! !$Author: joelevin $ !$Date: 2011-03-24 11:33:26 -0500 (Thu, 24 Mar 2011) $ !$Revision: 11724 $ !$HeadURL: https://svn.weru.ksu.edu/weru/weps1/trunk/weps.src/src/util/lib_sax/tstsax_pseudo/m_pseudo.f95 $ ! module m_pseudo ! ! PSEUDO version 0.5 processing ! A full example of the building up of a data structure using ! the SAX paradigm. ! use flib_sax use m_pseudo_types ! Data types private ! ! It defines the routines that are called from xml_parser in response ! to particular events. ! public :: begin_element, end_element, pcdata_chunk private :: die logical, private :: in_vps = .false. , in_radfunc = .false. logical, private :: in_semilocal = .false. , in_header = .false. logical, private :: in_coreCharge = .false. , in_data = .false. logical, private :: in_valenceCharge = .false. integer, private, save :: ndata type(pseudo_t), private, target, save :: pseudo type(grid_t), private, save :: grid type(grid_t), private, save :: global_grid ! ! Pointers to make it easier to manage the data ! type(header_t), private, pointer :: hp type(vps_t), private, pointer :: pp type(radfunc_t), private, pointer :: rp CONTAINS !=========================================================== !---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine begin_element(name,attributes) character(len=*), intent(in) :: name type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: attributes character(len=100) :: value integer :: status select case(name) case ("pseudo") call get_value(attributes,"version",value,status) if (value == "0.5") then print *, "Processing a PSEUDO version 0.5 XML file" pseudo%npots = 0 global_grid%npts = 0 else print *, "Can only work with PSEUDO version 0.5 XML files" STOP endif case ("header") in_header = .true. hp => pseudo%header call get_value(attributes,"symbol",hp%symbol,status) if (status /= 0 ) call die("Cannot determine atomic symbol") call get_value(attributes,"zval",value,status) if (status /= 0 ) call die("Cannot determine zval") read(unit=value,fmt=*) hp%zval ! call get_value(attributes,"creator",hp%creator,status) if (status /= 0 ) hp%creator="unknown" call get_value(attributes,"flavor",hp%flavor,status) if (status /= 0 ) hp%flavor="unknown" call get_value(attributes,"relativistic",value,status) if (status /= 0 ) value = "no" hp%relativistic = (value == "yes") call get_value(attributes,"polarized",value,status) if (status /= 0 ) value = "no" hp%polarized = (value == "yes") call get_value(attributes,"core-corrections", & hp%core_corrections,status) if (status /= 0 ) hp%core_corrections = "nc" case ("vps") in_vps = .true. pseudo%npots = pseudo%npots + 1 pp => pseudo%pot(pseudo%npots) rp => pp%V ! Pointer to radial function call get_value(attributes,"l",value,status) if (status /= 0 ) call die("Cannot determine l for Vps") read(unit=value,fmt=*) pp%l call get_value(attributes,"principal-n",value,status) if (status /= 0 ) call die("Cannot determine n for Vps") read(unit=value,fmt=*) pp%n call get_value(attributes,"cutoff",value,status) if (status /= 0 ) call die("Cannot determine cutoff for Vps") read(unit=value,fmt=*) pp%cutoff call get_value(attributes,"occupation",value,status) if (status /= 0 ) call die("Cannot determine occupation for Vps") read(unit=value,fmt=*) pp%occupation call get_value(attributes,"spin",value,status) if (status /= 0 ) call die("Cannot determine spin for Vps") read(unit=value,fmt=*) pp%spin case ("grid") call get_value(attributes,"type",grid%type,status) if (status /= 0 ) call die("Cannot determine grid type") call get_value(attributes,"npts",value,status) if (status /= 0 ) call die("Cannot determine grid npts") read(unit=value,fmt=*) grid%npts call get_value(attributes,"scale",value,status) if (status /= 0 ) call die("Cannot determine grid scale") read(unit=value,fmt=*) grid%scale call get_value(attributes,"step",value,status) if (status /= 0 ) call die("Cannot determine grid step") read(unit=value,fmt=*) grid%step ! ! In this way we allow for a private grid for each radfunc, ! or for a global grid specification ! if (in_radfunc) then rp%grid = grid else global_grid = grid endif case ("data") in_data = .true. if (rp%grid%npts == 0) STOP "Grid not specified correctly" allocate(rp%data(rp%grid%npts)) ndata = 0 ! To start the build up case ("radfunc") in_radfunc = .true. rp%grid = global_grid ! Might be empty ! There should then be a local grid element ! read later case ("pseudocore-charge") in_coreCharge = .true. rp => pseudo%core_charge case ("valence-charge") in_valenceCharge = .true. rp => pseudo%valence_charge case ("semilocal") in_semilocal = .true. call get_value(attributes,"npots-down",value,status) if (status /= 0 ) call die("Cannot determine npots-down") read(unit=value,fmt=*) pseudo%npots_down call get_value(attributes,"npots-up",value,status) if (status /= 0 ) call die("Cannot determine npots-up") read(unit=value,fmt=*) pseudo%npots_up end select end subroutine begin_element !---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine end_element(name) character(len=*), intent(in) :: name select case(name) case ("vps") in_vps = .false. case ("radfunc") in_radfunc = .false. case ("data") ! ! We are done filling up the radfunc data ! Check that we got the advertised number of items ! in_data = .false. if (ndata /= size(rp%data)) STOP "npts mismatch" case ("pseudocore-charge") in_coreCharge = .false. case ("valence-charge") in_valenceCharge = .false. case ("semilocal") in_semilocal = .false. case ("pseudo") call dump_pseudo(pseudo) end select end subroutine end_element !---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine pcdata_chunk(chunk) character(len=*), intent(in) :: chunk if (len_trim(chunk) == 0) RETURN ! skip empty chunk if (in_data) then ! ! Note that we know where we need to put it through the pointer rp... ! call build_data_array(chunk,rp%data,ndata) else if (in_header) then ! ! There should not be any pcdata in header in this version... print *, "Header data:" print *, trim(chunk) endif end subroutine pcdata_chunk !---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine die(str) character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: str if (present(str)) then write(unit=0,fmt="(a)") trim(str) endif write(unit=0,fmt="(a)") "Stopping Program" stop end subroutine die end module m_pseudo