# - Find POCO # Find the native POCO includes and libraries # This module defines # POCO_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find Poco.h, etc. # POCO_LIBRARIES, libraries to link against to use POCO. # POCO_VERSION, version in CMake decimal version# format (e.g., # POCO_FOUND, If false, do not try to use POCO. # # Note that if specifying in find_package(), use the CMake format # rather than the POCO format (i.e., use "" instead of "1.4.2p1"). # Convert a single hex character (assumed lowercase) from _inHex # into decimal and return it as _outDec function( _hexDigitToDec _inHex _outDec ) if( ${_inHex} STREQUAL "a" ) set( result 10 ) elseif( ${_inHex} STREQUAL "b" ) set( result 11 ) elseif( ${_inHex} STREQUAL "c" ) set( result 12 ) elseif( ${_inHex} STREQUAL "d" ) set( result 13 ) elseif( ${_inHex} STREQUAL "e" ) set( result 14 ) elseif( ${_inHex} STREQUAL "f" ) set( result 15 ) else() set( result ${_inHex} ) endif() set( ${_outDec} ${result} PARENT_SCOPE ) endfunction() # Convert 2 hex chars (a hex value in the range 0 to ff) from _inHex # to decimal and return it in _outDec. _inHex is case-insensitive. function( _hexByteToDec _inHex _outDec ) if( NOT _inHex ) set( ${_outDec} 0 PARENT_SCOPE ) return() endif() string( LENGTH ${_inHex} len ) if( ${len} GREATER 2 ) message( SEND_ERROR "_hexByteToDec: Input hex string too long. ${_inHex}, length ${len}" ) return() endif() string( TOLOWER ${_inHex} lowerHex ) set( expr 0 ) while( lowerHex ) string( SUBSTRING ${lowerHex} 0 1 char ) _hexDigitToDec( ${char} decChar ) set( expr "${expr}*16+${decChar}" ) string( SUBSTRING ${lowerHex} 1 -1 lowerHex ) endwhile() math( EXPR result ${expr} ) set( ${_outDec} ${result} PARENT_SCOPE ) endfunction() # Find the main Poco header. set( POCO_INCLUDE_DIR ) find_path( POCO_INCLUDE_DIR Poco/Poco.h PATHS ${POCO_ROOT} ENV POCO_ROOT PATH_SUFFIXES include ) # Set POCO_VERSION in format MM.mm.vv.pp, where each component is a decimal # (not hexidecimal, as it is in the Poco version.h file) number. set( POCO_VERSION ) if( POCO_INCLUDE_DIR ) set( _versionFile "${POCO_INCLUDE_DIR}/Poco/Version.h" ) if( NOT EXISTS ${_versionFile} ) message( SEND_ERROR "Can't find ${_versionFile}" ) else() file( READ "${_versionFile}" _versionContents ) string( REGEX REPLACE ".*#define POCO_VERSION[ \t]+0x([0-9A-Za-z]+).*" "\\1" _versionHex ${_versionContents} ) # _versionHex is a single string with the hex version extracted directly # from the file, with no "0x" prefix. So, we have something like: # "01040a02" (which would be Poco version 1.4.10p2) string( REGEX MATCHALL "[0-9A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z]" _versionsHex ${_versionHex} ) # _versionsHex (note plural) is a list of four 2-hex-character strings, # something like "01:04:0a:02". New we just need to convert each list # element from hex to decimal. foreach( _verNum ${_versionsHex} ) _hexByteToDec( ${_verNum} _dec ) set( POCO_VERSION "${POCO_VERSION}.${_dec}" ) endforeach() # This gives us a preceding ".", so we strip that with this next line: string( SUBSTRING ${POCO_VERSION} 1 -1 POCO_VERSION ) endif() endif() # Get a list of requested Poco components. PocoFoundation is assumed as always requested. set( _requestedComponents ) foreach( _component ${POCO_FIND_COMPONENTS}) list( APPEND _requestedComponents ${_component} ) endforeach() list( APPEND _requestedComponents "PocoFoundation" ) list( REMOVE_DUPLICATES _requestedComponents ) # Determine the library suffix on Windows. # This is all taken pretty much from Poco/Foundation.h if( WIN32 ) if( POCO_STATIC ) string( FIND ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE} "/MD" _crtPos ) if( _crtPos GREATER -1 ) set( _crtSuffix "md" ) else() # Assume "/MT" set( _crtSuffix "mt" ) endif() string( FIND ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG} "/MDd" _crtPos ) if( _crtPos GREATER -1 ) set( _crtDebugSuffix "mdd" ) else() # Assume "/MTd" set( _crtDebugSuffix "mtd" ) endif() else() set( _crtSuffix "" ) set( _crtDebugSuffix "d" ) endif() else() # Not Windows. Apparently Poco doesn't add a library suffix on other platforms. set( _crtSuffix "" ) set( _crtDebugSuffix "" ) endif() # Find each library. set( POCO_LIBRARIES ) foreach( lib ${_requestedComponents} ) find_library( POCO_${lib}_LIBRARY NAMES ${lib}${_crtSuffix} Poco${lib}${_crtSuffix} PATHS ${POCO_ROOT} ENV POCO_ROOT PATH_SUFFIXES lib ) if( NOT POCO_${lib}_LIBRARY ) message( WARNING "Could not find Poco component library ${lib}" ) endif() if( POCO_${lib}_LIBRARY ) list( APPEND POCO_LIBRARIES "optimized" ${POCO_${lib}_LIBRARY} ) endif() find_library( POCO_${lib}_LIBRARY_DEBUG NAMES ${lib}${_crtDebugSuffix} Poco${lib}${_crtDebugSuffix} PATHS ${POCO_ROOT} ENV POCO_ROOT PATH_SUFFIXES lib ) if( POCO_${lib}_LIBRARY_DEBUG ) list( APPEND POCO_LIBRARIES "debug" ${POCO_${lib}_LIBRARY_DEBUG} ) endif() mark_as_advanced( FORCE POCO_${lib}_LIBRARY POCO_${lib}_LIBRARY_DEBUG ) endforeach() mark_as_advanced( FORCE POCO_INCLUDE_DIR POCO_LIBRARIES POCO_VERSION ) # handle the QUIETLY and REQUIRED arguments and set POCO_FOUND to TRUE if # all listed variables are TRUE include( FindPackageHandleStandardArgs ) FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS( POCO REQUIRED_VARS POCO_INCLUDE_DIR POCO_LIBRARIES VERSION_VAR POCO_VERSION )