!$Author: joelevin $ !$Date: 2011-03-24 11:33:26 -0500 (Thu, 24 Mar 2011) $ !$Revision: 11724 $ !$HeadURL: https://svn.weru.ksu.edu/weru/weps1/trunk/weps.src/src/util/lib_strings/m_strings.f95 $ ! !******************************************************************************* ! module STRINGS ! Mart Rentmeester, Mart.Rentmeester@sci.kun.nl ! http://nn-online.sci.kun.nl/fortran ! Version 1.0 !******************************************************************************* module m_strings private type string private integer :: len = 0 integer :: size = 0 character, pointer :: chars(:) => null() end type string character, parameter :: blank = ' ' ! GENERIC PROCEDURE INTERFACE DEFINITIONS !---- LEN interface interface len module procedure len_s end interface !---- Conversion (to CHAR) procedure interfaces interface char module procedure s_to_c, &! string to character s_to_slc ! string to specified length character end interface !---- ASSIGNMENT interfaces interface assignment(=) module procedure assign_s_to_s, &! string = string assign_s_to_c, &! character = string assign_c_to_s ! string = character end interface !---- // operator interfaces interface operator(//) module procedure s_concat_s, &! string // string s_concat_c, &! string // character c_concat_s ! character // string end interface !---- INSERT_IN_STRING interface interface insert_in_string module procedure insert_in_string_c, insert_in_string_s end interface !---- PREPEND_TO_STRING interface interface prepend_to_string module procedure prepend_to_string_c, prepend_to_string_s end interface !---- APPEND_TO_STRING interface interface append_to_string module procedure append_to_string_c, append_to_string_s end interface !---- REPLACE_IN_STRING interface interface replace_in_string module procedure replace_in_string_sc_s, replace_in_string_ss_s, & replace_in_string_sc_sf, replace_in_string_ss_sf, & replace_in_string_scc, replace_in_string_ssc, & replace_in_string_scs, replace_in_string_sss, & replace_in_string_scc_f, replace_in_string_ssc_f, & replace_in_string_scs_f, replace_in_string_sss_f end interface !---- REPEAT interface interface repeat module procedure repeat_s end interface !---- == .eq. comparison operator interfaces interface operator(==) module procedure s_eq_s, &! string == string s_eq_c, &! string == character c_eq_s ! character == string end interface !---- /= .ne. comparison operator interfaces interface operator(/=) module procedure s_ne_s, &! string /= string s_ne_c, &! string /= character c_ne_s ! character /= string end interface !---- < .lt. comparison operator interfaces interface operator(<) module procedure s_lt_s, &! string < string s_lt_c, &! string < character c_lt_s ! character < string end interface !---- <= .le. comparison operator interfaces interface operator(<=) module procedure s_le_s, &! string <= string s_le_c, &! string <= character c_le_s ! character <= string end interface !---- >= .ge. comparison operator interfaces interface operator(>=) module procedure s_ge_s, &! string >= string s_ge_c, &! string >= character c_ge_s ! character >= string end interface !---- > .gt. comparison operator interfaces interface operator(>) module procedure s_gt_s, &! string > string s_gt_c, &! string > character c_gt_s ! character > string end interface !---- .aeq. comparison operator interfaces interface operator(.aeq.) module procedure a_eq_a, &! array == array a_eq_c, &! array == character c_eq_a ! character == array end interface !---- .ane. comparison operator interfaces interface operator(.ane.) module procedure a_ne_a, &! array /= array a_ne_c, &! array /= character c_ne_a ! character /= array end interface !---- .alt. comparison operator interfaces interface operator(.alt.) module procedure a_lt_a, &! array < array a_lt_c, &! array < character c_lt_a ! character < array end interface !---- .ale. comparison operator interfaces interface operator(.ale.) module procedure a_le_a, &! array <= array a_le_c, &! array <= character c_le_a ! character <= array end interface !---- .age. comparison operator interfaces interface operator(.age.) module procedure a_ge_a, &! array >= array a_ge_c, &! array >= character c_ge_a ! character >= array end interface !---- .agt. comparison operator interfaces interface operator(.agt.) module procedure a_gt_a, &! array > array a_gt_c, &! array > character c_gt_a ! character > array end interface !---- LLT comparison function interfaces interface llt module procedure s_llt_s, &! llt(string,string) s_llt_c, &! llt(string,character) c_llt_s ! llt(character,string) end interface !---- LLE comparison function interfaces interface lle module procedure s_lle_s, &! lle(string,string) s_lle_c, &! lle(string,character) c_lle_s ! lle(character,string) end interface !---- LGE comparison function interfaces interface lge module procedure s_lge_s, &! lge(string,string) s_lge_c, &! lge(string,character) c_lge_s ! lge(character,string) end interface !---- LGT comparison function interfaces interface lgt module procedure s_lgt_s, &! lgt(string,string) s_lgt_c, &! lgt(string,character) c_lgt_s ! lgt(character,string) end interface !---- ALLT comparison function interfaces interface allt module procedure a_allt_a, &! allt(array,array) a_allt_c, &! allt(array,character) c_allt_a ! allt(character,array) end interface !---- ALLE comparison function interfaces interface alle module procedure a_alle_a, &! alle(array,array) a_alle_c, &! alle(array,character) c_alle_a ! alle(character,array) end interface !---- ALGE comparison function interfaces interface alge module procedure a_alge_a, &! alge(array,array) a_alge_c, &! alge(array,character) c_alge_a ! alge(character,array) end interface !---- ALGT comparison function interfaces interface algt module procedure a_algt_a, &! algt(array,array) a_algt_c, &! algt(array,character) c_algt_a ! algt(character,array) end interface !---- INDEX procedure interface index module procedure index_ss, index_sc, index_cs end interface !---- AINDEX procedure interface aindex module procedure aindex_aa, aindex_ac, aindex_ca end interface !---- SCAN procedure interface scan module procedure scan_ss, scan_sc, scan_cs end interface !---- ASCAN procedure interface ascan module procedure ascan_aa, ascan_ac, ascan_ca end interface !---- VERIFY procedure interface verify module procedure verify_ss, verify_sc, verify_cs end interface !---- AVERIFY procedure interface averify module procedure averify_aa, averify_ac, averify_ca end interface !---- TRIM interface interface len_trim module procedure len_trim_s end interface !---- LEN_TRIM interface interface trim module procedure trim_s end interface !---- IACHAR interface interface iachar module procedure iachar_s end interface !---- ICHAR interface interface ichar module procedure ichar_s end interface !---- ADJUSTL interface interface adjustl module procedure adjustl_s end interface !---- ADJUSTR interface interface adjustr module procedure adjustr_s end interface !---- LEN_STRIP interface interface len_strip module procedure len_strip_c, len_strip_s end interface !---- STRIP interface interface strip module procedure strip_c, strip_s end interface !---- UPPERCASE interface interface uppercase module procedure uppercase_s, uppercase_c end interface !---- TO_UPPERCASE interface interface to_uppercase module procedure to_uppercase_s, to_uppercase_c end interface !---- LOWERCASE interface interface lowercase module procedure lowercase_s, lowercase_c end interface !---- TO_LOWERCASE interface interface to_lowercase module procedure to_lowercase_s, to_lowercase_c end interface !---- EXTRACT interface interface extract module procedure extract_s, extract_c end interface !---- SUBSTRING interface interface substring module procedure extract_s, extract_c end interface !---- REMOVE interface interface remove module procedure remove_s, remove_c end interface !---- INSERT interface interface insert module procedure insert_ss, insert_cs, insert_sc, insert_cc end interface !---- REPLACE interface interface replace module procedure replace_cc_s, replace_cs_s, & replace_sc_s, replace_ss_s, & replace_cc_sf, replace_cs_sf, & replace_sc_sf, replace_ss_sf, & replace_ccc, replace_csc, & replace_ccs, replace_css, & replace_scc, replace_ssc, & replace_scs, replace_sss, & replace_ccc_f, replace_csc_f, & replace_ccs_f, replace_css_f, & replace_scc_f, replace_ssc_f, & replace_scs_f, replace_sss_f end interface !---- SORT interface interface sort module procedure sort_c, sort_s end interface !---- LSORT interface interface lsort module procedure lsort_c, lsort_s end interface !---- RANK interface interface rank module procedure rank_c, rank_s end interface !---- LRANK interface interface lrank module procedure lrank_c, lrank_s end interface !---- Publically accessible entities public :: string public :: assignment(=),unstring public :: insert,replace,remove,extract,substring public :: repeat,index,scan,verify public :: operator(//) public :: operator(==),operator(/=) public :: operator(<),operator(<=) public :: operator(>),operator(>=) public :: llt,lle,lge,lgt public :: char,len,len_trim,trim,iachar,ichar,adjustl,adjustr public :: lowercase,to_lowercase,uppercase,to_uppercase public :: strip,len_strip public :: sort,rank,lsort,lrank public :: resize_string,string_size,swap_strings public :: trim_string,strip_string public :: adjustl_string,adjustr_string public :: insert_in_string,remove_from_string public :: prepend_to_string,append_to_string public :: replace_in_string contains !******************************************************************************* ! LEN !******************************************************************************* elemental function len_s(s) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s integer :: len_s len_s = s%len end function len_s !******************************************************************************* ! STRING_SIZE !******************************************************************************* elemental function string_size(s) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s integer :: string_size string_size = s%size end function string_size !******************************************************************************* ! CHAR !******************************************************************************* ! Returns the characters of string as an automatically sized character pure function s_to_c(s) implicit none type(string),intent(in) :: s character(len(s)) :: s_to_c s_to_c = transfer(s%chars(1:len(s)),s_to_c) end function s_to_c !******************************************************************************* ! Returns the character of fixed length, length, containing the characters ! of string either padded with blanks or truncated on the right to fit pure function s_to_slc(s,length) implicit none type(string),intent(in) :: s integer, intent(in) :: length character(length) :: s_to_slc integer :: i,lc lc = min(len(s),length) s_to_slc(1:lc) = transfer(s%chars(1:lc),s_to_slc) ! Result longer than string: padding needed if (lc < length) s_to_slc(lc+1:length) = blank end function s_to_slc !******************************************************************************* ! Assign a string value to a string variable overriding default assignement. ! Reallocates string variable to size of string value and copies characters. elemental subroutine assign_s_to_s(var,expr) implicit none type(string), intent(out) :: var type(string), intent(in) :: expr if (associated(var%chars,expr%chars)) then ! Identity assignment: nothing to be done continue else if (associated(var%chars)) deallocate(var%chars) var%size = expr%size var%len = expr%len !AG if (associated(expr%chars)) then allocate(var%chars(1:var%size)) var%chars(1:var%len) = expr%chars(1:var%len) endif endif end subroutine assign_s_to_s !******************************************************************************* ! Assign a string value to a character variable. ! If the string is longer than the character truncate the string on the right. ! If the string is shorter the character is blank padded on the right. elemental subroutine assign_s_to_c(var,expr) implicit none character(*), intent(out) :: var type(string), intent(in) :: expr integer :: i,lc,ls lc = len(var); ls = min(len(expr),lc) var(1:ls) = transfer(expr%chars(1:ls),var(1:ls)) do i=ls+1,lc var(i:i) = blank enddo end subroutine assign_s_to_c !******************************************************************************* ! Assign a character value to a string variable. ! Disassociates the string variable from its current value, allocates new ! space to hold the characters and copies them from the character value ! into this space. elemental subroutine assign_c_to_s(var,expr) implicit none type(string), intent(out) :: var character(*), intent(in) :: expr integer :: i,lc if (associated(var%chars)) deallocate(var%chars) lc = len(expr) var%len = lc var%size = lc allocate(var%chars(1:lc)) !!AG: NAG compiler uses temporaries here: var%chars(:) = (/ (expr(i:i), i=1,lc) /) endsubroutine assign_c_to_s !******************************************************************************* ! RESIZE_STRING procedure !******************************************************************************* !*** return code !*** n < 0 --> deallocate? ! pure subroutine resize_string(s,newsize,status) pure subroutine resize_string(s,newsize) implicit none type(string), intent(inout) :: s integer, intent(in) :: newsize ! integer, intent(out), optional :: status character, pointer :: c(:) integer :: i if (newsize <= 0) return if (associated(s%chars)) then i = min(newsize,s%len) allocate(c(i)) c(:) = s%chars(1:i) deallocate(s%chars) s%chars => c s%len = i s%size = newsize else s%size = newsize s%len = 0 allocate(s%chars(s%size)) endif end subroutine resize_string !******************************************************************************* ! SWAP_STRINGS !******************************************************************************* subroutine swap_strings(s1,s2) implicit none type(string), intent(inout) :: s1,s2 integer :: l,s character, pointer :: c(:) l = s1%len s = s1%size c => s1%chars s1%len = s2%len s1%size = s2%size s1%chars => s2%chars s2%len = l s2%size = s s2%chars => c end subroutine swap_strings !******************************************************************************* ! TRIM_STRINGSIZE !******************************************************************************* subroutine trim_stringsize(s) implicit none type(string), intent(inout) :: s call resize_string(s,len(s)) end subroutine trim_stringsize !******************************************************************************* ! TRIM_STRING !******************************************************************************* subroutine trim_string(s) implicit none type(string), intent(inout) :: s s%len = len_trim(s) end subroutine trim_string !******************************************************************************* ! STRIP !******************************************************************************* pure subroutine strip_string(s) implicit none type(string), intent(inout) :: s integer :: i,i1,i2 do i1=1,len(s) if (s%chars(i1) /= blank) exit enddo do i2=len(s),1,-1 if (s%chars(i2) /= blank) exit enddo do i=i1,i2 s%chars(i-i1+1) = s%chars(i) enddo s%len = i2 - i1 + 1 end subroutine strip_string !