program list100 c ... This routine opens the *.lis file and write the output c ... records. c ... VAX NOTE: $ used in format statements does NOT c ... refrain from carriage return c ... Modified: c ... Modified the output format to provide scientific notation c ... for output values that overflow or underflow the format c ... specification. KLM - 04/16/02, implemented by CAK - 08/07/02 implicit none include '' include '' integer found(150,2), i, iargc, in, nargs, numchsn, & out, recnum real time, etime, stime real outvar character*150 ascname, biname c ... Initialization stime = -1 etime = -1 c ... Determine command line arguments or interactive nargs = iargc() if (nargs .eq. 0) then call interactive(biname,ascname,numchsn,found,stime,etime) else call getcmdline(nargs,biname,ascname,numchsn,found,stime,etime) endif c ... Assign file unit numbers in = 1 out = 2 c ... Open binary file open(unit=in,file=biname,form='UNFORMATTED',status='OLD') c ... Open ascii file open(unit=out,file=ascname,status='NEW') c ... Write header labels to ascii file write(out,10) ' time' c10 format(a6,$) 10 format(a11,$) do 40 i = 1, numchsn if (i .eq. 1) then write(out,20) table(found(i,1), found(i,2)) c20 format(10x,a10,$) 20 format(10x,a11,$) else write(out,30) table(found(i,1), found(i,2)) c30 format(5x,a10,$) 30 format(5x,a11,$) endif 40 continue write(out,'(/)') c ... Read binary file, writing to ascii recnum = 1 50 continue if (MAX .eq. 1) then read(unit=in,end=90) time,vals1 else if (MAX .eq. 2) then read(unit=in,end=90) time,vals1,vals2 else if (MAX .eq. 3) then read(unit=in,end=90) time,vals1,vals2,vals3 c else if (MAX .eq. 4) then c read(unit=in,end=90) time,vals1,vals2,vals3,vals4 c else if (MAX .eq. 5) then c read(unit=in,end=90) time,vals1,vals2,vals3,vals4,vals5 endif c ... If the user didn't specify times or the user specified times c ... and it's within those times, write out the desired values if ((stime.eq.-1 .and. etime.eq.-1) .or. & ( .and. .and. etime.eq.-1) .or. & (stime.eq.-1 .and. .and. time.le.etime) .or. & ( .and. .and. & .and. time.le.etime)) then write(out,60) time c60 format(f9.2,$) 60 format(f11.2,$) do 80 i = 1, numchsn if (found(i,1) .eq. 1) then c write(out,70) vals1(found(i,2)) outvar = vals1(found(i,2)) elseif (found(i,1) .eq. 2) then c write(out,70) vals2(found(i,2)) outvar = vals2(found(i,2)) elseif (found(i,1) .eq. 3) then c write(out,70) vals3(found(i,2)) outvar = vals3(found(i,2)) endif c70 format(5x,f10.4,$) c70 format(5x,f11.4,$) if (abs(outvar) .lt. 1.0e-9) then c ......... Zero the displayed output for very small values write(out, '(5x,f11.4,$)') 0.0 else if ((abs(outvar) .ge. 1000000.0) .or. & (abs(outvar) .lt. 0.0001)) then c ......... Output in scientific notation values that won't display c ......... in the f11.4 format write(out, '(5x,es11.4,$)') outvar else c ......... Standard output format write(out, '(5x,f11.4,$)') outvar endif 80 continue c write(out,*) write(out,71) 71 format(a1) endif c ... Update record numbers recnum = recnum + 1 c ... If past desired ending time, quit if (etime .ne. -1 .and. time .gt. etime) then goto 90 endif c ... Continue to next time goto 50 90 continue c ... Close files close(unit=in) close(unit=out) write(*,*) 'Done.' stop end c ... SUBROUTINE INTERACTIVE subroutine interactive(biname,ascname,numchsn,found,stime,etime) integer numchsn, found(150,2) character*(*) biname, ascname real stime, etime include '' c ... Local variables integer i, itemp logical existascii c ... Print title write(*,*) write(*,*) ' DailyDayCent_list100' write(*,*) ' Binary to Ascii Utility' write(*,*) ' 02/09/2011' c ... Obtain name of binary input file write(*,*) write(*,*) ' Enter name of binary input file (no .bin):' read(*,*) biname c ... Check that binary file exists call chkbin(biname) c ... Obtain name of ascii