!$Author: joelevin $ !$Date: 2011-03-24 11:33:26 -0500 (Thu, 24 Mar 2011) $ !$Revision: 11724 $ !$HeadURL: https://svn.weru.ksu.edu/weru/weps1/trunk/weps.src/src/weps/getcli.for $ subroutine getcli(ccd, ccm, ccy) ! ***************************************************************** wjr ! reads cligen file into common blocks and supplies cligen data to main ! Edit History ! 09-Mar-99 wjr created include 'p1werm.inc' include 'file.inc' include 'w1clig.inc' include 'm1sim.inc' include 'w1pavg.inc' include 'm1flag.inc' ! + + + LOCAL COMMON BLOCKS + + + include 'main/w1cli.inc' ! + + + Arguments + + + integer ccd,ccm,ccy ! + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + character header*80 character line*256 integer ioc real dummy ! + + + FUNCTION DECLARATIONS + + + logical isleap ! This code added to re-initialize the reading of a cligen file ! following the "initialization" phase. It is triggered if the ! day (ccd) passed to the subroutine is set to zero - LEW if (ccd == 0) then daycdx = 0 rewind luicli return endif if (daycdx .eq. 0) then rewind luicli if (cli_gen_fmt_flag == 3) then n_header = 15 else if (cli_gen_fmt_flag == 2) then n_header = 14 else n_header = 8 endif ! read through header lines when at beginning of file do daycdx=1,n_header read(luicli, '(a80)', err=9000) header end do newyrcdx = 0 end if ! load data buffers if it is the first day of a year 40 if ((ccd .eq. 1) .and. (ccm .eq. 1)) then ! first day of year requested, start reading first day of year daycdx = 1 ioc=0 if( newyrcdx .gt. 0 ) then ! first line of this year has been read, move value from end of array to beginning wcd(daycdx) = wcd(newyrcdx) wcm(daycdx) = wcm(newyrcdx) wcy(daycdx) = wcy(newyrcdx) wwzdpt(daycdx) = wwzdpt(newyrcdx) wwdurpt(daycdx) = wwdurpt(newyrcdx) wwpeaktpt(daycdx) = wwpeaktpt(newyrcdx) wwpeakipt(daycdx) = wwpeakipt(newyrcdx) wwtdmx(daycdx) = wwtdmx(newyrcdx) wwtdmn(daycdx) = wwtdmn(newyrcdx) wgrad(daycdx) = wgrad(newyrcdx) wwtdpt(daycdx) = wwtdpt(newyrcdx) newyrcdx = 0 else ! reading first line of year read (luicli,'(a)',iostat=ioc) line if (ioc .eq. -1) then ! We have a failure reading the file ! no more values will be read so first day of next year has not been read newyrcdx = 0 if(ccy.ne.1) then ! partial years should not be used, so reread previous good year rewind luicli ! read through header lines when at beginning of file do daycdx=1,n_header read(luicli, '(a80)', err=9000) header end do ! write warning message write(6,*) 'Warning, CLIGEN file ended on day of year ', & & daycdx, ' with dd/mm/yyyy:', wcd(daycdx), '/', & & wcm(daycdx), '/', wcy(daycdx), ' Rewound.' goto 40 else goto 9001 endif else ! parse the line read from file read(line, *, iostat=ioc) & & wcd(daycdx), wcm(daycdx),wcy(daycdx), & & wwzdpt(daycdx), wwdurpt(daycdx), & & wwpeaktpt(daycdx), wwpeakipt(daycdx), & & wwtdmx(daycdx),wwtdmn(daycdx),wgrad(daycdx),dummy,dummy, & & wwtdpt(daycdx) if (ioc .eq. -1) then ! We have a failure parsing the line ! Failure reading one file line if( daycdx .gt. 1 ) then ! index will give correct value write (0,*) & & 'ERROR: CLIGEN read failed on line after dd/mm/yy: ', & & wcd(daycdx-1),'/',wcm(daycdx-1),'/',wcy(daycdx-1), & & '. Check file format.' else ! error trying to read first day of year write (0,*) & & 'ERROR: CLIGEN read failed on line after dd/mm/yy: ', & & ccd,'/',ccm,'/',ccy, '. Check file format.' end if call exit(1) end if endif end if if( wcd(daycdx).eq.1 .and. wcm(daycdx).eq.1 ) then ! data record is at the first day of the year ! read in the remainder of the year in the record do while( wcy(daycdx) .eq. wcy(1) ) daycdx = daycdx + 1 ioc=0 ! don't exceed the array length if( daycdx .gt. mndayr ) then ! past end of array, too many values in one year, error write(*,*) 'ERROR: Cligen file year ', wcy(1), 'has ', & & mndayr,' days' call exit(1) else ! still within array, read line read (luicli,'(a)',iostat=ioc) line end if if (ioc .eq. -1) then ! We have a failure reading the file ! no more values will be read so first day of next year has not been read newyrcdx = 0 if( daycdx .gt. 365 ) then ! full year read, reached end of cligen file normally ! failed to read record, so back index down and exit loop daycdx = daycdx - 1 exit else if((ccd.eq.1).and.