******************************************************************************* ! ADJUSTL_STRING !******************************************************************************* ! Returns as a character variable the string adjusted to the left, ! removing leading blanks and inserting trailing blanks. pure subroutine adjustl_string(s) implicit none type(string), intent(inout) :: s integer :: i,j do i=1,len(s) if (s%chars(i) /= blank) exit enddo do j=i,len(s) s%chars(j-i:j-i) = s%chars(j) enddo s%chars(j+1:) = blank end subroutine adjustl_string !******************************************************************************* ! ADJUSTR_STRING !******************************************************************************* ! Returns as a character variable the string adjusted to the right, ! removing trailing blanks and inserting leading blanks. pure subroutine adjustr_string(s) implicit none type(string), intent(inout) :: s integer :: i,j,l,lt l = len(s) lt = len_trim(s) i = l - lt do j=1,lt s%chars(j+i:j+i) = s%chars(j) enddo s%chars(1:i) = blank end subroutine adjustr_string !******************************************************************************* ! PREPEND_TO_STRING !******************************************************************************* pure subroutine prepend_to_string_s(s1,s2) implicit none type(string), intent(inout) :: s1 type(string), intent(in) :: s2 integer :: i,ls1,ls2 character, pointer :: ss(:) ls1 = len(s1) ls2 = len(s2) if (ls2 == 0) return if (ls1+ls2 > string_size(s1)) then allocate(ss(ls1+ls2)) do i=1,ls2 ss(i) = s2%chars(i) enddo do i=1,ls1 ss(ls2+i) = s1%chars(i) enddo deallocate(s1%chars) s1%chars => ss s1%len = ls1 + ls2 s1%size = s1%len else do i=ls1,1,-1 s1%chars(ls2+i) = s1%chars(i) enddo do i=1,ls2 s1%chars(i) = s2%chars(i) enddo s1%len = ls1 + ls2 endif end subroutine prepend_to_string_s !******************************************************************************* pure subroutine prepend_to_string_c(s,c) implicit none type(string), intent(inout) :: s character(*), intent(in) :: c integer :: i,ls,lc character, pointer :: ss(:) ls = len(s) lc = len(c) if (lc == 0) return if (ls+lc > string_size(s)) then allocate(ss(ls+lc)) do i=1,lc ss(i) = c(i:i) enddo do i=1,ls ss(lc+i) = s%chars(i) enddo deallocate(s%chars) s%chars => ss s%len = ls + lc s%size = s%len else do i=ls,1,-1 s%chars(lc+i) = s%chars(i) enddo do i=1,lc s%chars(i) = c(i:i) enddo s%len = ls + lc endif end subroutine prepend_to_string_c !******************************************************************************* ! APPEND_TO_STRING !******************************************************************************* pure subroutine append_to_string_s(s1,s2) implicit none type(string), intent(inout) :: s1 type(string), intent(in) :: s2 integer :: i,ls1,ls2 character, pointer :: ss(:) ls1 = len(s1) ls2 = len(s2) if (ls2 == 0) return if (ls1+ls2 > string_size(s1)) then allocate(ss(ls1+ls2)) do i=1,ls1 ss(i) = s1%chars(i) enddo do i=ls1+1,ls1+ls2 ss(i) = s2%chars(i-ls1) enddo deallocate(s1%chars) s1%chars => ss s1%len = ls1 + ls2 s1%size = s1%len else do i=ls1+1,ls1+ls2 s1%chars(i) = s2%chars(i-ls1) enddo s1%len = ls1 + ls2 endif end subroutine append_to_string_s !******************************************************************************* pure subroutine append_to_string_c(s,c) implicit none type(string), intent(inout) :: s character(*), intent(in) :: c integer :: i,ls,lc character, pointer :: ss(:) ls = len(s) lc = len(c) if (lc == 0) return if (ls+lc > string_size(s)) then allocate(ss(ls+lc)) do i=1,ls ss(i) = s%chars(i) enddo do i=ls+1,ls+lc ss(i) = c(i-ls:i-ls) enddo deallocate(s%chars) s%chars => ss s%len = ls + lc s%size = s%len else do i=ls+1,ls+lc s%chars(i) = c(i-ls:i-ls) enddo s%len = ls + lc endif end subroutine append_to_string_c !******************************************************************************* ! INSERT_IN_STRING !******************************************************************************* pure subroutine insert_in_string_s(s1,start,s2) implicit none type(string), intent(inout) :: s1 type(string), intent(in) :: s2 integer, intent(in) :: start integer :: i,ip,is,ls1,ls2 character, pointer :: ss(:) ls1 = len(s1) ls2 = len(s2) if (ls2 == 0) return if (ls1+ls2 > string_size(s1)) then allocate(ss(ls1+ls2)) is = max(start,1) ip = min(ls1+1,is) do i=1,ip-1 ss(i) = s1%chars(i) enddo do i=ip,ip+ls2-1 ss(i) = s2%chars(i-ip+1) enddo do i=ip+ls2,ls1+ls2 ss(i) = s1%chars(i-ls2) enddo deallocate(s1%chars) s1%chars => ss s1%len = ls1 + ls2 s1%size = s1%len else is = max(start,1) ip = min(ls1+1,is) do i=ls1+ls2,ip+ls2,-1 s1%chars(i) = s1%chars(i-ls2) enddo do i=ip,ip+ls2-1 s1%chars(i) = s2%chars(i-ip+1) enddo s1%len = ls1 + ls2 endif end subroutine insert_in_string_s !******************************************************************************* pure subroutine insert_in_string_c(s,start,c) implicit none type(string), intent(inout) :: s character(*), intent(in) :: c integer, intent(in) :: start integer :: i,ip,is,ls,lc character, pointer :: ss(:) ls = len(s) lc = len(c) if (lc == 0) return if (ls+lc > string_size(s)) then allocate(ss(ls+lc)) is = max(start,1) ip = min(ls+1,is) do i=1,ip-1 ss(i) = s%chars(i) enddo do i=ip,ip+lc-1 ss(i) = c(i-ip+1:i-ip+1) enddo do i=ip+lc,ls+lc ss(i) = s%chars(i-lc) enddo deallocate(s%chars) s%chars => ss s%len = ls + lc s%size = s%len else is = max(start,1) ip = min(ls+1,is) do i=ls+lc,ip+lc,-1 s%chars(i) = s%chars(i-lc) enddo do i=ip,ip+lc-1 s%chars(i) = c(i-ip+1:i-ip+1) enddo s%len = ls + lc endif end subroutine insert_in_string_c !******************************************************************************* ! REPLACE_IN_STRING !******************************************************************************* ! pure subroutine replace_in_string_ss_s(s,start,ss) ! ! implicit none ! type(string), intent(inout) :: s ! type(string), intent(in) :: ss ! integer, intent(in) :: start ! ! ! call replace_in_string_sc_s(s,start,char(ss)) ! ! end subroutine replace_in_string_ss_s !******************************************************************************* !******************************************************************************* pure subroutine replace_in_string_ss_s(s,start,ss) implicit none type(string), intent(inout) :: s type(string), intent(in) :: ss integer, intent(in) :: start integer :: i,ip,is,lr,lss,ls character, pointer :: rs(:) logical :: new lr = lr_ss_s(s,start,ss) lss = len(ss) ls = len(s) is = max(start,1) ip = min(ls+1,is) new = lr > string_size(s) if (new) then allocate(rs(lr)) else rs => s%chars endif do i=lr,ip+lss,-1 rs(i) = s%chars(i) enddo do i=lss,1,-1 rs(ip-1+i) = ss%chars(i) enddo if (new) then do i=1,ip-1 rs(i) = s%chars(i) enddo endif if (new) then deallocate(s%chars) s%chars => rs s%size = lr else nullify(rs) endif s%len = lr end subroutine replace_in_string_ss_s !******************************************************************************* ! pure subroutine replace_in_string_ss_sf(s,start,finish,ss) ! ! implicit none ! type(string), intent(inout) :: s ! type(string), intent(in) :: ss ! integer, intent(in) :: start,finish ! ! ! call replace_in_string_sc_sf(s,start,finish,char(ss)) ! ! end subroutine replace_in_string_ss_sf !******************************************************************************* !******************************************************************************* pure subroutine replace_in_string_ss_sf(s,start,finish,ss) implicit none type(string), intent(inout) :: s type(string), intent(in) :: ss integer, intent(in) :: start,finish integer :: i,if,ip,is,lr,ls,lss character, pointer :: rs(:) logical :: new lr = lr_ss_sf(s,start,finish,ss) lss = len(ss) ls = len(s) is = max(start,1) ip = min(ls+1,is) if = max(ip-1,min(finish,ls)) new = lr > string_size(s) if (new) then allocate(rs(lr)) else rs => s%chars endif do i=1,lr-ip-lss+1 rs(i+ip+lss-1) = s%chars(if+i) enddo do i=lss,1,-1 rs(i+ip-1) = ss%chars(i) enddo if (new) then do i=1,ip-1 rs(i) = s%chars(i) enddo endif if (new) then deallocate(s%chars) s%chars => rs s%size = lr else nullify(rs) endif s%len = lr end subroutine replace_in_string_ss_sf !******************************************************************************* !******************************************************************************* pure subroutine replace_in_string_sc_s(s,start,c) implicit none type(string), intent(inout) :: s character(*), intent(in) :: c integer, intent(in) :: start integer :: i,ip,is,lc,lr,ls character, pointer :: rs(:) logical :: new lr = lr_sc_s(s,start,c) lc = len(c) ls = len(s) is = max(start,1) ip = min(ls+1,is) new = lr > string_size(s) if (new) then allocate(rs(lr)) else rs => s%chars endif do i=lr,ip+lc,-1 rs(i) = s%chars(i) enddo do i=lc,1,-1 rs(ip-1+i) = c(i:i) enddo if (new) then do i=1,ip-1 rs(i) = s%chars(i) enddo endif if (new) then deallocate(s%chars) s%chars => rs s%size = lr else nullify(rs) endif s%len = lr end subroutine replace_in_string_sc_s !******************************************************************************* !******************************************************************************* pure subroutine replace_in_string_sc_sf(s,start,finish,c) implicit none type(string), intent(inout) :: s character(*), intent(in) :: c integer, intent(in) :: start,finish integer :: i,if,ip,is,lc,lr,ls character, pointer :: rs(:) logical :: new lr = lr_sc_sf(s,start,finish,c) lc = len(c) ls = len(s) is = max(start,1) ip = min(ls+1,is) if = max(ip-1,min(finish,ls)) new = lr > string_size(s) if (new) then allocate(rs(lr)) else rs => s%chars endif do i=1,lr-ip-lc+1 rs(i+ip+lc-1) = s%chars(if+i) enddo do i=lc,1,-1 rs(i+ip-1) = c(i:i) enddo if (new) then do i=1,ip-1 rs(i) = s%chars(i) enddo endif if (new) then deallocate(s%chars) s%chars => rs s%size = lr else nullify(rs) endif s%len = lr end subroutine replace_in_string_sc_sf !******************************************************************************* !******************************************************************************* !******************************************************************************* pure subroutine replace_in_string_scc(s,target,ss) implicit none type(string), intent(inout) :: s character(*), intent(in) :: target,ss call x_replace_in_string_scc(s,target,ss,'first') end subroutine replace_in_string_scc !******************************************************************************* pure subroutine replace_in_string_scc_f(s,target,ss,action) implicit none type(string), intent(inout) :: s character(*), intent(in) :: target,ss,action call x_replace_in_string_scc(s,target,ss,action) end subroutine replace_in_string_scc_f !******************************************************************************* pure subroutine x_replace_in_string_scc(s,target,ss,action) implicit none type(string), intent(inout) :: s character(*), intent(in) :: target,ss,action logical :: every,back integer :: lr,ls,lt,lss integer :: i,i1,i2,k1,k2,m1,m2 character, pointer :: rs(:) lr = lr_scc(s,target,ss,action) ls = len(s) lt = len(target) lss = len(ss) if (lt == 0) then if (ls == 0) then do i=1,lss s%chars(i) = ss(i:i) enddo s%len = lss endif return endif select case(uppercase(action)) case('FIRST') back = .false. every = .false. case('LAST') back = .true. every = .false. case('ALL') back = .false. every = .true. case default back = .false. every = .false. end select allocate(rs(lr)) if (back) then ! Backwards search ! k2 points to the absolute position one before the target in string k2 = ls m2 = lr do ! find the next occurrence of target i1 = aindex(s%chars(:k2),target,back) if (i1 == 0) then ! fill up to the end rs(:m2) = s%chars(:k2) exit endif ! i1 points to the absolute position of the first ! letter of target in string ! i2 points to the absolute position of the last ! letter of target in string i2 = i1 + lt - 1 ! copy the unaffected text string chunk after it ! k1 points to the absolute position one after target in string k1 = i2 + 1 m1 = m2 + k1 - k2 rs(m1:m2) = s%chars(k1:k2) m2 = m1 - 1 m1 = m2 - lss + 1 ! copy the replacement substring for target do i=1,lss rs(m1+i-1) = ss(i:i) enddo ! k2 points to the absolute position one before the target in string k2 = i1 - 1 m2 = m1 - 1 if (.not.every) then rs(:m2) = s%chars(:k2) exit endif enddo else ! Forward search ! k1 points to the absolute position one after target in string k1 = 1 m1 = 1 do ! find the next occurrence of target i1 = aindex(s%chars(k1:),target) if (i1 == 0) then ! fill up to the end rs(m1:lr) = s%chars(k1:ls) exit endif ! i1 points to the absolute position of the first ! letter of target in string i1 = k1 + (i1 - 1) ! i2 points to the absolute position of the last ! letter of target in string i2 = i1 + lt - 1 ! copy the unaffected text string chunk before it ! k2 points to the absolute position one before the target in string k2 = i1 - 1 m2 = m1 + k2 - k1 rs(m1:m2) = s%chars(k1:k2) m1 = m2 + 1 m2 = m1 + lss - 1 ! copy the replacement substring for target do i=1,lss rs(m1+i-1) = ss(i:i) enddo ! k1 points to the absolute position one after target in string k1 = i2 + 1 m1 = m2 + 1 if (.not.every) then rs(m1:lr) = s%chars(k1:ls) exit endif enddo endif if (associated(s%chars)) deallocate(s%chars) s%chars => rs s%len = lr s%size = size(s%chars) end subroutine x_replace_in_string_scc !******************************************************************************* pure subroutine replace_in_string_ssc(s,target,ss) implicit none type(string), intent(inout) :: s type(string), intent(in) :: target character(*), intent(in) :: ss call x_replace_in_string_scc(s,char(target),ss,'first') end subroutine replace_in_string_ssc !******************************************************************************* pure subroutine replace_in_string_ssc_f(s,target,ss,action) implicit none type(string), intent(inout) :: s type(string), intent(in) :: target character(*), intent(in) :: ss,action call x_replace_in_string_scc(s,char(target),ss,action) end subroutine replace_in_string_ssc_f !******************************************************************************* pure subroutine replace_in_string_scs(s,target,ss) implicit none type(string), intent(inout) :: s type(string), intent(in) :: ss character(*), intent(in) :: target call x_replace_in_string_scc(s,target,char(ss),'first') end subroutine replace_in_string_scs !******************************************************************************* pure subroutine replace_in_string_scs_f(s,target,ss,action) implicit none type(string), intent(inout) :: s type(string), intent(in) :: ss character(*), intent(in) :: target,action call x_replace_in_string_scc(s,target,char(ss),action) end subroutine replace_in_string_scs_f !******************************************************************************* pure subroutine replace_in_string_sss(s,target,ss) implicit none type(string), intent(inout) :: s type(string), intent(in) :: ss,target call x_replace_in_string_scc(s,char(target),char(ss),'first') end subroutine replace_in_string_sss !******************************************************************************* pure subroutine replace_in_string_sss_f(s,target,ss,action) implicit none type(string), intent(inout) :: s type(string), intent(in) :: ss,target character(*), intent(in) :: action call x_replace_in_string_scc(s,char(target),char(ss),action) end subroutine replace_in_string_sss_f !