!$Author: joelevin $ !$Date: 2011-03-24 11:33:26 -0500 (Thu, 24 Mar 2011) $ !$Revision: 11724 $ !$HeadURL: https://svn.weru.ksu.edu/weru/weps1/trunk/weps.src/src/util/lib_sax/m_xml_parser.f95 $ ! module m_xml_parser ! ! Basic module to parse XML in the SAX spirit. ! use m_buffer use m_reader use m_fsm use m_dictionary use m_debug use m_xml_error use m_elstack ! For element nesting checks use m_entities ! private ! ! XML file handle ! type, public :: xml_t private type(file_buffer_t) :: fb type(fsm_t) :: fx character(len=200) :: path_mark end type xml_t ! public :: xml_parse public :: open_xmlfile, close_xmlfile public :: endfile_xmlfile, rewind_xmlfile public :: eof_xmlfile, sync_xmlfile public :: xml_char_count public :: xml_path, xml_mark_path, xml_get_path_mark public :: xml_name, xml_attributes CONTAINS !============================================================= subroutine open_xmlfile(fname,fxml,iostat,record_size) character(len=*), intent(in) :: fname integer, intent(out) :: iostat type(xml_t), intent(out) :: fxml integer, intent(in), optional :: record_size call open_file(fname,fxml%fb,iostat,record_size) call init_fsm(fxml%fx) fxml%path_mark = "" end subroutine open_xmlfile !------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine rewind_xmlfile(fxml) type(xml_t), intent(inout) :: fxml call rewind_file(fxml%fb) call reset_fsm(fxml%fx) fxml%path_mark = "" end subroutine rewind_xmlfile !----------------------------------------- subroutine endfile_xmlfile(fxml) type(xml_t), intent(inout) :: fxml call mark_eof_file(fxml%fb) end subroutine endfile_xmlfile !----------------------------------------- subroutine close_xmlfile(fxml) type(xml_t), intent(inout) :: fxml call close_file_buffer(fxml%fb) call reset_fsm(fxml%fx) ! just in case fxml%path_mark = "" ! "" end subroutine close_xmlfile !----------------------------------------- subroutine sync_xmlfile(fxml,iostat) type(xml_t), intent(inout) :: fxml integer, intent(out) :: iostat call sync_file(fxml%fb,iostat) ! Do not reset fx: that's the whole point of synching. end subroutine sync_xmlfile !---------------------------------------------------- function eof_xmlfile(fxml) result (res) type(xml_t), intent(in) :: fxml logical :: res res = eof_file(fxml%fb) end function eof_xmlfile ! !---------------------------------------------------- !---------------------------------------------------- function xml_char_count(fxml) result (nc) type(xml_t), intent(in) :: fxml integer :: nc nc = nchars_processed(fxml%fb) end function xml_char_count ! !---------------------------------------------------- ! subroutine xml_parse(fxml, begin_element_handler, & end_element_handler, & pcdata_chunk_handler, & comment_handler, & xml_declaration_handler, & cdata_section_handler, & sgml_declaration_handler, & error_handler, & signal_handler, & verbose, & empty_element_handler, & start_document, & ! JW end_document) ! JW type(xml_t), intent(inout), target :: fxml optional :: begin_element_handler optional :: end_element_handler optional :: pcdata_chunk_handler optional :: comment_handler optional :: xml_declaration_handler optional :: sgml_declaration_handler optional :: cdata_section_handler optional :: error_handler optional :: signal_handler logical, intent(in), optional :: verbose optional :: empty_element_handler optional :: start_document ! JW optional :: end_document ! JW interface subroutine begin_element_handler(name,attributes) use m_dictionary character(len=*), intent(in) :: name type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: attributes end subroutine begin_element_handler subroutine end_element_handler(name) character(len=*), intent(in) :: name end subroutine end_element_handler subroutine pcdata_chunk_handler(chunk) character(len=*), intent(in) :: chunk end subroutine pcdata_chunk_handler subroutine comment_handler(comment) character(len=*), intent(in) :: comment end subroutine comment_handler subroutine xml_declaration_handler(name,attributes) use m_dictionary character(len=*), intent(in) :: name type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: attributes end subroutine xml_declaration_handler subroutine sgml_declaration_handler(sgml_declaration) character(len=*), intent(in) :: sgml_declaration end subroutine sgml_declaration_handler subroutine cdata_section_handler(cdata) character(len=*), intent(in) :: cdata end subroutine cdata_section_handler subroutine error_handler(error_info) use m_xml_error type(xml_error_t), intent(in) :: error_info end subroutine error_handler subroutine signal_handler(code) logical, intent(out) :: code