!$Author: joelevin $ !$Date: 2011-03-24 11:33:26 -0500 (Thu, 24 Mar 2011) $ !$Revision: 11724 $ !$HeadURL: https://svn.weru.ksu.edu/weru/weps1/trunk/weps.src/src/weps/plot.for $ subroutine plotdata(sr) integer sr ! Edit History ! 04-Mar-99 wjr created include 'p1werm.inc' ! *** include 'm1sim.inc' include 'm1flag.inc' include 'c1glob.inc' include 'd1glob.inc' include 'b1glob.inc' include 'h1db1.inc' include 's1layr.inc' include 's1phys.inc' include 's1sgeo.inc' include 's1agg.inc' include 's1surf.inc' include 'w1clig.inc' include 'w1wind.inc' include 'h1hydro.inc' include 'file.inc' include 'm1subr.inc' include 'erosion/m2geo.inc' include 'erosion/e2erod.inc' include 'erosion/threshold.inc' include 'manage/oper.inc' include 'main/main.inc' include 'main/plot.inc' include 'c1info.inc' integer day, month, year, doy integer ngdpt !number of grid cells within field integer idx, jdy !local loop vars ! + + + FUNCTIONS CALLED + + + integer dayear ! + + + OUTPUT FORMATS + + + ! format for header of plot file 2050 format (1x,'#daysim','|','doy','|','day','|','mon','|',' yr ', & & '|',' tot_loss ', & & '|',' suspen ','|',' pm10 ','|',' max_wind ', & & '|',' dir_wind ','|',' precip ','|',' Surf_H2O', & & '|',' ridge_ht ','|',' ridge_or ','|',' r_rough ', & & '|',' gmd ','|',' ag_stab ','|',' cr_fract ', & & '|','loose_mass','|','loose_frac','|',' bulk_den', & & '|',' fl_cov%','|',' st_cov% ','|',' crop_lai ', & & '|',' crop_sai ','|','crop_st_mass','|','can_cov ') ! header of plot file (daily crop values derived from mass, column headers) 2051 format ('|',' crop_ht ','|','crp_rep_stm_dia', & & '|','crop_drag','|','crp_soil_cov') ! header of plot file (daily decomp values derived from mass, column headers) 2052 format ('|','res_av_ht','|',' res_sai ','|',' res_lai ', & & '|',' res_drag ','|','res_can_cov','|','res_soil_cov') ! header of plot file (friction velocity and threshold values) 2053 format ('|','eros','|','snow', & & '|','wus_anemom','|','wus_random','|','wus_ridge', & & '|','wus_biodrag','|',' ne_wus ','|','t_ne_bare', & & '|',' t_flat_cov','|','t_surf_wet','|','t_ag_den ', & & '|',' t_wust ') ! header of plot file (friction velocity ratios) 2054 format ('|','rwus_anemom','|','rwus_random', & & '|','rwus_ridge','|','rwus_biodrag') ! header of plot file (velocity threshold ratios) 2055 format ('|','r_ne_bare','|',' r_flat_cov', & & '|','r_surf_wet','|','r_ag_den ') ! header of plot file (velocity threshold ratios) 2056 format ('|','ne_sf84','|',' ne_rock', & & '|','ne_wzzo','|','ne_sfcv ') ! operation name(s) at end of line 2057 format ('|',' operation ','|',' crop ') ! + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + ! Don't print plotdata "plot.out" file unless a debug flag is set if((am0hfl.gt.0).or.(am0sfl.gt.0).or.(am0tfl.gt.0) & & .or.(am0cfl.gt.0).or.(am0dfl.gt.0).or.