******************************************************************************* ! REMOVE_FROM_STRING !******************************************************************************* pure subroutine remove_from_string(s,start,finish) implicit none type(string), intent(inout) :: s integer, intent(in) :: start,finish integer :: i,if,is,le,ls is = max(1,start) ls = len(s) if = min(ls,finish) if (if < is) return le = if - is + 1 ! = len_extract do i=if+1,ls s%chars(i-le) = s%chars(i) enddo s%len = s%len - le end subroutine remove_from_string !******************************************************************************* ! UNSTRING procedure !******************************************************************************* ! Deallocate the chars in the string to avoid leaking of memory ! Use this in functions and subroutines on locally declared variables ! of type string after their use. (I.e. garbage collecting). elemental subroutine unstring(s) implicit none type(string), intent(inout) :: s if (associated(s%chars)) deallocate(s%chars) nullify(s%chars) s%size = 0 s%len = 0 end subroutine unstring !******************************************************************************* ! // !******************************************************************************* ! string // string pure function s_concat_s(s1,s2) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s1,s2 character(len(s1)+len(s2)) :: s_concat_s integer :: l1,l2 l1 = len(s1) l2 = len(s2) s_concat_s(1:l1) = s1 s_concat_s(1+l1:l1+l2) = s2 end function s_concat_s !******************************************************************************* ! string // character pure function s_concat_c(s,c) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s character(*), intent(in) :: c character(len(s)+len(c)) :: s_concat_c integer :: ls,lc ls = len(s) lc = len(c) s_concat_c(1:ls) = s s_concat_c(1+ls:ls+lc) = c end function s_concat_c !******************************************************************************* ! character // string pure function c_concat_s(c,s) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: c type(string), intent(in) :: s character(len(s)+len(c)) :: c_concat_s integer :: lc,ls lc = len(c) ls = len(s) c_concat_s(1:lc) = c c_concat_s(1+lc:lc+ls) = s end function c_concat_s !******************************************************************************* ! REPEAT !******************************************************************************* function repeat_s(s,ncopies) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s integer, intent(in) :: ncopies character(ncopies*len(s)) :: repeat_s if (ncopies < 0) stop 'Negative ncopies requested in REPEAT' repeat_s = repeat(char(s),ncopies) end function repeat_s !******************************************************************************* ! LEN_TRIM !******************************************************************************* elemental function len_trim_s(s) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s integer :: len_trim_s if (len(s) == 0) then len_trim_s = 0 return endif do len_trim_s = len(s),1,-1 if (s%chars(len_trim_s) /= blank) return end do end function len_trim_s !******************************************************************************* ! TRIM !******************************************************************************* pure function trim_s(s) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s character(len_trim(s)) :: trim_s integer :: i do i=1,len(trim_s) trim_s(i:i) = s%chars(i) enddo end function trim_s !******************************************************************************* ! IACHAR !******************************************************************************* ! Returns the position of the character string in the ISO 646 collating ! sequence. String must be of length one, otherwise result is as for ! intrinsic iachar. elemental function iachar_s(s) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s integer :: iachar_s iachar_s = iachar(char(s)) end function iachar_s !******************************************************************************* ! ICHAR !******************************************************************************* ! Returns the position of character from string in the processor collating ! sequence. String must be of length one, otherwise it will behave as the ! intrinsic ichar with the equivalent character string. elemental function ichar_s(s) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s integer :: ichar_s ichar_s = ichar(char(s)) end function ichar_s !******************************************************************************* ! ADJUSTL !******************************************************************************* ! Returns as a character variable the string adjusted to the left, ! removing leading blanks and inserting trailing blanks. pure function adjustl_s(s) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s character(len(s)) :: adjustl_s adjustl_s = adjustl(char(s)) end function adjustl_s !******************************************************************************* ! ADJUSTR !******************************************************************************* ! Returns as a character variable the string adjusted to the right, ! removing trailing blanks and inserting leading blanks. pure function adjustr_s(s) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s character(len(s)) :: adjustr_s adjustr_s = adjustr(char(s)) end function adjustr_s !******************************************************************************* ! LEN_STRIP !******************************************************************************* elemental function len_strip_s(s) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s integer :: len_strip_s integer :: i1,i2 do i1=1,len(s) if (s%chars(i1) /= blank) exit enddo do i2=len(s),1,-1 if (s%chars(i2) /= blank) exit enddo len_strip_s = max(0,i2-i1+1) end function len_strip_s !******************************************************************************* ! STRIP !******************************************************************************* pure function strip_s(s) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s character(len_strip(s)) :: strip_s integer :: i,j do i=1,len(s) if (s%chars(i) /= blank) exit enddo do j=1,len(strip_s) strip_s(j:j) = s%chars(i+j-1) enddo end function strip_s !******************************************************************************* elemental function len_strip_c(c) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: c integer :: len_strip_c integer :: i1,i2 do i1=1,len(c) if (c(i1:i1) /= blank) exit enddo i2 = len_trim(c) len_strip_c = max(0,i2-i1+1) end function len_strip_c !******************************************************************************* pure function strip_c(c) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: c character(len_strip(c)) :: strip_c integer :: i do i=1,len(c) if (c(i:i) /= blank) exit enddo strip_c(1:) = c(i:) end function strip_c !******************************************************************************* ! EXTRACT !******************************************************************************* pure function extract_s(s,start,finish) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s integer, intent(in) :: start,finish character(len_extract_s(s,start,finish)) :: extract_s integer :: i,is,if is = max(1,start) if = min(len(s),finish) if (if < is) then extract_s = '' else do i=1,max(0,if-is+1) extract_s(i:i) = s%chars(is+i-1) enddo endif end function extract_s !******************************************************************************* elemental function len_extract_s(s,start,finish) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s integer, intent(in) :: start,finish integer :: len_extract_s integer :: is,if is = max(1,start) if = min(len(s),finish) if (if < is) then len_extract_s = 0 else len_extract_s = max(0,if-is) + 1 endif end function len_extract_s !******************************************************************************* pure function extract_c(c,start,finish) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: c integer, intent(in) :: start,finish character(len_extract_c(c,start,finish)) :: extract_c integer :: is,if is = max(1,start) if = min(len(c),finish) if (if < is) then extract_c = '' else extract_c(1:if-is+1) = c(is:if) endif end function extract_c !******************************************************************************* elemental function len_extract_c(c,start,finish) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: c integer, intent(in) :: start,finish integer :: len_extract_c integer :: is,if is = max(1,start) if = min(len(c),finish) if (if < is) then len_extract_c = 0 else len_extract_c = max(0,if-is) + 1 endif end function len_extract_c !******************************************************************************* ! INSERT !******************************************************************************* pure function insert_ss(s1,start,s2) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s1,s2 integer, intent(in) :: start character(len(s1)+len(s2)) :: insert_ss integer :: i,ip,is,ls1,ls2 ls1 = len(s1) ls2 = len(s2) is = max(start,1) ip = min(ls1+1,is) do i=1,ip-1 insert_ss(i:i) = s1%chars(i) enddo do i=ip,ip+ls2-1 insert_ss(i:i) = s2%chars(i-ip+1) enddo do i=ip+ls2,ls1+ls2 insert_ss(i:i) = s1%chars(i-ls2) enddo end function insert_ss !******************************************************************************* pure function insert_sc(s1,start,c2) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s1 character(*), intent(in) :: c2 integer, intent(in) :: start character(len(s1)+len(c2)) :: insert_sc integer :: i,ip,is,ls1,ls2 ls1 = len(s1) ls2 = len(c2) is = max(start,1) ip = min(ls1+1,is) do i=1,ip-1 insert_sc(i:i) = s1%chars(i) enddo insert_sc(ip:ip+ls2-1) = c2 do i=ip+ls2,ls1+ls2 insert_sc(i:i) = s1%chars(i-ls2) enddo end function insert_sc !******************************************************************************* pure function insert_cs(c1,start,s2) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: c1 type(string), intent(in) :: s2 integer, intent(in) :: start character(len(c1)+len(s2)) :: insert_cs integer :: i,ip,is,ls1,ls2 ls1 = len(c1) ls2 = len(s2) is = max(start,1) ip = min(ls1+1,is) insert_cs(1:ip-1) = c1(1:ip-1) do i=ip,ip+ls2-1 insert_cs(i:i) = s2%chars(i-ip+1) enddo insert_cs(ip+ls2:ls1+ls2) = c1(ip:ls1) end function insert_cs !******************************************************************************* pure function insert_cc(c1,start,c2) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: c1,c2 integer, intent(in) :: start character(len(c1)+len(c2)) :: insert_cc integer :: ip,is,ls1,ls2 ls1 = len(c1) ls2 = len(c2) is = max(start,1) ip = min(ls1+1,is) insert_cc(1:ip-1) = c1(1:ip-1) insert_cc(ip:ip+ls2-1) = c2 insert_cc(ip+ls2:ls1+ls2) = c1(ip:ls1) end function insert_cc !******************************************************************************* ! REMOVE !******************************************************************************* pure function remove_c(c,start,finish) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: c integer, intent(in) :: start,finish character(len(c)-len_extract_c(c,start,finish)) :: remove_c integer :: if,is,ls is = max(1,start) ls = len(c) if = min(ls,finish) if (if < is) then remove_c = c else remove_c = c(1:is-1) // c(if+1:) endif end function remove_c !******************************************************************************* pure function remove_s(s,start,finish) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s integer, intent(in) :: start,finish character(len(s)-len_extract_s(s,start,finish)) :: remove_s integer :: i,if,is,le,ls is = max(1,start) ls = len(s) if = min(ls,finish) if (if < is) then remove_s = s else le = if - is + 1 do i=1,is-1 remove_s(i:i) = s%chars(i) enddo do i=if+1,ls remove_s(i-le:i-le) = s%chars(i) enddo endif end function remove_s !******************************************************************************* ! REPLACE !******************************************************************************* pure function lr_cc_s(s,start,ss) result(l) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: s,ss integer, intent(in) :: start integer :: l integer :: ip,is,ls,lss l = max(len(s),min(len(s)+1,max(start,1)+len(ss)-1)) end function lr_cc_s !******************************************************************************* ! Calculate the result string by the following actions: ! Insert the characters from substring SS into string STR beginning ! at position START replacing the following LEN(SUBSTRING) characters of ! the string and enlarging string if necessary. If START is greater than ! LEN(STRING) substring is simply appended to string by concatenation. ! If START is less than 1, substring replaces characters in string ! starting at 1 function replace_cc_s(s,start,ss) result(r) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: s,ss integer, intent(in) :: start character(lr_cc_s(s,start,ss)) :: r integer :: ip,is,l,lss,ls lss = len(ss) ls = len(s) is = max(start,1) ip = min(ls+1,is) l = len(r) r(1:ip-1) = s(1:ip-1) r(ip:ip+lss-1) = ss r(ip+lss:l) = s(ip+lss:ls) end function replace_cc_s !******************************************************************************* pure function lr_cc_sf(s,start,finish,ss) result(l) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: s,ss integer, intent(in) :: start,finish integer :: l integer :: if,ip,is,ls,lss lss = len(ss) ls = len(s) is = max(start,1) ip = min(ls+1,is) if = max(ip-1,min(finish,ls)) l = lss + ls - if+ip-1 end function lr_cc_sf !******************************************************************************* ! Calculates the result string by the following actions: ! Insert the substring SS into string STR beginning at position ! START replacing the following FINISH-START+1 characters of the string ! and enlarging or shrinking the string if necessary. ! If start is greater than LEN(STRING) substring is simply appended to ! string by concatenation. If START is less than 1, START = 1 is used. ! If FINISH is greater than LEN(STRING), FINISH = LEN(STRING) is used. ! If FINISH is less than START, substring is inserted before START. function replace_cc_sf(s,start,finish,ss) result(r) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: s,ss integer, intent(in) :: start,finish character(lr_cc_sf(s,start,finish,ss)) :: r integer :: i,if,ip,is,l,ls,lss lss = len(ss) ls = len(s) is = max(start,1) ip = min(ls+1,is) if = max(ip-1,min(finish,ls)) l = len(r) r(1:ip-1) = s(1:ip-1) do i=1,lss r(i+ip-1:i+ip-1) = ss(i:i) enddo do i=1,l-ip-lss+1 r(i+ip+lss-1:i+ip+lss-1) = s(if+i:if+i) enddo end function replace_cc_sf !******************************************************************************* pure function lr_cs_s(s,start,ss) result(l) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: s type(string), intent(in) :: ss integer, intent(in) :: start integer :: l integer :: ip,is,ls,lss l = max(len(s),min(len(s)+1,max(start,1)+len(ss)-1)) end function lr_cs_s !