end subroutine signal_handler subroutine empty_element_handler(name,attributes) use m_dictionary character(len=*), intent(in) :: name type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: attributes end subroutine empty_element_handler subroutine start_document() ! JW end subroutine start_document ! JW subroutine end_document() ! JW end subroutine end_document ! JW end interface character(len=1) :: c integer :: iostat, status character(len=150) :: message integer :: signal type(buffer_t) :: translated_pcdata type(buffer_t) :: name, oldname, dummy logical :: have_begin_handler, have_end_handler, & have_pcdata_handler, have_comment_handler, & have_xml_declaration_handler, & have_sgml_declaration_handler, & have_cdata_section_handler, have_empty_handler, & have_error_handler, have_signal_handler, & have_start_document_handler, have_end_document_handler logical :: pause_signal type(xml_error_t) :: error_info type(file_buffer_t), pointer :: fb type(fsm_t), pointer :: fx have_begin_handler = present(begin_element_handler) have_end_handler = present(end_element_handler) have_pcdata_handler = present(pcdata_chunk_handler) have_comment_handler = present(comment_handler) have_xml_declaration_handler = present(xml_declaration_handler) have_sgml_declaration_handler = present(sgml_declaration_handler) have_cdata_section_handler = present(cdata_section_handler) have_error_handler = present(error_handler) have_signal_handler = present(signal_handler) have_empty_handler = present(empty_element_handler) have_start_document_handler = present(start_document) ! JW have_end_document_handler = present(end_document) ! JW fb => fxml%fb fx => fxml%fx if (present(verbose)) then debug = verbose ! For m_converters fx%debug = verbose ! job-specific flag endif if (fx%debug) print *, " Entering xml_parse..." if (have_start_document_handler) call start_document() ! JW - no arguments !--------------------------------------------------------------------- do call get_character(fb,c,iostat) if (iostat /= 0) then ! End of file... if (.not. is_empty(fx%element_stack)) then call build_error_info(error_info, & "Early end of file.", & line(fb),column(fb),fx%element_stack,SEVERE_ERROR_CODE) if (have_error_handler) then call error_handler(error_info) else call default_error_handler(error_info) endif endif if (have_end_document_handler) call end_document() !! JW - no arguments call endfile_xmlfile(fxml) ! Mark it as eof EXIT endif call evolve_fsm(fx,c,signal) if (fx%debug) print *, c, " ::: ", trim(fx%action) if (signal == END_OF_TAG) then ! ! We decide whether we have ended an opening tag or a closing tag ! if (fx%context == OPENING_TAG) then name = fx%element_name if (fx%debug) print *, "We have found an opening tag" if (fx%root_element_seen) then if (name .equal. fx%root_element_name) then call build_error_info(error_info, & "Duplicate root element: " // str(name), & line(fb),column(fb),fx%element_stack,SEVERE_ERROR_CODE) if (have_error_handler) then call error_handler(error_info) else call default_error_handler(error_info) endif endif if (is_empty(fx%element_stack)) then call build_error_info(error_info, & "Opening tag beyond root context: " // str(name), & line(fb),column(fb),fx%element_stack,SEVERE_ERROR_CODE) if (have_error_handler) then call error_handler(error_info) else call default_error_handler(error_info) endif endif else fx%root_element_name = name fx%root_element_seen = .true. endif call push_elstack(name,fx%element_stack) if (have_begin_handler) & call begin_element_handler(str(name),fx%attributes) else if (fx%context == CLOSING_TAG) then name = fx%element_name if (fx%debug) print *, "We have found a closing tag" if (is_empty(fx%element_stack)) then call build_error_info(error_info, & "Nesting error: End tag: " // str(name) // & " does not match -- too many end tags", & line(fb),column(fb),fx%element_stack,SEVERE_ERROR_CODE) if (have_error_handler) then call error_handler(error_info) else call default_error_handler(error_info) endif else call get_top_elstack(fx%element_stack,oldname) if (oldname .equal. name) then call pop_elstack(fx%element_stack,oldname) if (have_end_handler) call end_element_handler(str(name)) !! call pop_elstack(fx%element_stack,oldname) else call build_error_info(error_info, & "Nesting error: End tag: " // str(name) // & ". Expecting end of : " // str(oldname), & line(fb),column(fb),fx%element_stack,SEVERE_ERROR_CODE) if (have_error_handler) then call error_handler(error_info) else call default_error_handler(error_info) endif endif endif else if (fx%context == SINGLE_TAG) then name = fx%element_name if (fx%debug) print *, "We have found a single (empty) tag: ", & char(name) ! ! Push name on to stack to reveal true xpath ! call push_elstack(name,fx%element_stack) if (have_empty_handler) then if (fx%debug) print *, "--> calling empty_element_handler." call empty_element_handler(str(name),fx%attributes) call pop_elstack(fx%element_stack,dummy) else if (have_begin_handler) then if (fx%debug) print *, "--> calling begin_element_handler..." call begin_element_handler(str(name),fx%attributes) endif call pop_elstack(fx%element_stack,dummy) if (have_end_handler) then if (fx%debug) print *, "--> ... and end_element_handler." call end_element_handler(str(name)) endif endif !! call pop_elstack(fx%element_stack,dummy) else if (fx%context == CDATA_SECTION_TAG) then if (fx%debug) print *, "We found a CDATA section" if (is_empty(fx%element_stack)) then if (fx%debug) print *, & "... Warning: CDATA section outside element context" else if (have_cdata_section_handler) then call cdata_section_handler(str(fx%pcdata)) else if (have_pcdata_handler) & call pcdata_chunk_handler(str(fx%pcdata)) endif endif else if (fx%context == COMMENT_TAG) then if (fx%debug) print *, "We found a comment tag" if (have_comment_handler) & call comment_handler(str(fx%pcdata)) else if (fx%context == SGML_DECLARATION_TAG) then if (fx%debug) print *, "We found an sgml declaration" if (have_sgml_declaration_handler) & call sgml_declaration_handler(str(fx%pcdata)) else if (fx%context == XML_DECLARATION_TAG) then if (fx%debug) print *, "We found an XML declaration" name = fx%element_name if (have_xml_declaration_handler) & call xml_declaration_handler(str(name),fx%attributes) else ! do nothing endif else if (signal == CHUNK_OF_PCDATA) then if (fx%debug) print *, "We found a chunk of PCDATA" if (is_empty(fx%element_stack)) then if (fx%debug) print *, "... Warning: PCDATA outside element context" ! Just a warning call build_error_info(error_info, & "PCDATA outside of element context", & line(fb),column(fb),fx%element_stack,WARNING_CODE) if (have_error_handler) then call error_handler(error_info) else call default_error_handler(error_info) endif else ! ! Replace entities by their value ! call entity_filter(fx%pcdata,translated_pcdata,status,message) if (status < 0) then call build_error_info(error_info, message, & line(fb),-status,fx%element_stack,SEVERE_ERROR_CODE) if (have_error_handler) then call error_handler(error_info) else call default_error_handler(error_info) endif else if (status > 0) then ! Just a warning call build_error_info(error_info, message, & line(fb),status,fx%element_stack,WARNING_CODE) if (have_error_handler) then call error_handler(error_info) else call default_error_handler(error_info) endif else if (have_pcdata_handler) & call pcdata_chunk_handler(str(translated_pcdata)) endif endif else if (signal == EXCEPTION) then call build_error_info(error_info, fx%action, & line(fb),column(fb),fx%element_stack,SEVERE_ERROR_CODE) if (have_error_handler) then call error_handler(error_info) else call default_error_handler(error_info) endif else ! QUIET, do nothing endif if (signal /= QUIET) then if (have_signal_handler) then call signal_handler(pause_signal) if (pause_signal) exit endif endif enddo end subroutine xml_parse !----------------------------------------- subroutine xml_path(fxml,path) type(xml_t), intent(in) :: fxml character(len=*), intent(out) :: path call get_elstack_signature(fxml%fx%element_stack,path) end subroutine xml_path !----------------------------------------- subroutine xml_mark_path(fxml,path) ! ! Marks the current path ! type(xml_t), intent(inout) :: fxml character(len=*), intent(out) :: path call get_elstack_signature(fxml%fx%element_stack,fxml%path_mark) path = fxml%path_mark end subroutine xml_mark_path !----------------------------------------- subroutine xml_get_path_mark(fxml,path) ! ! Returns the currently markd path (or an empty string if there are no marks) ! type(xml_t), intent(in) :: fxml character(len=*), intent(out) :: path path = fxml%path_mark end subroutine xml_get_path_mark !----------------------------------------- subroutine xml_name(fxml,name) type(xml_t), intent(in) :: fxml character(len=*), intent(out) :: name name = char(fxml%fx%element_name) end subroutine xml_name !----------------------------------------- subroutine xml_attributes(fxml,attributes) type(xml_t), intent(in) :: fxml type(dictionary_t), intent(out) :: attributes attributes = fxml%fx%attributes end subroutine xml_attributes end module m_xml_parser