(am0efl.gt.0)) then ! write file header if still initializing if (am0ifl .eqv. .true.) then write (luoplt, 2050, ADVANCE="NO") write (luoplt, 2051, ADVANCE="NO") write (luoplt, 2052, ADVANCE="NO") write (luoplt, 2053, ADVANCE="NO") write (luoplt, 2054, ADVANCE="NO") write (luoplt, 2055, ADVANCE="NO") write (luoplt, 2056, ADVANCE="NO") write (luoplt, 2057, ADVANCE="YES") return endif ! initialize erosion totals total = 0.0 suspen = 0.0 pmten = 0.0 if( report_loop ) then ngdpt = (imax-1) * (jmax-1) !Number of grid cells do idx = 1, imax-1 do jdy = 1, jmax-1 total = total + egt(idx,jdy) !salt = salt + (egt(idx,jdy) - egtss(idx,jdy) suspen = suspen + egtss(idx,jdy) pmten = pmten + egt10(idx,jdy) end do end do total = total/ngdpt suspen = suspen/ngdpt pmten = pmten/ngdpt end if call caldatw(day,month,year) doy = dayear (day, month, year) ! make operation name available for this day if ((lopday .eq. day) .and. (lopmon .eq. month) .and. & & (lopyr .eq. amnryr(sr))) then operat = opname crname = ac0nam(sr) else operat = ' ' crname = ' ' end if ! insert double blank lines to demarcate years if( doy .eq. 1 ) then write (luoplt,*) write (luoplt,*) end if write (luoplt, 2080, ADVANCE="NO") & & daysim, doy, & & day, month, year, & & total, suspen, pmten, & & awudmx, awadir, awzdpt, ahrwc0(12, sr), & & aszrgh(sr), asargo(sr), aslrr(sr), & & aslagm(1,sr), aseags(1,sr), asfcr(sr), & & asmlos(sr), asflos(sr), asdblk(1,sr), & & abffcv(sr), abfscv(sr), & & acrlai(sr), acrsai(sr), & & acmst(sr), acfcancov(sr) write (luoplt, 2081, ADVANCE="NO") & & aczht(sr), acxstmrep(sr), acrcd(sr), acftcv(sr) write (luoplt, 2082, ADVANCE="NO") & & adzht_ave(sr), adrsaitot(sr), adrlaitot(sr), & & adrcdtot(sr), adftcancov(sr), adftcvtot(sr) ! additional friction velocity and threshold outputs write (luoplt, 2085, ADVANCE="NO") & & ne_erosion(sr), ne_snowdepth(sr), & & ne_wus_anemom(sr), ne_wus_random(sr), ne_wus_ridge(sr), & & ne_wus_biodrag(sr), ne_wus(sr), ne_bare(sr), & & ne_flat_cov(sr), ne_surf_wet(sr), ne_ag_den(sr), & & ne_wust(sr) if( ne_wus(sr) .gt. 0.0 ) then ! ratios of friction velocity outputs write (luoplt, 2086, ADVANCE="NO") & & ne_wus_anemom(sr)/ne_wus(sr), ne_wus_random(sr)/ne_wus(sr),& & ne_wus_ridge(sr)/ne_wus(sr), ne_wus_biodrag(sr)/ne_wus(sr) else ! zero denominator, write zero values write (luoplt, 2086, ADVANCE="NO") 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 end if if( ne_wust(sr) .gt. 0.0 ) then ! ratios of friction velocity threshold outputs write (luoplt, 2086, ADVANCE="NO") & & ne_bare(sr)/ne_wust(sr), ne_flat_cov(sr)/ne_wust(sr), & & ne_surf_wet(sr)/ne_wust(sr), ne_ag_den(sr)/ne_wust(sr) else ! zero denominator, write zero values write (luoplt, 2086, ADVANCE="NO") 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 end if ! soil related threshold values write (luoplt, 2086, ADVANCE="NO") ne_sfd84(sr), ne_asvroc(sr), & & ne_wzzo(sr), ne_sfcv(sr) write (luoplt, 2090, ADVANCE="NO") operat write (luoplt, 2091, ADVANCE="YES") crname 2080 format (' ',i6,' ',i3,' ',i2,' ',i2,' ',i4,' ', & & 3(f10.3,' '), & & 4(f10.3,' '), & & 3(f10.3,' '), & & 3(f10.3,' '), & & 3(f10.3,' '), & & 2(f10.3,' '), & & 2(f10.3,' '), & & 2(f10.3,' ') ) 2081 format ( 4(f10.4,' ') ) 2082 format ( 6(f10.4,' ') ) 2085 format ( 2(i1,' '),10(f10.4,' ') ) 2086 format ( 4(f10.4,' ') ) 2090 format ( a35,' ' ) 2091 format ( a35,' ' ) endif return end