******************************************************************************* ! Calculate the result string by the following actions: ! Insert the characters from substring SS into string STR beginning ! at position START replacing the following LEN(SUBSTRING) characters of ! the string and enlarging string if necessary. If START is greater than ! LEN(STRING) substring is simply appended to string by concatenation. ! If START is less than 1, substring replaces characters in string ! starting at 1 function replace_cs_s(s,start,ss) result(r) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: s type(string), intent(in) :: ss integer, intent(in) :: start character(lr_cs_s(s,start,ss)) :: r integer :: i,ip,is,l,lss,ls lss = len(ss) ls = len(s) is = max(start,1) ip = min(ls+1,is) l = len(r) r(1:ip-1) = s(1:ip-1) r(ip:ip+lss-1) = transfer(ss%chars(1:lss),r(1:lss)) r(ip+lss:l) = s(ip+lss:ls) end function replace_cs_s !******************************************************************************* pure function lr_cs_sf(s,start,finish,ss) result(l) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: s type(string), intent(in) :: ss integer, intent(in) :: start,finish integer :: l integer :: if,ip,is,ls,lss lss = len(ss) ls = len(s) is = max(start,1) ip = min(ls+1,is) if = max(ip-1,min(finish,ls)) l = lss + ls - if+ip-1 end function lr_cs_sf !******************************************************************************* ! Calculates the result string by the following actions: ! Insert the substring SS into string STR beginning at position ! START replacing the following FINISH-START+1 characters of the string ! and enlarging or shrinking the string if necessary. ! If start is greater than LEN(STRING) substring is simply appended to ! string by concatenation. If START is less than 1, START = 1 is used. ! If FINISH is greater than LEN(STRING), FINISH = LEN(STRING) is used. ! If FINISH is less than START, substring is inserted before START. function replace_cs_sf(s,start,finish,ss) result(r) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: s type(string), intent(in) :: ss integer, intent(in) :: start,finish character(lr_cs_sf(s,start,finish,ss)) :: r integer :: i,if,ip,is,l,ls,lss lss = len(ss) ls = len(s) is = max(start,1) ip = min(ls+1,is) if = max(ip-1,min(finish,ls)) l = len(r) r(1:ip-1) = s(1:ip-1) r(i+ip:i+ip+lss-1) = transfer(ss%chars(1:lss),r(1:lss)) do i=1,lss r(i+ip-1:i+ip-1) = ss%chars(i) enddo do i=1,l-ip-lss+1 r(i+ip+lss-1:i+ip+lss-1) = s(if+i:if+i) enddo end function replace_cs_sf !******************************************************************************* pure function lr_sc_s(s,start,ss) result(l) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s character(*), intent(in) :: ss integer, intent(in) :: start integer :: l integer :: ip,is,ls,lss l = max(len(s),min(len(s)+1,max(start,1)+len(ss)-1)) end function lr_sc_s !******************************************************************************* ! Calculate the result string by the following actions: ! Insert the characters from substring SS into string STR beginning ! at position START replacing the following LEN(SUBSTRING) characters of ! the string and enlarging string if necessary. If START is greater than ! LEN(STRING) substring is simply appended to string by concatenation. ! If START is less than 1, substring replaces characters in string ! starting at 1 function replace_sc_s(s,start,ss) result(r) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s character(*), intent(in) :: ss integer, intent(in) :: start character(lr_sc_s(s,start,ss)) :: r integer :: i,ip,is,l,lss,ls lss = len(ss) ls = len(s) is = max(start,1) ip = min(ls+1,is) l = len(r) do i=1,ip-1 r(i:i) = s%chars(i) enddo do i=1,lss r(i+ip-1:i+ip-1) = ss(i:i) enddo do i=ip+lss,l r(i:i) = s%chars(i) enddo end function replace_sc_s !******************************************************************************* pure function lr_sc_sf(s,start,finish,ss) result(l) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s character(*), intent(in) :: ss integer, intent(in) :: start,finish integer :: l integer :: if,ip,is,ls,lss lss = len(ss) ls = len(s) is = max(start,1) ip = min(ls+1,is) if = max(ip-1,min(finish,ls)) l = lss + ls - if+ip-1 end function lr_sc_sf !******************************************************************************* ! Calculates the result string by the following actions: ! Insert the substring SS into string STR beginning at position ! START replacing the following FINISH-START+1 characters of the string ! and enlarging or shrinking the string if necessary. ! If start is greater than LEN(STRING) substring is simply appended to ! string by concatenation. If START is less than 1, START = 1 is used. ! If FINISH is greater than LEN(STRING), FINISH = LEN(STRING) is used. ! If FINISH is less than START, substring is inserted before START. function replace_sc_sf(s,start,finish,ss) result(r) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s character(*), intent(in) :: ss integer, intent(in) :: start,finish character(lr_sc_sf(s,start,finish,ss)) :: r integer :: i,if,ip,is,l,ls,lss lss = len(ss) ls = len(s) is = max(start,1) ip = min(ls+1,is) if = max(ip-1,min(finish,ls)) l = len(r) do i=1,ip-1 r(i:i) = s%chars(i) enddo r(ip:ip+lss-1) = ss do i=1,l-ip-lss+1 r(i+ip+lss-1:i+ip+lss-1) = s%chars(if+i) enddo end function replace_sc_sf !******************************************************************************* pure function lr_ss_s(s,start,ss) result(l) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s,ss integer, intent(in) :: start integer :: l integer :: ip,is,ls,lss l = max(len(s),min(len(s)+1,max(start,1)+len(ss)-1)) end function lr_ss_s !******************************************************************************* ! Calculate the result string by the following actions: ! Insert the characters from substring SS into string STR beginning ! at position START replacing the following LEN(SUBSTRING) characters of ! the string and enlarging string if necessary. If START is greater than ! LEN(STRING) substring is simply appended to string by concatenation. ! If START is less than 1, substring replaces characters in string ! starting at 1 function replace_ss_s(s,start,ss) result(r) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s,ss integer, intent(in) :: start character(lr_ss_s(s,start,ss)) :: r integer :: i,ip,is,l,lss,ls lss = len(ss) ls = len(s) is = max(start,1) ip = min(ls+1,is) l = len(r) do i=1,ip-1 r(i:i) = s%chars(i) enddo do i=1,lss r(ip-1+i:ip-1+i) = ss%chars(i) enddo do i=ip+lss,l r(i:i) = s%chars(i) enddo end function replace_ss_s !******************************************************************************* pure function lr_ss_sf(s,start,finish,ss) result(l) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s,ss integer, intent(in) :: start,finish integer :: l integer :: if,ip,is,ls,lss lss = len(ss) ls = len(s) is = max(start,1) ip = min(ls+1,is) if = max(ip-1,min(finish,ls)) l = lss + ls - if+ip-1 end function lr_ss_sf !******************************************************************************* ! Calculates the result string by the following actions: ! Insert the substring SS into string STR beginning at position ! START replacing the following FINISH-START+1 characters of the string ! and enlarging or shrinking the string if necessary. ! If start is greater than LEN(STRING) substring is simply appended to ! string by concatenation. If START is less than 1, START = 1 is used. ! If FINISH is greater than LEN(STRING), FINISH = LEN(STRING) is used. ! If FINISH is less than START, substring is inserted before START. function replace_ss_sf(s,start,finish,ss) result(r) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s,ss integer, intent(in) :: start,finish character(lr_ss_sf(s,start,finish,ss)) :: r integer :: i,if,ip,is,l,ls,lss lss = len(ss) ls = len(s) is = max(start,1) ip = min(ls+1,is) if = max(ip-1,min(finish,ls)) l = len(r) do i=1,ip-1 r(i:i) = s%chars(i) enddo do i=1,lss r(i+ip-1:i+ip-1) = ss%chars(i) enddo do i=1,l-ip-lss+1 r(i+ip+lss-1:i+ip+lss-1) = s%chars(if+i) enddo end function replace_ss_sf !******************************************************************************* pure function lr_ccc(s,target,ss,action) result(l) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: s,target,ss,action integer :: l logical :: every,back integer :: ls,lt,lss,ipos,nr ls = len(s) lt = len(target) lss = len(ss) if (lt == 0) then if (ls == 0) then l = lss else l = ls endif return endif if (lt == lss) then l = ls return endif select case(uppercase(action)) case('FIRST') back = .false. every = .false. case('LAST') back = .true. every = .false. case('ALL') back = .false. every = .true. case default back = .false. every = .false. end select nr = 0 if (back) then ipos = ls do while (ipos > 0) ipos = index(s(:ipos),target,back) if (ipos == 0) exit nr = nr + 1 if (.not. every) exit ipos = ipos - 1 enddo else ipos = 1 do while (ipos <= ls-lt+1) l = index(s(ipos:),target) if (l == 0) exit nr = nr + 1 if (.not. every) exit ipos = ipos + l + 1 ipos = ipos + 1 enddo endif l = ls + nr*(lss-lt) end function lr_ccc !******************************************************************************* function replace_ccc(s,target,ss) result(r) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: s,target,ss character(lr_ccc(s,target,ss,'first')) :: r call x_replace_ccc(s,target,ss,'first',r) end function replace_ccc !******************************************************************************* function replace_ccc_f(s,target,ss,action) result(r) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: s,target,ss,action character(lr_ccc(s,target,ss,action)) :: r call x_replace_ccc(s,target,ss,action,r) end function replace_ccc_f !******************************************************************************* ! Calculate the result string by the following actions: ! Search for occurences of TARGET in string S, and replaces these with ! substring SS. If BACK present with value true search is backward otherwise ! search is done forward. If EVERY present with value true all accurences ! of TARGET in S are replaced, otherwise only the first found is ! replaced. If TARGET is not found the result is the same as S. subroutine x_replace_ccc(s,target,ss,action,r) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: s,target,ss,action character(*), intent(inout) :: r logical :: every,back integer :: lr,ls,lt,lss integer :: i1,i2,k1,k2,m1,m2 lr = len(r) ls = len(s) lt = len(target) lss = len(ss) if (lt == 0) then if (ls == 0) then r = ss else r = s endif return endif select case(uppercase(action)) case('FIRST') back = .false. every = .false. case('LAST') back = .true. every = .false. case('ALL') back = .false. every = .true. case default back = .false. every = .false. end select if (back) then k2 = ls m2 = lr do i1 = index(s(:k2),target,back) if (i1 == 0) then r(:m2) = s(:k2) return endif i2 = i1 + lt - 1 k1 = i2 + 1 m1 = m2 + k1 - k2 r(m1:m2) = s(k1:k2) m2 = m1 - 1 m1 = m2 - lss + 1 r(m1:m2) = ss k2 = i1 - 1 m2 = m1 - 1 if (.not. every) then r(:m2) = s(:k2) return endif enddo else k1 = 1 m1 = 1 do i1 = index(s(k1:),target) if (i1 == 0) then r(m1:) = s(k1:) return endif i1 = k1 + (i1 - 1) i2 = i1 + lt - 1 k2 = i1 - 1 m2 = m1 + k2 - k1 r(m1:m2) = s(k1:k2) m1 = m2 + 1 m2 = m1 + lss - 1 r(m1:m2) = ss k1 = i2 + 1 m1 = m2 + 1 if (.not. every) then r(m1:) = s(k1:) return endif enddo endif end subroutine x_replace_ccc !******************************************************************************* function replace_csc(s,target,ss) result(r) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: s,ss type(string), intent(in) :: target character(lr_ccc(s,char(target),ss,'first')) :: r call x_replace_ccc(s,char(target),ss,'first',r) end function replace_csc !******************************************************************************* function replace_csc_f(s,target,ss,action) result(r) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: s,ss,action type(string), intent(in) :: target character(lr_ccc(s,char(target),ss,action)) :: r call x_replace_ccc(s,char(target),ss,action,r) end function replace_csc_f !******************************************************************************* !******************************************************************************* function replace_ccs(s,target,ss) result(r) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: s,target type(string), intent(in) :: ss character(lr_ccc(s,target,char(ss),'first')) :: r call x_replace_ccc(s,target,char(ss),'first',r) end function replace_ccs !******************************************************************************* function replace_ccs_f(s,target,ss,action) result(r) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: s,target,action type(string), intent(in) :: ss character(lr_ccc(s,target,char(ss),action)) :: r call x_replace_ccc(s,target,char(ss),action,r) end function replace_ccs_f !******************************************************************************* !******************************************************************************* function replace_css(s,target,ss) result(r) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: s type(string), intent(in) :: ss,target character(lr_ccc(s,char(target),char(ss),'first')) :: r call x_replace_ccc(s,char(target),char(ss),'first',r) end function replace_css !******************************************************************************* function replace_css_f(s,target,ss,action) result(r) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: s,action type(string), intent(in) :: ss,target character(lr_ccc(s,char(target),char(ss),action)) :: r call x_replace_ccc(s,char(target),char(ss),action,r) end function replace_css_f !******************************************************************************* !******************************************************************************* pure function lr_scc(s,target,ss,action) result(l) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s character(*), intent(in) :: target,ss,action integer :: l logical :: every,back integer :: ls,lt,lss,ipos,nr ls = len(s) lt = len(target) lss = len(ss) if (lt == 0) then if (ls == 0) then l = lss else l = ls endif return endif if (lt == lss) then l = ls return endif select case(uppercase(action)) case('FIRST') back = .false. every = .false. case('LAST') back = .true. every = .false. case('ALL') back = .false. every = .true. case default back = .false. every = .false. end select nr = 0 if (back) then ipos = ls do while (ipos > 0) ipos = aindex(s%chars(:ipos),target,back) if (ipos == 0) exit nr = nr + 1 if (.not. every) exit ipos = ipos - 1 enddo else ipos = 1 do while (ipos <= ls-lt+1) l = aindex(s%chars(ipos:),target) if (l == 0) exit nr = nr + 1 if (.not. every) exit ipos = ipos + l + 1 enddo endif l = ls + nr*(lss-lt) end function lr_scc !******************************************************************************* function replace_scc(s,target,ss) result(r) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s character(*), intent(in) :: target,ss character(lr_scc(s,target,ss,'first')) :: r call x_replace_scc(s,target,ss,'first',r) end function replace_scc !