! !$Author: joelevin $ !$Date: 2011-03-24 11:33:26 -0500 (Thu, 24 Mar 2011) $ !$Revision: 11724 $ !$HeadURL: https://svn.weru.ksu.edu/weru/weps1/trunk/weps.src/src/weps/wsum.for $ ! ! file: 'wsum.for' subroutine wsum ! + + + PURPOSE + + + ! This subroutine summarizes the WINDGEN and CLIGEN weather ! simulation output files by month and year. ! author: John Tatarko ! version: 04/02/92 ! + + + KEY WORDS + + + ! WERM, CLIGEN, WINDGEN, weather, summary ! + + + GLOBAL COMMON BLOCKS + + + include 'p1werm.inc' include 'p1unconv.inc' include 'wpath.inc' include 'w1clig.inc' include 'w1wind.inc' include 'w1pavg.inc' include 'm1sim.inc' ! + + + LOCAL COMMON BLACKS + + + include 'main/main.inc' ! + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + character header*80 logical mofl, yrfl integer bd, bm, ccd, ccm, ccy, cwd, cwm, cwy, count, ed, em integer i, j, k, last, tucnt, ucnt, ycount real avedt, avepir, awuyav, avwe, dur, rad real sumdpt, sumdt, sumdir, sumdu, sumwe, tp real wdir, wvel, winde, xmav real ysumpt, ysumdt, ysumpi, ysumu, yavedt, yavepi real ysumwe, yavewe ! + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + ! avedt - average temperature for the month. ! avepir - average global radiation for the month. ! avwe - average wind energy ! awtdav - average of the maximum and minimum temperature for ! each day. ! awudav - average of the maximum and minimum wind speed for ! each day. ! awupav - average wind speed for the month. ! awuyav - average wind speed for the year. ! bd - beginning day of the period. ! bm - beginning month of the period. ! ccd,ccm,ccy - current day, month, and year of the CLIGEN file. ! cwd,cwm,cwy - current day, month, and year of the WINDGEN file. ! clifil - CLIGEN input file name. ! count - total number of days in the month. ! dur - duration pf precipitation produced by CLIGEN ! ed - last day of the period. ! em - last month of the period. ! header - character header information. ! i - counter for simulation loops. ! irise - time of sunrise (not used). ! j,k - iocheck variables which are set to -1 when the end of ! file is encountered. ! last - last day of the current month as determined by the ! function 'lstday'. ! mofl - flag set to record the first day of period. ! rad - global radiation. ! sumdpt - sum of daily precipitation. ! sumdt - sum of daily temperature. ! sumdir - sum of daily global radiation. ! sumdu - sum of daily average wind speed. ! sumwe - sum of daily wind energy. ! tp - produced by CLIGEN (not used here). ! tucnt - total number of days wind speed > 8 m/s for year. ! ucnt - total number of days wind speed > 8 m/s for month. ! wdir - wind direction produced by CLIGEN (not used here). ! wvel - wind speed produced by CLIGEN (not used here). ! winfil - WINDGEN input file name. ! winde - wind energy for the day, MJ ! xmav - produced by CLIGEN (not used here). ! ycount - total number of days in the year. ! ysumpt - sum of yearly precipitation. ! ysumdt - sum of yearly temperature. ! ysumpi - sum of yearly global radiation. ! ysumu - sum of average yearly wind speed. ! yavedt - average of yearly temperature. ! yavepi - average of yearly global radiation. ! yrfl - flag set to record the current year. ! + + + FUNCTIONS CALLED + + + ! lstday ! + + + FUNCTIONS DECLARATIONS + + + integer lstday ! + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + ! set initialization flags mofl = .true. yrfl = .true. count = 0 sumdpt = 0.0 sumdt = 0.0 sumdir = 0.0 sumdu = 0.0 sumwe = 0.0 tucnt = 0 ucnt = 0 ysumpt = 0.0 ysumdt = 0.0 ysumpi = 0.0 ysumu = 0.0 ysumwe = 0.0 ycount = 0 ycount = 0 ! + + + INPUT FORMATS + + + 1020 format (a80) 1025 format (a60) 1030 format (2x,i2,2x,i2,1x,i4,1x,2f6.2,f5.2,1x,f6.2,3f7.2,f6.2,2f7.2) 1040 format (1x,i2,1x,i2,1x,i4,3f6.1,f6.2,f6.1) ! + + + OUTPUT FORMATS + + + 2000 format (' ') 2025 format (' CLIGEN file: ', a60) 2027 format (' WINDGEN file: ', a60) 2026 format (a60) 2030 format (/,' CLIGEN date - ',i4,i4,' ',i4,/ & & ,' does not match WINDGEN date -',i4,i4,' ',i4,/ & & ,' check files ') 2210 format (/,' warning, the output file - ',a25,/,' already exists - & &press enter to overwrite this file or control break to stop') 2220 format (/,25x,' Period Weather Summary Report',/,80('-'),/) 2230 format (/,80('-'),/, & &' Period dates Total Ave. Ave. gl. Ave. wind wind & &> Total wind',/, & &' begin end precip. temp. radiation speed 8 m/s& & energy >8m/s',/, & &' dd/mm dd/mm (mm) (c) (MJ/m^2) (m/s) (days& &) (MJ)',/, & &80('-')) !2300 format (80('-')) 2890 format (6x,i4) 2900 format(1x,i2.2,'/',i2.2,5x,i2.2,'/',i2.2,1x,2f9.2,2f10.2,i9,f12.2) 2910 format(1x,5('-'),5x,5('-'),1x,2(2x,7('-')),2(3x,7('-')),4x,5('-')) 2920 format (1x,'01/01',5x,'31/12',1x,2f9.2,2f10.2,i9,f12.2,/) ! + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + ! open CLIGEN file !10 write (*,*) ' Enter the CLIGEN file name ' ! read (*,1025) clifil ! inquire(file=clifil,exist=fexist) ! if(.not. fexist) write(*,*) clifil,' file not found' ! if(.not. fexist) goto 10 open (3, file = clifil) ! open WINDGEN file !15 write (*,*) ' Enter the WINDGEN file name ' ! read (*,1025) winfil ! inquire(file=winfil,exist=fexist) ! if(.not. fexist) write(*,*) winfil,' file not found' ! if(.not. fexist) goto 15 open (4, file = winfil) ! open weather summary output file ! write (*,*) ' Enter the output file name ' ! read (*,1025) wsum ! inquire(file=wsum,exist=fexist) ! if(fexist) then ! write (*,2210) wsum ! read (*,1020) ! end if ! open (8, file = wsum) write (2,2220) ! read CLIGEN header - remove at a later date ? read(3,1020) header read(3,1025) header write(2,2025) clifil write(2,1025) header do 20 i=1,2 read(3,1020) header write(2,1020) header 20 continue read(3,1020) header read(3,1020) header read(3,1020) header read(3,1020) header ! write(*,*) 'cli header=',header ! read WINDGEN header - remove at a later date ? do 30 i = 1,7 read (4,1020) header 30 continue write(2,2000) write(2,2027) winfil write(2,2230) ! read CLIGEN and WINDGEN files 50 read(3,*,err=100,iostat=j) ccd,ccm,ccy,awzdpt,dur,tp, & & xmav,awtdmx,awtdmn,rad,wvel,wdir,awtdpt ! write(*,*) 'cli',ccd,ccm,ccy,awzdpt,dur,tp, ! & xmav,awtdmx,awtdmn,rad,wvel,wdir,awtdpt read(4,*,err=100,iostat=k) cwd,cwm,cwy,awadir,awudmx,awudmn,awhrmx ! write(*,*) 'wind',cwd,cwm,cwy,awadir,awudmx,awudmn,awhrmx ! write (*,*) ' wsum ', awudmx if ((j .ne. 0) .or. (k .ne. 0)) then write(*,*) 'error reading files j =',j,' k=',k go to 100 end if ! ccy = ccy + 1900 awudav = (awudmx+awudmn)/2. awtdav = (awtdmx+awtdmn)/2. rad = rad * 0.04186 if (awudmx .gt. 8.0) ucnt = ucnt+1 awdair = 348.546 * (1.013 - 0.1183 * (amzele/1000.) & & + 0.0048 * (amzele/1000.)**2.) / (awtdav + 273.1) if (awudav .gt. 8.0) then winde = (0.5*awdair*(awudav**2)*(awudav - 8.0)) end if ! sum and average if (yrfl .eqv. .true.) write (2,2890) cwy yrfl = .false. if (mofl .eqv. .true.) then bd = ccd bm = ccm end if mofl = .false. sumdpt = sumdpt + awzdpt sumdt = sumdt + awtdav sumdir = sumdir + rad sumdu = sumdu + awudav count = count + 1 if (awudmx .gt. 8.0) sumwe = sumwe + winde last = lstday(ccm, ccy) if (ccd .eq. last) then ed = ccd em = ccm avedt = sumdt / count avepir = sumdir / count awupav = sumdu / count avwe = sumwe / count write (2,2900) bd,bm,ed,em,sumdpt,avedt,avepir,awupav,ucnt,avwe mofl = .true. ysumpt = ysumpt + sumdpt ysumdt = ysumdt + sumdt ysumpi = ysumpi + sumdir ysumu = ysumu + sumdu ysumwe = ysumwe + sumwe ycount = ycount + count tucnt = tucnt + ucnt sumdpt = 0.0 sumdt = 0.0 sumdir = 0.0 sumdu = 0.0 sumwe = 0.0 count = 0 ucnt = 0 end if if ((ccd .eq. 31) .and. (ccm .eq. 12)) then yavedt = ysumdt / ycount yavepi = ysumpi / ycount awuyav = ysumu / ycount yavewe = ysumwe / ycount write (2,2910) write (2,2920) ysumpt,yavedt,yavepi,awuyav,tucnt,yavewe yrfl = .true. ysumpt = 0.0 ysumdt = 0.0 ysumpi = 0.0 ysumu = 0.0 ycount = 0 tucnt = 0 end if go to 50 100 write (2,2000) close (unit = 2) close (unit = 3) close (unit = 4) return end