in) :: buffer logical :: warn warn = buffer%size > BUFF_SIZE_WARNING end function buffer_nearly_full !---------------------------------------------------------------- function buffer_length(buffer) result(length) type(buffer_t), intent(in) :: buffer integer :: length length = buffer%size end function buffer_length end module m_buffer