******************************************************************************* function replace_scc_f(s,target,ss,action) result(r) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s character(*), intent(in) :: target,ss,action character(lr_scc(s,target,ss,action)) :: r call x_replace_scc(s,target,ss,action,r) end function replace_scc_f !******************************************************************************* ! Calculate the result string by the following actions: ! Search for occurences of TARGET in string S, and replaces these with ! substring SS. If BACK present with value true search is backward otherwise ! search is done forward. If EVERY present with value true all accurences ! of TARGET in S are replaced, otherwise only the first found is ! replaced. If TARGET is not found the result is the same as S. subroutine x_replace_scc(s,target,ss,action,r) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s character(*), intent(in) :: target,ss,action character(*), intent(inout) :: r logical :: every,back integer :: lr,ls,lt,lss integer :: i1,i2,k1,k2,m1,m2 lr = len(r) ls = len(s) lt = len(target) lss = len(ss) if (lt == 0) then if (ls == 0) then r = ss else r = s endif return endif select case(uppercase(action)) case('FIRST') back = .false. every = .false. case('LAST') back = .true. every = .false. case('ALL') back = .false. every = .true. case default back = .false. every = .false. end select if (back) then k2 = ls m2 = lr do i1 = aindex(s%chars(:k2),target,back) if (i1 == 0) then r(:m2) = transfer(s%chars(:k2),r(:m2)) return endif i2 = i1 + lt - 1 k1 = i2 + 1 m1 = m2 + k1 - k2 r(m1:m2) = transfer(s%chars(k1:k2),r(m1:m2)) m2 = m1 - 1 m1 = m2 - lss + 1 r(m1:m2) = ss k2 = i1 - 1 m2 = m1 - 1 if (.not.every) then r(:m2) = transfer(s%chars(:k2),r(:m2)) return endif enddo else k1 = 1 m1 = 1 do i1 = aindex(s%chars(k1:),target) if (i1 == 0) then r(m1:) = transfer(s%chars(k1:),r(m1:)) return endif i1 = k1 + (i1 - 1) i2 = i1 + lt - 1 k2 = i1 - 1 m2 = m1 + k2 - k1 r(m1:m2) = transfer(s%chars(k1:k2),r(m1:m2)) m1 = m2 + 1 m2 = m1 + lss - 1 r(m1:m2) = ss k1 = i2 + 1 m1 = m2 + 1 if (.not.every) then r(m1:) = transfer(s%chars(k1:),r(m1:)) return endif enddo endif end subroutine x_replace_scc !******************************************************************************* function replace_ssc(s,target,ss) result(r) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s,target character(*), intent(in) :: ss character(lr_scc(s,char(target),ss,'first')) :: r call x_replace_scc(s,char(target),ss,'first',r) end function replace_ssc !******************************************************************************* function replace_ssc_f(s,target,ss,action) result(r) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s,target character(*), intent(in) :: ss,action character(lr_scc(s,char(target),ss,action)) :: r call x_replace_scc(s,char(target),ss,action,r) end function replace_ssc_f !******************************************************************************* function replace_scs(s,target,ss) result(r) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s,ss character(*), intent(in) :: target character(lr_scc(s,target,char(ss),'first')) :: r call x_replace_scc(s,target,char(ss),'first',r) end function replace_scs !******************************************************************************* function replace_scs_f(s,target,ss,action) result(r) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s,ss character(*), intent(in) :: target,action character(lr_scc(s,target,char(ss),action)) :: r call x_replace_scc(s,target,char(ss),action,r) end function replace_scs_f !******************************************************************************* function replace_sss(s,target,ss) result(r) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s,ss,target character(lr_scc(s,char(target),char(ss),'first')) :: r call x_replace_scc(s,char(target),char(ss),'first',r) end function replace_sss !******************************************************************************* function replace_sss_f(s,target,ss,action) result(r) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s,ss,target character(*), intent(in) :: action character(lr_scc(s,char(target),char(ss),action)) :: r call x_replace_scc(s,char(target),char(ss),action,r) end function replace_sss_f !******************************************************************************* ! SORT, LSORT !******************************************************************************* !******************************************************************************* ! Sorts A into ascending order, from A(1) to A(N). ! Reference: Richard C. Singleton, Algorithm 347, SORT. ! Comm. ACM 3, 321 (March 1969). ! Algorithm is Copyright 1969 Association of Computing Machinery, !******************************************************************************* subroutine sort_c(a) implicit none character(*), intent(inout) :: a(:) character(len(a)) :: t,s integer :: p,i,j,k,l,m integer :: is(0:63) m = 0 i = 1 j = size(a) 5 continue if (i >= j) goto 70 10 continue p = (i + j)/2 t = a(p) if (a(i) > t) then a(p) = a(i) a(i) = t t = a(p) endif if (a(j) < t) then a(p) = a(j) a(j) = t t = a(p) if (a(i) > t) then a(p) = a(i) a(i) = t t = a(p) endif endif k = i l = j do do l = l - 1 if (a(l) <= t) exit enddo s = a(l) do k = k + 1 if (a(k) >= t) exit enddo if (k > l) exit a(l) = a(k) a(k) = s enddo if (l-i > j-k) then is(m) = i m = m + 1 is(m) = l m = m + 1 i = k else is(m) = k m = m + 1 is(m) = j m = m + 1 j = l endif goto 80 70 continue if (m == 0) return m = m - 1 j = is(m) m = m - 1 i = is(m) 80 continue if (j-i >= 11) goto 10 if (i == 1) goto 5 i = i - 1 do i = i + 1 if (i == j) goto 70 t = a(i+1) if (a(i) <= t) cycle k = i do a(k+1) = a(k) k = k - 1 if (t >= a(k)) exit enddo a(k+1) = t enddo end subroutine sort_c !******************************************************************************* ! Sorts A into ascending order, from A(1) to A(N). ! Reference: Richard C. Singleton, Algorithm 347, SORT. ! Comm. ACM 3, 321 (March 1969). ! Algorithm is Copyright 1969 Association of Computing Machinery, !******************************************************************************* subroutine sort_s(a) implicit none type(string), intent(inout) :: a(:) type(string) :: s,t integer :: p,i,j,k,l,m integer :: is(0:63) m = 0 i = 1 j = size(a) 5 continue if (i >= j) goto 70 10 continue p = (i + j)/2 call pstring(t,a(p)) if (a(i) > t) then call pstring(a(p),a(i)) call pstring(a(i),t) call pstring(t,a(p)) endif if (a(j) < t) then call pstring(a(p),a(j)) call pstring(a(j),t) call pstring(t,a(p)) if (a(i) > t) then call pstring(a(p),a(i)) call pstring(a(i),t) call pstring(t,a(p)) endif endif k = i l = j do do l = l - 1 if (a(l) <= t) exit enddo call pstring(s,a(l)) do k = k + 1 if (a(k) >= t) exit enddo if (k > l) exit call pstring(a(l),a(k)) call pstring(a(k),s) enddo if (l-i > j-k) then is(m) = i m = m + 1 is(m) = l m = m + 1 i = k else is(m) = k m = m + 1 is(m) = j m = m + 1 j = l endif goto 80 70 continue if (m == 0) return m = m - 1 j = is(m) m = m - 1 i = is(m) 80 continue if (j-i >= 11) goto 10 if (i == 1) goto 5 i = i - 1 do i = i + 1 if (i == j) goto 70 call pstring(t,a(i+1)) if (a(i) <= t) cycle k = i do call pstring(a(k+1),a(k)) k = k - 1 if (t >= a(k)) exit enddo call pstring(a(k+1),t) enddo contains !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine pstring(p,t) implicit none type(string), intent(inout) :: p type(string), intent(in) :: t p%len = t%len p%size = t%size p%chars => t%chars end subroutine pstring !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine sort_s !******************************************************************************* ! Sorts A into ascending order, from A(1) to A(N). ! Reference: Richard C. Singleton, Algorithm 347, SORT. ! Comm. ACM 3, 321 (March 1969). ! Algorithm is Copyright 1969 Association of Computing Machinery, ! reproduced with permission. !******************************************************************************* subroutine lsort_c(a) implicit none character(*), intent(inout) :: a(:) character(len(a)) :: t,s integer :: p,i,j,k,l,m integer :: is(0:63) m = 0 i = 1 j = size(a) 5 continue if (i >= j) goto 70 10 continue p = (i + j)/2 t = a(p) if (lgt(a(i),t)) then a(p) = a(i) a(i) = t t = a(p) endif if (llt(a(j),t)) then a(p) = a(j) a(j) = t t = a(p) if (lgt(a(i),t)) then a(p) = a(i) a(i) = t t = a(p) endif endif k = i l = j do do l = l - 1 if (lle(a(l),t)) exit enddo s = a(l) do k = k + 1 if (lge(a(k),t)) exit enddo if (k > l) exit a(l) = a(k) a(k) = s enddo if (l-i > j-k) then is(m) = i m = m + 1 is(m) = l m = m + 1 i = k else is(m) = k m = m + 1 is(m) = j m = m + 1 j = l endif goto 80 70 continue if (m == 0) return m = m - 1 j = is(m) m = m - 1 i = is(m) 80 continue if (j-i >= 11) goto 10 if (i == 1) goto 5 i = i - 1 do i = i + 1 if (i == j) goto 70 t = a(i+1) if (lle(a(i),t)) cycle k = i do a(k+1) = a(k) k = k - 1 if (lge(t,a(k))) exit enddo a(k+1) = t enddo end subroutine lsort_c !******************************************************************************* ! Sorts A into ascending order, from A(1) to A(N). ! Reference: Richard C. Singleton, Algorithm 347, SORT. ! Comm. ACM 3, 321 (March 1969). ! Algorithm is Copyright 1969 Association of Computing Machinery, !******************************************************************************* subroutine lsort_s(a) implicit none type(string), intent(inout) :: a(:) type(string) :: s,t integer :: p,i,j,k,l,m integer :: is(0:63) m = 0 i = 1 j = size(a) 5 continue if (i >= j) goto 70 10 continue p = (i + j)/2 call pstring(t,a(p)) if (lgt(a(i),t)) then call pstring(a(p),a(i)) call pstring(a(i),t) call pstring(t,a(p)) endif if (llt(a(j),t)) then call pstring(a(p),a(j)) call pstring(a(j),t) call pstring(t,a(p)) if (lgt(a(i),t)) then call pstring(a(p),a(i)) call pstring(a(i),t) call pstring(t,a(p)) endif endif k = i l = j do do l = l - 1 if (lle(a(l),t)) exit enddo call pstring(s,a(l)) do k = k + 1 if (lge(a(k),t)) exit enddo if (k > l) exit call pstring(a(l),a(k)) call pstring(a(k),s) enddo if (l-i > j-k) then is(m) = i m = m + 1 is(m) = l m = m + 1 i = k else is(m) = k m = m + 1 is(m) = j m = m + 1 j = l endif goto 80 70 continue if (m == 0) return m = m - 1 j = is(m) m = m - 1 i = is(m) 80 continue if (j-i >= 11) goto 10 if (i == 1) goto 5 i = i - 1 do i = i + 1 if (i == j) goto 70 call pstring(t,a(i+1)) if (lle(a(i),t)) cycle k = i do call pstring(a(k+1),a(k)) k = k - 1 if (lge(t,a(k))) exit enddo call pstring(a(k+1),t) enddo contains !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine pstring(p,t) implicit none type(string), intent(inout) :: p type(string), intent(in) :: t p%len = t%len p%size = t%size p%chars => t%chars end subroutine pstring !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine lsort_s !******************************************************************************* ! RANK, LRANK !******************************************************************************* !******************************************************************************* ! Sorts A into ascending order, from A(1) to A(N). ! Reference: Richard C. Singleton, Algorithm 347, SORT. ! Comm. ACM 3, 321 (March 1969). ! Algorithm is Copyright 1969 Association of Computing Machinery, ! reproduced with permission. !******************************************************************************* subroutine rank_c(a,r) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: a(:) integer, intent(out) :: r(size(a)) character(len(a)) :: t integer :: i,j,k,l,m,n,p,rs,rt integer :: is(0:63) n = size(a) r(:) = (/ (i, i=1,n) /) m = 0 i = 1 j = n 5 continue if (i >= j) goto 70 10 continue p = (j+i)/2 rt = r(p) t = a(rt) if (a(r(i)) > t) then r(p) = r(i) r(i) = rt rt = r(p) t = a(rt) endif if (a(r(j)) < t) then r(p) = r(j) r(j) = rt rt = r(p) t = a(rt) if (a(r(i)) > t) then r(p) = r(i) r(i) = rt rt = r(p) t = a(rt) endif endif k = i l = j do do l = l - 1 if (a(r(l)) <= t) exit enddo rs = r(l) do k = k + 1 if (a(r(k)) >= t) exit enddo if (k > l) exit r(l) = r(k) r(k) = rs enddo if (l-i > j-k) then is(m) = i m = m + 1 is(m) = l m = m + 1 i = k else is(m) = k m = m + 1 is(m) = j m = m + 1 j = l endif goto 80 70 continue if (m == 0) return m = m - 1 j = is(m) m = m - 1 i = is(m) 80 continue if (j-i >= 11) goto 10 if (i == 1) goto 5 i = i - 1 do i = i + 1 if (i == j) goto 70 rt = r(i+1) t = a(rt) if (a(r(i)) <= t) cycle k = i do r(k+1) = r(k) k = k - 1 if (t >= a(r(k))) exit enddo r(k+1) = rt enddo end subroutine rank_c !******************************************************************************* ! Sorts A into ascending order, from A(1) to A(N). ! Reference: Richard C. Singleton, Algorithm 347, SORT. ! Comm. ACM 3, 321 (March 1969). ! Algorithm is Copyright 1969 Association of Computing Machinery, !******************************************************************************* subroutine rank_s(a,r) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: a(:) integer, intent(out) :: r(size(a)) type(string) :: t integer :: i,j,k,l,m,n,p,rs,rt integer :: is(0:63) n = size(a) r(:) = (/ (i, i=1,n) /) m = 0 i = 1 j = n 5 continue if (i >= j) goto 70 10 continue p = (j+i)/2 rt = r(p) call pstring(t,a(rt)) if (a(r(i)) > t) then r(p) = r(i) r(i) = rt rt = r(p) call pstring(t,a(rt)) endif if (a(r(j)) < t) then r(p) = r(j) r(j) = rt rt = r(p) call pstring(t,a(rt)) if (a(r(i)) > t) then r(p) = r(i) r(i) = rt rt = r(p) call pstring(t,a(rt)) endif endif k = i l = j do do l = l - 1 if (a(r(l)) <= t) exit enddo rs = r(l) do k = k + 1 if (a(r(k)) >= t) exit enddo if (k > l) exit r(l) = r(k) r(k) = rs enddo if (l-i > j-k) then is(m) = i m = m + 1 is(m) = l m = m + 1 i = k else is(m) = k m = m + 1 is(m) = j m = m + 1 j = l endif goto 80 70 continue if (m == 0) return m = m - 1 j = is(m) m = m - 1 i = is(m) 80 continue if (j-i >= 11) goto 10 if (i == 1) goto 5 i = i - 1 do i = i + 1 if (i == j) goto 70 rt = r(i+1) call pstring(t,a(rt)) if (a(r(i)) <= t) cycle k = i do r(k+1) = r(k) k = k - 1 if (t >= a(r(k))) exit enddo r(k+1) = rt enddo contains !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine pstring(p,t) implicit none type(string), intent(inout) :: p type(string), intent(in) :: t p%len = t%len p%size = t%size p%chars => t%chars end subroutine pstring !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine rank_s !******************************************************************************* ! Sorts A into ascending order, from A(1) to A(N). ! Reference: Richard C. Singleton, Algorithm 347, SORT. ! Comm. ACM 3, 321 (March 1969). ! Algorithm is Copyright 1969 Association of Computing Machinery, !******************************************************************************* subroutine lrank_c(a,r) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: a(:) integer, intent(out) :: r(size(a)) character(len(a)) :: t integer :: i,j,k,l,m,n,p,rs,rt integer :: is(0:63) n = size(a) r(:) = (/ (i, i=1,n) /) m = 0 i = 1 j = n 5 continue if (i >= j) goto 70 10 continue p = (j+i)/2 rt = r(p) t = a(rt) if (lgt(a(r(i)),t)) then r(p) = r(i) r(i) = rt rt = r(p) t = a(rt) endif if (llt(a(r(j)),t)) then r(p) = r(j) r(j) = rt rt = r(p) t = a(rt) if (llt(a(r(i)),t)) then r(p) = r(i) r(i) = rt rt = r(p) t = a(rt) endif endif k = i l = j do do l = l - 1 if (lle(a(r(l)),t)) exit enddo rs = r(l) do k = k + 1 if (lge(a(r(k)),t)) exit enddo if (k > l) exit r(l) = r(k) r(k) = rs enddo if (l-i > j-k) then is(m) = i m = m + 1 is(m) = l m = m + 1 i = k else is(m) = k m = m + 1 is(m) = j m = m + 1 j = l endif goto 80 70 continue if (m == 0) return m = m - 1 j = is(m) m = m - 1 i = is(m) 80 continue if (j-i >= 11) goto 10 if (i == 1) goto 5 i = i - 1 do i = i + 1 if (i == j) goto 70 rt = r(i+1) t = a(rt) if (lle(a(r(i)),t)) cycle k = i do r(k+1) = r(k) k = k - 1 if (lge(t,a(r(k)))) exit enddo r(k+1) = rt enddo end subroutine lrank_c !