(ccm.eq.1).and.(ccy.ne.1)) then ! partial years should not be used, so reread previous good year rewind luicli ! read through header lines when at beginning of file do daycdx=1,n_header read(luicli, '(a80)', err=9000) header end do ! write warning message write(6,*) 'Warning, CLIGEN file ended on day of year ',& & daycdx, ' with dd/mm/yyyy:', wcd(daycdx), '/', & & wcm(daycdx), '/', wcy(daycdx), ' Rewound.' goto 40 else goto 9001 endif else ! parse the line read from file read(line, *, iostat=ioc) & & wcd(daycdx), wcm(daycdx),wcy(daycdx), & & wwzdpt(daycdx), wwdurpt(daycdx), & & wwpeaktpt(daycdx), wwpeakipt(daycdx), & & wwtdmx(daycdx),wwtdmn(daycdx),wgrad(daycdx),dummy,dummy,& & wwtdpt(daycdx) if (ioc .eq. -1) then ! We have a failure parsing the line ! Failure reading one file line ! no more values will be read so first day of next year has not been read newyrcdx = 0 if( daycdx .gt. 365 ) then ! full year read, reached end of cligen file normally ! failed to read record, so back index down and exit loop daycdx = daycdx - 1 exit else if( daycdx .gt. 1 ) then ! index will give correct value write (0,*) & & 'ERROR: CLIGEN read failed on line after dd/mm/yy:',& & wcd(daycdx-1),'/',wcm(daycdx-1),'/',wcy(daycdx-1), & & '. Check file format.' else ! error trying to read first day of year write (0,*) & & 'ERROR: CLIGEN read failed on line after dd/mm/yy:',& & ccd,'/',ccm,'/',ccy, '. Check file format.' end if call exit(1) end if endif end do if( wcy(daycdx) .ne. wcy(1) ) then ! last record is for different year ! record index so can be moved to beginning when needed newyrcdx = daycdx end if ! fill in any missing days so the arrays are populated do while( daycdx .lt. 366 ) daycdx = daycdx + 1 ! Since we are short, set this day to previous day values wcd(daycdx) = wcd(daycdx-1) wcm(daycdx) = wcm(daycdx-1) wcy(daycdx) = wcy(daycdx-1) wwzdpt(daycdx) = wwzdpt(daycdx-1) wwdurpt(daycdx) = wwdurpt(daycdx-1) wwpeaktpt(daycdx) = wwpeaktpt(daycdx-1) wwpeakipt(daycdx) = wwpeakipt(daycdx-1) wwtdmx(daycdx) = wwtdmx(daycdx-1) wwtdmn(daycdx) = wwtdmn(daycdx-1) wgrad(daycdx) = wgrad(daycdx-1) wwtdpt(daycdx) = wwtdpt(daycdx-1) end do else ! record read was not the first day of the year ! this must be a bad cligen file - hard error write(*,*) 'ERROR: Cligen file does not have 1/1/', wcy(1), & & ' Day is ', wcd(1), 'Month is ', wcm(1) call exit(1) end if daycdx = 1 endif !Hmm, Bill has this being done only once when it gets triggered. if ((wcd(daycdx) .ne. ccd) .or. (wcm(daycdx) .ne. ccm) & & .or. (wcy(daycdx) .ne. ccy)) then if( (isleap(ccy) .eqv. .false.) .and. (wcd(daycdx) .eq. 29) & & .and. (wcm(daycdx) .eq. 2) ) then daycdx = daycdx + 1 elseif (cwrnflg) then write (*,*) 'Warning, Simulation date: ', & & ccd, '/', ccm, '/', ccy, & & ' does not match CLIGEN date: ', & & wcd(daycdx), '/', wcm(daycdx), '/', wcy(daycdx) ! cwrnflg = .false. endif endif awzdpt = wwzdpt(daycdx) awdurpt = wwdurpt(daycdx) awpeaktpt = wwpeaktpt(daycdx) awpeakipt = wwpeakipt(daycdx) if( daycdx.gt.1 ) then awtdmxprev = wwtdmx(daycdx-1) else awtdmxprev = wwtdmx(daycdx) end if awtdmn = wwtdmn(daycdx) awtdmx = wwtdmx(daycdx) if( daycdx.lt.maxday ) then awtdmnnext = wwtdmn(daycdx+1) else awtdmnnext = wwtdmn(daycdx) endif awtdpt = wwtdpt(daycdx) aweirr = wgrad(daycdx) * 0.04186 daycdx = daycdx + 1 ! calculate air density from temperature and pressure awtdav = (awtdmx + awtdmn) / 2. awdair = 348.56 * (1.013-0.1183*(amzele/1000.) & & + 0.0048 * (amzele/1000.)**2.) / (awtdav + 273.1) return ! error returns and stops 9000 write(0,*) 'Unexpected error in cligen header' call exit(1) 9001 write(0,*) 'Unexpected error reading cligen file day ', daycdx call exit(1) end