******************************************************************************* ! Sorts A into ascending order, from A(1) to A(N). ! Reference: Richard C. Singleton, Algorithm 347, SORT. ! Comm. ACM 3, 321 (March 1969). ! Algorithm is Copyright 1969 Association of Computing Machinery, !******************************************************************************* subroutine lrank_s(a,r) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: a(:) integer, intent(out) :: r(size(a)) type(string) :: t integer :: i,j,k,l,m,n,p,rs,rt integer :: is(0:63) n = size(a) r(:) = (/ (i, i=1,n) /) m = 0 i = 1 j = n 5 continue if (i >= j) goto 70 10 continue p = (j+i)/2 rt = r(p) call pstring(t,a(rt)) if (lgt(a(r(i)),t)) then r(p) = r(i) r(i) = rt rt = r(p) call pstring(t,a(rt)) endif if (llt(a(r(j)),t)) then r(p) = r(j) r(j) = rt rt = r(p) call pstring(t,a(rt)) if (lgt(a(r(i)),t)) then r(p) = r(i) r(i) = rt rt = r(p) call pstring(t,a(rt)) endif endif k = i l = j do do l = l - 1 if (lle(a(r(l)),t)) exit enddo rs = r(l) do k = k + 1 if (lge(a(r(k)),t)) exit enddo if (k > l) exit r(l) = r(k) r(k) = rs enddo if (l-i > j-k) then is(m) = i m = m + 1 is(m) = l m = m + 1 i = k else is(m) = k m = m + 1 is(m) = j m = m + 1 j = l endif goto 80 70 continue if (m == 0) return m = m - 1 j = is(m) m = m - 1 i = is(m) 80 continue if (j-i >= 11) goto 10 if (i == 1) goto 5 i = i - 1 do i = i + 1 if (i == j) goto 70 rt = r(i+1) call pstring(t,a(rt)) if (lle(a(r(i)),t)) cycle k = i do r(k+1) = r(k) k = k - 1 if (lge(t,a(r(k)))) exit enddo r(k+1) = rt enddo contains !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine pstring(p,t) implicit none type(string), intent(inout) :: p type(string), intent(in) :: t p%len = t%len p%size = t%size p%chars => t%chars end subroutine pstring !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine lrank_s !******************************************************************************* ! COMPARE, LCOMPARE, ACOMPARE, ALCOMPARE !******************************************************************************* !******************************************************************************* elemental function compare_ss(s1,s2) result(css) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s1,s2 character(2) :: css integer :: i,l1,l2 l1 = len(s1) l2 = len(s2) do i=1,min(l1,l2) if (s1%chars(i) < s2%chars(i)) then css = 'LT' return elseif (s1%chars(i) > s2%chars(i)) then css = 'GT' return endif enddo if (l1 < l2) then do i=l1+1,l2 if (blank < s2%chars(i)) then css = 'LT' return elseif (blank > s2%chars(i)) then css = 'GT' return endif enddo elseif (l1 > l2) then do i=l2+1,l1 if (s1%chars(i) < blank) then css = 'LT' return elseif (s1%chars(i) > blank) then css = 'GT' return endif enddo endif css = 'EQ' end function compare_ss !******************************************************************************* elemental function compare_cs(c,s) result(css) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: c type(string), intent(in) :: s character(2) :: css integer :: i,lc,ls lc = len(c) ls = len(s) do i=1,min(lc,ls) if (c(i:i) < s%chars(i)) then css = 'LT' return elseif (c(i:i) > s%chars(i)) then css = 'GT' return endif enddo if (lc < ls) then do i=lc+1,ls if (blank < s%chars(i)) then css = 'LT' return elseif (blank > s%chars(i)) then css = 'GT' return endif enddo elseif (lc > ls) then do i=ls+1,lc if (c(i:i) < blank) then css = 'LT' return elseif (c(i:i) > blank) then css = 'GT' return endif enddo endif css = 'EQ' end function compare_cs !******************************************************************************* ! == !******************************************************************************* ! string == string elemental function s_eq_s(s1,s2) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s1,s2 logical :: s_eq_s integer :: l1,l2 l1 = len(s1) l2 = len(s2) if (l1 > l2) then s_eq_s = all(s1%chars(1:l2) == s2%chars) .and. & all(s1%chars(l2+1:l1) == blank) elseif (l1 < l2) then s_eq_s = all(s1%chars == s2%chars(1:l1)) .and. & all(blank == s2%chars(l1+1:l2)) else s_eq_s = all(s1%chars == s2%chars) endif end function s_eq_s !******************************************************************************* ! string == character elemental function s_eq_c(s,c) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s character(*), intent(in) :: c logical :: s_eq_c integer :: i,ls,lc ls = len(s) lc = len(c) do i=1,min(ls,lc) if (s%chars(i) /= c(i:i)) then s_eq_c = .false. return endif enddo if ((ls > lc) .and. any(s%chars(lc+1:ls) /= blank)) then s_eq_c = .false. elseif ((ls < lc) .and. (blank /= c(ls+1:lc))) then s_eq_c = .false. else s_eq_c = .true. endif end function s_eq_c !******************************************************************************* ! character == string elemental function c_eq_s(c,s) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: c type(string), intent(in) :: s logical :: c_eq_s integer :: i,lc,ls lc = len(c) ls = len(s) do i=1,min(lc,ls) if (c(i:i) /= s%chars(i)) then c_eq_s = .false. return endif enddo if ((lc > ls) .and. (c(ls+1:lc) /= blank)) then c_eq_s = .false. elseif ((lc < ls) .and. any(blank /= s%chars(lc+1:ls) ) )then c_eq_s = .false. else c_eq_s = .true. endif end function c_eq_s !******************************************************************************* ! /= !******************************************************************************* ! string /= string elemental function s_ne_s(s1,s2) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s1,s2 logical :: s_ne_s integer :: l1,l2 l1 = len(s1) l2 = len(s2) if (l1 > l2) then s_ne_s = any(s1%chars(1:l2) /= s2%chars) .or. & any(s1%chars(l2+1:l1) /= blank) elseif (l1 < l2) then s_ne_s = any(s1%chars /= s2%chars(1:l1)) .or. & any(blank /= s2%chars(l1+1:l2)) else s_ne_s = any(s1%chars /= s2%chars) endif end function s_ne_s !******************************************************************************* ! string /= character elemental function s_ne_c(s,c) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s character(*), intent(in) :: c logical :: s_ne_c integer :: i,ls,lc ls = len(s) lc = len(c) do i=1,min(ls,lc) if (s%chars(i) /= c(i:i) )then s_ne_c = .true. return endif enddo if ((ls > lc) .and. any(s%chars(ls+1:lc) /= blank)) then s_ne_c = .true. elseif ((ls < lc) .and. blank /= c(ls+1:lc)) then s_ne_c = .true. else s_ne_c = .false. endif end function s_ne_c !******************************************************************************* ! character /= string elemental function c_ne_s(c,s) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: c type(string), intent(in) :: s logical :: c_ne_s integer :: i,lc,ls lc = len(c) ls = len(s) do i=1,min(lc,ls) if (c(i:i) /= s%chars(i)) then c_ne_s = .true. return endif enddo if ((lc > ls) .and. c(ls+1:lc) /= blank) then c_ne_s = .true. elseif ((lc < ls) .and. any(blank /= s%chars(lc+1:ls))) then c_ne_s = .true. else c_ne_s = .false. endif end function c_ne_s !******************************************************************************* ! < operators !******************************************************************************* ! string < string elemental function s_lt_s(s1,s2) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s1,s2 logical :: s_lt_s s_lt_s = compare_ss(s1,s2) == 'LT' end function s_lt_s !******************************************************************************* ! string < character elemental function s_lt_c(s,c) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s character(*), intent(in) :: c logical :: s_lt_c s_lt_c = compare_cs(c,s) == 'GT' end function s_lt_c !******************************************************************************* ! character < string elemental function c_lt_s(c,s) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: c type(string), intent(in) :: s logical :: c_lt_s c_lt_s = compare_cs(c,s) == 'LT' end function c_lt_s !******************************************************************************* ! <= operators !******************************************************************************* ! string <= string elemental function s_le_s(s1,s2) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s1,s2 logical :: s_le_s s_le_s = compare_ss(s1,s2) /= 'GT' end function s_le_s !******************************************************************************* ! string <= character elemental function s_le_c(s,c) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s character(*), intent(in) :: c logical :: s_le_c s_le_c = compare_cs(c,s) /= 'LT' end function s_le_c !******************************************************************************* ! character <= string elemental function c_le_s(c,s) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: c type(string), intent(in) :: s logical :: c_le_s c_le_s = compare_cs(c,s) /= 'GT' end function c_le_s !******************************************************************************* ! >= operators !******************************************************************************* ! string >= string elemental function s_ge_s(s1,s2) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s1,s2 logical :: s_ge_s s_ge_s = compare_ss(s1,s2) /= 'LT' end function s_ge_s !******************************************************************************* ! string >= character elemental function s_ge_c(s,c) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s character(*), intent(in) :: c logical :: s_ge_c s_ge_c = compare_cs(c,s) /= 'GT' end function s_ge_c !******************************************************************************* ! character >= string elemental function c_ge_s(c,s) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: c type(string), intent(in) :: s logical :: c_ge_s c_ge_s = compare_cs(c,s) /= 'LT' end function c_ge_s !******************************************************************************* ! > operators !******************************************************************************* ! string > string elemental function s_gt_s(s1,s2) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s1,s2 logical :: s_gt_s s_gt_s = compare_ss(s1,s2) == 'GT' end function s_gt_s !******************************************************************************* ! string > character elemental function s_gt_c(s,c) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s character(*), intent(in) :: c logical :: s_gt_c s_gt_c = compare_cs(c,s) == 'LT' end function s_gt_c !******************************************************************************* ! character > string elemental function c_gt_s(c,s) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: c type(string), intent(in) :: s logical :: c_gt_s c_gt_s = compare_cs(c,s) == 'GT' end function c_gt_s !******************************************************************************* elemental function lcompare_ss(s1,s2) result(css) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s1,s2 character(2) :: css integer :: i,l1,l2 l1 = len(s1) l2 = len(s2) do i=1,min(l1,l2) if (llt(s1%chars(i),s2%chars(i))) then css = 'LT' return elseif (lgt(s1%chars(i),s2%chars(i))) then css = 'GT' return endif enddo if (l1 < l2) then do i=l1+1,l2 if (llt(blank,s2%chars(i))) then css = 'LT' return elseif (lgt(blank,s2%chars(i))) then css = 'GT' return endif enddo elseif (l1 > l2) then do i=l2+1,l1 if (llt(s1%chars(i),blank)) then css = 'LT' return elseif (lgt(s1%chars(i),blank)) then css = 'GT' return endif enddo endif css = 'EQ' end function lcompare_ss !******************************************************************************* elemental function lcompare_cs(c,s) result(css) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: c type(string), intent(in) :: s character(2) :: css integer :: i,lc,ls lc = len(c) ls = len(s) do i=1,min(lc,ls) if (llt(c(i:i),s%chars(i))) then css = 'LT' return elseif (lgt(c(i:i),s%chars(i))) then css = 'GT' return endif enddo if (lc < ls) then do i=lc+1,ls if (llt(blank,s%chars(i))) then css = 'LT' return elseif (lgt(blank,s%chars(i))) then css = 'GT' return endif enddo elseif (lc > ls) then do i=ls+1,lc if (llt(c(i:i),blank)) then css = 'LT' return elseif (lgt(c(i:i),blank)) then css = 'GT' return endif enddo endif css = 'EQ' end function lcompare_cs !******************************************************************************* ! LLT function !******************************************************************************* ! llt(string,string) elemental function s_llt_s(s1,s2) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s1,s2 logical :: s_llt_s s_llt_s = (lcompare_ss(s1,s2) == 'LT') end function s_llt_s !******************************************************************************* ! llt(string,character) elemental function s_llt_c(s1,c2) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s1 character(*), intent(in) :: c2 logical :: s_llt_c s_llt_c = (lcompare_cs(c2,s1) == 'GT') end function s_llt_c !******************************************************************************* ! llt(character,string) elemental function c_llt_s(c1,s2) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s2 character(*), intent(in) :: c1 logical :: c_llt_s c_llt_s = (lcompare_cs(c1,s2) == 'LT') end function c_llt_s !******************************************************************************* ! LGT function !******************************************************************************* ! lgt(string,string) elemental function s_lgt_s(s1,s2) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s1,s2 logical :: s_lgt_s s_lgt_s = (lcompare_ss(s1,s2) == 'GT') end function s_lgt_s !******************************************************************************* ! lgt(string,character) elemental function s_lgt_c(s1,c2) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s1 character(*), intent(in) :: c2 logical :: s_lgt_c s_lgt_c = (lcompare_cs(c2,s1) == 'LT') end function s_lgt_c !******************************************************************************* ! lgt(character,string) elemental function c_lgt_s(c1,s2) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s2 character(*), intent(in) :: c1 logical :: c_lgt_s c_lgt_s = (lcompare_cs(c1,s2) == 'GT') end function c_lgt_s !******************************************************************************* ! LGE function !******************************************************************************* ! lge(string,string) elemental function s_lge_s(s1,s2) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s1,s2 logical :: s_lge_s s_lge_s = (lcompare_ss(s1,s2) /= 'LT') end function s_lge_s !******************************************************************************* ! lge(string,character) elemental function s_lge_c(s1,c2) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s1 character(*), intent(in) :: c2 logical :: s_lge_c s_lge_c = (lcompare_cs(c2,s1) /= 'GT') end function s_lge_c !******************************************************************************* ! lge(character,string) elemental function c_lge_s(c1,s2) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s2 character(*), intent(in) :: c1 logical :: c_lge_s c_lge_s = (lcompare_cs(c1,s2) /= 'LT') end function c_lge_s !******************************************************************************* ! LLE function !******************************************************************************* ! lle(string,string) elemental function s_lle_s(s1,s2) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s1,s2 logical :: s_lle_s s_lle_s = (lcompare_ss(s1,s2) /= 'GT') end function s_lle_s !******************************************************************************* ! lle(string,character) elemental function s_lle_c(s1,c2) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s1 character(*), intent(in) :: c2 logical :: s_lle_c s_lle_c = (lcompare_cs(c2,s1) /= 'LT') end function s_lle_c !******************************************************************************* ! lle(character,string) elemental function c_lle_s(c1,s2) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s2 character(*), intent(in) :: c1 logical :: c_lle_s c_lle_s = (lcompare_cs(c1,s2) /= 'GT') end function c_lle_s !******************************************************************************* pure function acompare_aa(a1,a2) result(caa) implicit none character, intent(in) :: a1(:),a2(:) character(2) :: caa integer :: i,l1,l2 l1 = size(a1) l2 = size(a2) do i=1,min(l1,l2) if (a1(i) < a2(i)) then caa = 'LT' return elseif (a1(i) > a2(i)) then caa = 'GT' return endif enddo if (l1 < l2) then do i=l1+1,l2 if (blank < a2(i)) then caa = 'LT' return elseif (blank > a2(i)) then caa = 'GT' return endif enddo elseif (l1 > l2) then do i=l2+1,l1 if (a1(i) < blank) then caa = 'LT' return elseif (a1(i) > blank) then caa = 'GT' return endif enddo endif caa = 'EQ' end function acompare_aa !******************************************************************************* pure function acompare_ca(c,a) result(cca) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: c character, intent(in) :: a(:) character(2) :: cca integer :: i,lc,la lc = len(c) la = size(a) do i=1,min(lc,la) if (c(i:i) < a(i)) then cca = 'LT' return elseif (c(i:i) > a(i)) then cca = 'GT' return endif enddo if (lc < la) then do i=lc+1,la if (blank < a(i)) then cca = 'LT' return elseif (blank > a(i)) then cca = 'GT' return endif enddo elseif (lc > la) then do i=la+1,lc if (c(i:i) < blank) then cca = 'LT' return elseif (c(i:i) > blank) then cca = 'GT' return endif enddo endif cca = 'EQ' end function acompare_ca !******************************************************************************* ! == !******************************************************************************* ! array == array pure function a_eq_a(a1,a2) implicit none character, intent(in) :: a1(:),a2(:) logical :: a_eq_a integer :: l1,l2 l1 = size(a1) l2 = size(a2) if (l1 > l2) then a_eq_a = all(a1(1:l2) == a2) .and. & all(a1(l2+1:l1) == blank) elseif (l1 < l2) then a_eq_a = all(a1 == a2(1:l1)) .and. & all(blank == a2(l1+1:l2)) else a_eq_a = all(a1 == a2) endif end function a_eq_a !******************************************************************************* ! array == character pure function a_eq_c(a,c) implicit none character, intent(in) :: a(:) character(*), intent(in) :: c logical :: a_eq_c integer :: i,la,lc la = len(a) lc = len(c) do i=1,min(la,lc) if (a(i) /= c(i:i)) then a_eq_c = .false. return endif enddo if ((la > lc) .and. any(a(lc+1:la) /= blank)) then a_eq_c = .false. elseif ((la < lc) .and. (blank /= c(la+1:lc))) then a_eq_c = .false. else a_eq_c = .true. endif end function a_eq_c !******************************************************************************* ! character == array pure function c_eq_a(c,a) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: c character, intent(in) :: a(:) logical :: c_eq_a c_eq_a = a_eq_c(a,c) end function c_eq_a !******************************************************************************* ! /= !******************************************************************************* ! array /= array pure function a_ne_a(a1,a2) implicit none character, intent(in) :: a1(:),a2(:) logical :: a_ne_a integer :: l1,l2 l1 = size(a1) l2 = size(a2) if (l1 > l2) then a_ne_a = any(a1(1:l2) /= a2) .or. & any(a1(l2+1:l1) /= blank) elseif (l1 < l2) then a_ne_a = any(a1 /= a2(1:l1)) .or. & any(blank /= a2(l1+1:l2)) else a_ne_a = any(a1 /= a2) endif end function a_ne_a !******************************************************************************* ! array /= character pure function a_ne_c(a,c) implicit none character, intent(in) :: a(:) character(*), intent(in) :: c logical :: a_ne_c integer :: i,la,lc la = size(a) lc = len(c) do i=1,min(la,lc) if (a(i) /= c(i:i) )then a_ne_c = .true. return endif enddo if ((la > lc) .and. any(a(la+1:lc) /= blank)) then a_ne_c = .true. elseif ((la < lc) .and. blank /= c(la+1:lc)) then a_ne_c = .true. else a_ne_c = .false. endif end function a_ne_c !******************************************************************************* ! character /= array pure function c_ne_a(c,a) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: c character, intent(in) :: a(:) logical :: c_ne_a c_ne_a = acompare_ca(c,a) /= 'EQ' end function c_ne_a !******************************************************************************* ! < operators !******************************************************************************* ! array < array pure function a_lt_a(a1,a2) implicit none character, intent(in) :: a1(:),a2(:) logical :: a_lt_a a_lt_a = acompare_aa(a1,a2) == 'LT' end function a_lt_a !******************************************************************************* ! array < character pure function a_lt_c(a,c) implicit none character, intent(in) :: a(:) character(*), intent(in) :: c logical :: a_lt_c a_lt_c = acompare_ca(c,a) == 'GT' end function a_lt_c !******************************************************************************* ! character < array pure function c_lt_a(c,a) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: c character, intent(in) :: a(:) logical :: c_lt_a c_lt_a = acompare_ca(c,a) == 'LT' end function c_lt_a !******************************************************************************* ! <= operators !******************************************************************************* ! array <= array pure function a_le_a(a1,a2) implicit none character, intent(in) :: a1(:),a2(:) logical :: a_le_a a_le_a = acompare_aa(a1,a2) /= 'GT' end function a_le_a !******************************************************************************* ! array <= character pure function a_le_c(a,c) implicit none character, intent(in) :: a(:) character(*), intent(in) :: c logical :: a_le_c a_le_c = acompare_ca(c,a) /= 'LT' end function a_le_c !******************************************************************************* ! character <= array pure function c_le_a(c,a) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: c character, intent(in) :: a(:) logical :: c_le_a c_le_a = acompare_ca(c,a) /= 'GT' end function c_le_a !******************************************************************************* ! >= operators !******************************************************************************* ! array >= array pure function a_ge_a(a1,a2) implicit none character, intent(in) :: a1(:),a2(:) logical :: a_ge_a a_ge_a = acompare_aa(a1,a2) /= 'LT' end function a_ge_a !******************************************************************************* ! array >= character pure function a_ge_c(a,c) implicit none character, intent(in) :: a(:) character(*), intent(in) :: c logical :: a_ge_c a_ge_c = acompare_ca(c,a) /= 'GT' end function a_ge_c !******************************************************************************* ! character >= array pure function c_ge_a(c,a) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: c character, intent(in) :: a(:) logical :: c_ge_a c_ge_a = acompare_ca(c,a) /= 'LT' end function c_ge_a !******************************************************************************* ! > operators !******************************************************************************* ! array > array pure function a_gt_a(a1,a2) implicit none character, intent(in) :: a1(:),a2(:) logical :: a_gt_a a_gt_a = acompare_aa(a1,a2) == 'GT' end function a_gt_a !******************************************************************************* ! array > character pure function a_gt_c(a,c) implicit none character, intent(in) :: a(:) character(*), intent(in) :: c logical :: a_gt_c a_gt_c = acompare_ca(c,a) == 'LT' end function a_gt_c !******************************************************************************* ! character > array pure function c_gt_a(c,a) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: c character, intent(in) :: a(:) logical :: c_gt_a c_gt_a = acompare_ca(c,a) == 'GT' end function c_gt_a !******************************************************************************* pure function alcompare_aa(a1,a2) result(caa) implicit none character, intent(in) :: a1(:),a2(:) character(2) :: caa integer :: i,l1,l2 l1 = size(a1) l2 = size(a2) do i=1,min(l1,l2) if (llt(a1(i),a2(i))) then caa = 'LT' return elseif (lgt(a1(i),a2(i))) then caa = 'GT' return endif enddo if (l1 < l2) then do i=l1+1,l2 if (llt(blank,a2(i))) then caa = 'LT' return elseif (lgt(blank,a2(i))) then caa = 'GT' return endif enddo elseif (l1 > l2) then do i=l2+1,l1 if (llt(a1(i),blank)) then caa = 'LT' return elseif (lgt(a1(i),blank)) then caa = 'GT' return endif enddo endif caa = 'EQ' end function alcompare_aa !******************************************************************************* pure function alcompare_ca(c,a) result(cca) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: c character, intent(in) :: a(:) character(2) :: cca integer :: i,lc,la lc = len(c) la = size(a) do i=1,min(lc,la) if (llt(c(i:i),a(i))) then cca = 'LT' return elseif (lgt(c(i:i),a(i))) then cca = 'GT' return endif enddo if (lc < la) then do i=lc+1,la if (llt(blank,a(i))) then cca = 'LT' return elseif (lgt(blank,a(i))) then cca = 'GT' return endif enddo elseif (lc > la) then do i=la+1,lc if (llt(c(i:i),blank)) then cca = 'LT' return elseif (lgt(c(i:i),blank)) then cca = 'GT' return endif enddo endif cca = 'EQ' end function alcompare_ca !******************************************************************************* ! LLT operators !******************************************************************************* ! array < array pure function a_allt_a(a1,a2) implicit none character, intent(in) :: a1(:),a2(:) logical :: a_allt_a a_allt_a = alcompare_aa(a1,a2) == 'LT' end function a_allt_a !******************************************************************************* ! array < character pure function a_allt_c(a1,c2) implicit none character, intent(in) :: a1(:) character(*), intent(in) :: c2 logical :: a_allt_c a_allt_c = alcompare_ca(c2,a1) == 'GT' end function a_allt_c !******************************************************************************* ! character < array pure function c_allt_a(c1,a2) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: c1 character, intent(in) :: a2(:) logical :: c_allt_a c_allt_a = alcompare_ca(c1,a2) == 'LT' end function c_allt_a !******************************************************************************* ! LLE operators !******************************************************************************* ! array <= array pure function a_alle_a(a1,a2) implicit none character, intent(in) :: a1(:),a2(:) logical :: a_alle_a a_alle_a = alcompare_aa(a1,a2) /= 'GT' end function a_alle_a !******************************************************************************* ! array <= character pure function a_alle_c(a1,c2) implicit none character, intent(in) :: a1(:) character(*), intent(in) :: c2 logical :: a_alle_c a_alle_c = alcompare_ca(c2,a1) /= 'LT' end function a_alle_c !******************************************************************************* ! character <= array pure function c_alle_a(c1,a2) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: c1 character, intent(in) :: a2(:) logical :: c_alle_a c_alle_a = alcompare_ca(c1,a2) /= 'GT' end function c_alle_a !******************************************************************************* ! LGE operators !******************************************************************************* ! array >= array pure function a_alge_a(a1,a2) implicit none character, intent(in) :: a1(:),a2(:) logical :: a_alge_a a_alge_a = alcompare_aa(a1,a2) /= 'LT' end function a_alge_a !******************************************************************************* ! array >= character pure function a_alge_c(a1,c2) implicit none character, intent(in) :: a1(:) character(*), intent(in) :: c2 logical :: a_alge_c a_alge_c = alcompare_ca(c2,a1) /= 'GT' end function a_alge_c !******************************************************************************* ! character >= array pure function c_alge_a(c1,a2) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: c1 character, intent(in) :: a2(:) logical :: c_alge_a c_alge_a = alcompare_ca(c1,a2) /= 'LT' end function c_alge_a !******************************************************************************* ! LGT operators !******************************************************************************* ! array > array pure function a_algt_a(a1,a2) implicit none character, intent(in) :: a1(:),a2(:) logical :: a_algt_a a_algt_a = alcompare_aa(a1,a2) == 'GT' end function a_algt_a !******************************************************************************* ! array > character pure function a_algt_c(a1,c2) implicit none character, intent(in) :: a1(:) character(*), intent(in) :: c2 logical :: a_algt_c a_algt_c = alcompare_ca(c2,a1) == 'LT' end function a_algt_c !******************************************************************************* ! character > array pure function c_algt_a(c1,a2) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: c1 character, intent(in) :: a2(:) logical :: c_algt_a c_algt_a = alcompare_ca(c1,a2) == 'GT' end function c_algt_a !******************************************************************************* ! INDEX !******************************************************************************* elemental function index_ss(s,sub,back) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s,sub logical, intent(in), optional :: back integer :: index_ss logical :: dir_switch integer :: ls,lsub if (present(back)) then dir_switch = back else dir_switch = .false. endif ls = len(s) lsub = len(sub) index_ss = aindex(s%chars(:ls),sub%chars(:lsub),dir_switch) end function index_ss !******************************************************************************* elemental function index_sc(s,sub,back) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s character(*), intent(in) :: sub logical, intent(in), optional :: back integer :: index_sc logical :: dir_switch integer :: ls if (present(back)) then dir_switch = back else dir_switch = .false. endif ls = len(s) index_sc = aindex(s%chars(:ls),sub,dir_switch) end function index_sc !******************************************************************************* elemental function index_cs(s,sub,back) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: s type(string), intent(in) :: sub logical, intent(in), optional :: back integer :: index_cs logical :: dir_switch if (present(back)) then dir_switch = back else dir_switch = .false. endif index_cs = index(s,char(sub),dir_switch) end function index_cs !******************************************************************************* ! AINDEX !******************************************************************************* pure function aindex_aa(s,sub,back) result(index_aa) implicit none character, intent(in) :: s(:),sub(:) logical, intent(in), optional :: back integer :: index_aa logical :: dir_switch integer :: i,ls,lss if (present(back)) then dir_switch = back else dir_switch = .false. endif ls = size(s) lss = size(sub) if (lss == 0) then if (dir_switch) then index_aa = ls + 1 else index_aa = 1 endif return endif if (dir_switch) then ! backwards search do i=ls-lss+1,1,-1 if (all(s(i:i+lss-1) == sub(1:lss))) then index_aa = i return endif enddo index_aa = 0 else ! forward search do i=1,ls-lss+1 if (all(s(i:i+lss-1) == sub(1:lss))) then index_aa = i return endif enddo index_aa = 0 endif end function aindex_aa !******************************************************************************* pure function aindex_ac(s,sub,back) result(index_ac) implicit none character, intent(in) :: s(:) character(*), intent(in) :: sub logical, intent(in), optional :: back integer :: index_ac logical :: dir_switch,matched integer :: i,j,ls,lss if (present(back)) then dir_switch = back else dir_switch = .false. endif ls = size(s) lss = len(sub) if (lss == 0) then if (dir_switch) then index_ac = ls + 1 else index_ac = 1 endif return endif if (dir_switch) then index_ac = 0 do i=ls-lss+1,1,-1 matched = all(s(i:i+lss-1) == (/ (sub(j:j), j=1,lss) /)) if (matched) then index_ac = i return endif enddo else index_ac = 0 do i=1,ls-lss+1 matched = all(s(i:i+lss-1) == (/ (sub(j:j), j=1,lss) /)) if (matched) then index_ac = i return endif enddo endif end function aindex_ac !******************************************************************************* pure function aindex_ca(s,sub,back) result(index_ca) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: s character, intent(in) :: sub(:) logical, intent(in), optional :: back integer :: index_ca logical :: dir_switch,matched integer :: i,j,ls,lss if (present(back)) then dir_switch = back else dir_switch = .false. endif ls = len(s) lss = size(sub) if (lss == 0) then if (dir_switch) then index_ca = ls + 1 else index_ca = 1 endif return endif if (dir_switch) then do i=ls-lss+1,1,-1 matched = .true. do j=1,lss if (s(i+j-1:i+j-1) /= sub(j)) then matched = .false. exit endif enddo if (matched) then index_ca = i return endif enddo index_ca = 0 else do i=1,ls-lss+1 matched = .true. do j=1,lss if (s(i+j-1:i+j-1) /= sub(j)) then matched = .false. exit endif enddo if (matched) then index_ca = i return endif enddo index_ca = 0 endif end function aindex_ca !******************************************************************************* ! SCAN !******************************************************************************* elemental function scan_ss(s,set,back) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s,set logical, intent(in), optional :: back integer :: scan_ss logical :: dir_switch integer :: ls,lset if (present(back)) then dir_switch = back else dir_switch = .false. endif ls = len(s) lset = len(set) scan_ss = ascan_aa(s%chars(1:ls),set%chars(1:lset),dir_switch) end function scan_ss !******************************************************************************* elemental function scan_sc(s,set,back) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s character(*), intent(in) :: set logical, intent(in), optional :: back integer :: scan_sc logical :: dir_switch integer :: ls if (present(back)) then dir_switch = back else dir_switch = .false. endif ls = len(s) scan_sc = ascan_ac(s%chars(1:ls),set,dir_switch) end function scan_sc !******************************************************************************* elemental function scan_cs(s,set,back) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: s type(string), intent(in) :: set logical, intent(in), optional :: back integer :: scan_cs logical :: dir_switch integer :: lset if (present(back)) then dir_switch = back else dir_switch = .false. endif lset = len(set) scan_cs = ascan_ca(s,set%chars(1:lset),dir_switch) end function scan_cs !******************************************************************************* ! ASCAN !******************************************************************************* pure function ascan_aa(s,set,back) implicit none character, intent(in) :: s(:),set(:) logical, intent(in), optional :: back integer :: ascan_aa logical :: dir_switch integer :: i,ls,lset if (present(back)) then dir_switch = back else dir_switch = .false. endif ls = size(s) lset = size(set) if (dir_switch) then ! backwards search do i=ls,1,-1 if (any(set(1:lset) == s(i))) then ascan_aa = i return endif enddo ascan_aa = 0 else ! forward search do i=1,ls if (any(set(1:lset) == s(i))) then ascan_aa = i return endif enddo ascan_aa = 0 endif end function ascan_aa !******************************************************************************* pure function ascan_ac(s,set,back) implicit none character, intent(in) :: s(:) character(*), intent(in) :: set logical, intent(in), optional :: back integer :: ascan_ac logical :: dir_switch,matched integer :: i,j,ls,lset if (present(back)) then dir_switch = back else dir_switch = .false. endif ls = size(s) lset = len(set) if (dir_switch) then ! backwards search do i=ls,1,-1 matched = .false. do j=1,lset if (s(i) == set(j:j)) then matched = .true. exit endif enddo if (matched) then ascan_ac = i return endif enddo ascan_ac = 0 else ! forward search do i=1,ls matched = .false. do j=1,lset if (s(i) == set(j:j)) then matched = .true. exit endif enddo if (matched) then ascan_ac = i return endif enddo ascan_ac = 0 endif end function ascan_ac !******************************************************************************* pure function ascan_ca(s,set,back) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: s character, intent(in) :: set(:) logical, intent(in), optional :: back integer :: ascan_ca logical :: dir_switch,matched integer :: i,j,ls,lset if (present(back)) then dir_switch = back else dir_switch = .false. endif ls = len(s) lset = size(set) if (dir_switch) then ! backwards search do i=ls,1,-1 matched = .false. do j=1,lset if (s(i:i) == set(j)) then matched = .true. exit endif enddo if (matched) then ascan_ca = i return endif enddo ascan_ca = 0 else ! forward search do i=1,ls matched = .false. do j=1,lset if (s(i:i) == set(j)) then matched = .true. exit endif enddo if (matched) then ascan_ca = i return endif enddo ascan_ca = 0 endif end function ascan_ca !******************************************************************************* ! VERIFY !******************************************************************************* elemental function verify_ss(s,set,back) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s,set logical, intent(in), optional :: back integer :: verify_ss logical :: dir_switch integer :: ls,lset if (present(back)) then dir_switch = back else dir_switch = .false. endif ls = len(s) lset = len(set) verify_ss = averify_aa(s%chars(1:ls),set%chars(1:lset),dir_switch) end function verify_ss !******************************************************************************* elemental function verify_sc(s,set,back) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s character(*), intent(in) :: set logical, intent(in), optional :: back integer :: verify_sc logical :: dir_switch integer :: ls if (present(back)) then dir_switch = back else dir_switch = .false. endif ls = len(s) verify_sc = averify_ac(s%chars(1:ls),set,dir_switch) end function verify_sc !******************************************************************************* elemental function verify_cs(s,set,back) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: s type(string), intent(in) :: set logical, intent(in), optional :: back integer :: verify_cs logical :: dir_switch integer :: lset if (present(back)) then dir_switch = back else dir_switch = .false. endif lset = len(set) verify_cs = averify_ca(s,set%chars(1:lset),dir_switch) end function verify_cs !******************************************************************************* ! AVERIFY !******************************************************************************* pure function averify_aa(s,set,back) implicit none character, intent(in) :: s(:),set(:) logical, intent(in), optional :: back integer :: averify_aa logical :: dir_switch integer :: i,ls,lset if (present(back)) then dir_switch = back else dir_switch = .false. endif ls = size(s) lset = size(set) if (dir_switch) then ! backwards search do i=ls,1,-1 if (.not.(any(set(1:lset) == s(i)))) then averify_aa = i return endif enddo averify_aa = 0 else ! forward search do i=1,ls if (.not.(any(set(1:lset) == s(i)))) then averify_aa = i return endif enddo averify_aa = 0 endif end function averify_aa !******************************************************************************* pure function averify_ac(s,set,back) implicit none character, intent(in) :: s(:) character(*), intent(in) :: set logical, intent(in), optional :: back integer :: averify_ac logical :: dir_switch integer :: i,j,ls,lset if (present(back)) then dir_switch = back else dir_switch = .false. endif ls = size(s) lset = len(set) if (dir_switch) then ! backwards search b: do i=ls,1,-1 do j=1,lset if (s(i) == set(j:j)) cycle b enddo averify_ac = i return enddo b averify_ac = 0 else ! forward search f: do i=1,ls do j=1,lset if (s(i) == set(j:j)) cycle f enddo averify_ac = i return enddo f averify_ac = 0 endif end function averify_ac !******************************************************************************* pure function averify_ca(s,set,back) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: s character, intent(in) :: set(:) logical, intent(in), optional :: back integer :: averify_ca logical :: dir_switch integer :: i,j,ls,lset if (present(back)) then dir_switch = back else dir_switch = .false. endif ls = len(s) lset = size(set) if (dir_switch) then ! backwards search b: do i=ls,1,-1 do j=1,lset if (s(i:i) == set(j)) cycle b enddo averify_ca = i return enddo b averify_ca = 0 else ! forward search f: do i=1,ls do j=1,lset if (s(i:i) == set(j)) cycle f enddo averify_ca = i return enddo f averify_ca = 0 endif end function averify_ca !******************************************************************************* ! UPPERCASE !******************************************************************************* pure function uppercase_s(s,begin,end) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s integer, intent(in), optional :: begin,end character(len(s)) :: uppercase_s integer :: i,i1,i2,j i1 = 1 if (present(begin)) i1 = max(i1,begin) i2 = len(s) if (present(end)) i2 = min(i2,end) do i=1,i1-1 uppercase_s(i:i) = s%chars(i) enddo do i=i1,i2 j = iachar(s%chars(i)) select case(j) case(97:122) uppercase_s(i:i) = achar(j-32) case default uppercase_s(1:i) = s%chars(i) end select enddo do i=i2+1,len(s) uppercase_s(i:i) = s%chars(i) enddo end function uppercase_s !******************************************************************************* pure function uppercase_c(c,begin,end) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: c integer, intent(in), optional :: begin,end character(len(c)) :: uppercase_c integer :: i,i1,i2,j i1 = 1 if (present(begin)) i1 = max(i1,begin) i2 = len(c) if (present(end)) i2 = min(i2,end) uppercase_c(:i1-1) = c(:i1-1) do i=i1,i2 j = iachar(c(i:i)) select case(j) case(97:122) uppercase_c(i:i) = achar(j-32) case default uppercase_c(i:i) = c(i:i) end select enddo uppercase_c(i2+1:) = c(i2+1:) end function uppercase_c !******************************************************************************* elemental subroutine to_uppercase_s(s,begin,end) implicit none type(string), intent(inout) :: s integer, intent(in), optional :: begin,end integer :: i,i1,i2,j i1 = 1 if (present(begin)) i1 = max(i1,begin) i2 = len(s) if (present(end)) i2 = min(i2,end) do i=i1,i2 j = iachar(s%chars(i)) select case(j) case(97:122) s%chars(i) = achar(j-32) case default continue end select enddo end subroutine to_uppercase_s !******************************************************************************* elemental subroutine to_uppercase_c(c,begin,end) implicit none character(*), intent(inout) :: c integer, intent(in), optional :: begin,end integer :: i,i1,i2,j i1 = 1 if (present(begin)) i1 = max(i1,begin) i2 = len(c) if (present(end)) i2 = min(i2,end) do i=i1,i2 j = iachar(c(i:i)) select case(j) case(97:122) c(i:i) = achar(j-32) case default continue end select enddo end subroutine to_uppercase_c !******************************************************************************* ! LOWERCASE !******************************************************************************* pure function lowercase_s(s,begin,end) implicit none type(string), intent(in) :: s integer, intent(in), optional :: begin,end character(len(s)) :: lowercase_s integer :: i,i1,i2,j i1 = 1 if (present(begin)) i1 = max(i1,begin) i2 = len(s) if (present(end)) i2 = min(i2,end) do i=1,i1-1 lowercase_s(i:i) = s%chars(i) enddo do i=i1,i2 j = iachar(s%chars(i)) select case(j) case(65:90) lowercase_s(i:i) = achar(j+32) case default lowercase_s(i:i) = s%chars(i) end select enddo do i=i2+1,len(s) lowercase_s(i:i) = s%chars(i) enddo end function lowercase_s !******************************************************************************* pure function lowercase_c(c,begin,end) implicit none character(*), intent(in) :: c integer, intent(in), optional :: begin,end character(len(c)) :: lowercase_c integer :: i,i1,i2,j i1 = 1 if (present(begin)) i1 = max(i1,begin) i2 = len(c) if (present(end)) i2 = min(i2,end) lowercase_c(:i1-1) = c(:i1-1) do i=i1,i2 j = iachar(c(i:i)) select case(j) case(65:90) lowercase_c(i:i) = achar(j+32) case default lowercase_c(i:i) = c(i:i) end select enddo lowercase_c(i2+1:) = c(i2+1:) end function lowercase_c !******************************************************************************* elemental subroutine to_lowercase_s(s,begin,end) implicit none type(string), intent(inout) :: s integer, intent(in), optional :: begin,end integer :: i,i1,i2,j i1 = 1 if (present(begin)) i1 = max(i1,begin) i2 = len(s) if (present(end)) i2 = min(i2,end) do i=i1,i2 j = iachar(s%chars(i)) select case(j) case(65:90) s%chars(i) = achar(j+32) case default continue end select enddo end subroutine to_lowercase_s !******************************************************************************* elemental subroutine to_lowercase_c(c,begin,end) implicit none character(*), intent(inout) :: c integer, intent(in), optional :: begin,end integer :: i,i1,i2,j i1 = 1 if (present(begin)) i1 = max(i1,begin) i2 = len(c) if (present(end)) i2 = min(i2,end) do i=i1,i2 j = iachar(c(i:i)) select case(j) case(65:90) c(i:i) = achar(j+32) case default continue end select enddo end subroutine to_lowercase_c !******************************************************************************* !******************************************************************************* end module m_strings