output file 20 write(*,*) write(*,*) ' Enter name of ASCII output file (no .lis):' read(*,*) ascname c ... If ascii file already exists, ask for it again c if (existascii(ascname) .eq. .TRUE.) then if (existascii(ascname)) then goto 20 endif c ... Obtain time interval write(*,*) write(*,*) ' Enter starting time,' write(*,*) ' for time file begins:' read(*,'(i5)') itemp if (itemp .gt. 0) then stime = itemp endif write(*,*) ' Enter ending time,' write(*,*) ' for time file ends:' read(*,'(i5)') itemp if (itemp .gt. 0) then etime = itemp call fixetime(etime) endif c ... Obtain list of variables i = 1 write(*,*) write(*,*) ' Enter variables, one per line,' write(*,*) ' to quit:' call getlist(5,numchsn,found) return end c ... SUBROUTINE GETCMDLINE subroutine getcmdline(nargs,biname,ascname,numchsn, & found,stime,etime) integer nargs, numchsn, found(150,2) character*(*) biname, ascname real stime, etime c ... Local variables character*10 xstime, xetime character*150 vname logical existascii integer(2) status, n c ... Get name of binary file n = 1 call getarg(n, biname, status) c ... Check that binary file exists call chkbin(biname) c ... Get name of ascii file n = 2 call getarg(n, ascname, status) c ... Stop if ascii file exists c if (existascii(ascname) .eq. .TRUE.) then if (existascii(ascname)) then STOP endif c ... Get name of input variables file n = 3 call getarg(n, vname, status) c ... Check that input variables file exists call chkfile(vname) c ... Get the variables out of the file open(unit=9,file=vname) call getlist(9,numchsn,found) close(unit=9) c ... Get starting time if (nargs .gt. 3) then n = 4 call getarg(n, xstime, status) c read(xstime, '(f10.5)') stime read(xstime, *) stime endif c ... Get ending time if (nargs .gt. 4) then n = 5 call getarg(n, xetime, status) c read(xetime, '(f10.5)') etime read(xetime, *) etime call fixetime(etime) endif return end c ... SUBROUTINE CHKBIN subroutine chkbin(biname) character*(*) biname integer clen, getlen logical goahead clen = getlen(biname) biname = biname(1:clen) biname(clen+1:clen+4) = '.bin' inquire(file=biname,exist=goahead) if (goahead .eqv. .false.) then write(*,*) write(*,*) ' The binary file could not be read.' write(*,*) STOP endif return end c ... SUBROUTINE EXISTASCII logical function existascii(ascname) character*(*) ascname integer clen, getlen logical goahead clen = getlen(ascname) ascname = ascname(1:clen) ascname(clen+1:clen+4) = '.lis' inquire(file=ascname,exist=goahead) if (goahead) then write(*,*) write(*,*) " ASCII file already exists." existascii = .TRUE. else existascii = .FALSE. endif return end c ... SUBROUTINE CHKFILE subroutine chkfile(filename) character*(*) filename logical goahead inquire(file=filename,exist=goahead) if (goahead .eqv. .false.) then write(*,*) write(*,*) ' The input variables file could not be read.' write(*,*) STOP endif return end c ... SUBROUTINE FIXETIME subroutine fixetime(etime) real etime c ... Add very small value to etime b/c of real numbers in binary etime = etime + 0.000999 return end c ... SUBROUTINE GETLIST subroutine getlist(unitnum,numchsn,found) integer unitnum, numchsn, found(150,2) include '' c ... Local variables integer i, incnum, search character*20 word logical isblank c ... Obtain list of variables from input file i = 1 10 read(unitnum,'(a)',end=30) word if (.not. isblank(word)) then found(i,1) = 1 found(i,2) = search(word,1) do 20 incnum = 2, MAX if (found(i,2) .eq. -1) then found(i,1) = incnum found(i,2) = search(word,incnum) endif 20 continue if (found(i,2) .eq. -1) then write(*,*) write(*,*) ' Variable not found, skipping: ', word else i = i + 1 endif goto 10 endif 30 numchsn = i - 1 if (numchsn .eq. 0) then write(*,*) write(*,*) ' No variables chosen; no output file created.' STOP endif return end c ... INTEGER FUNCTION GETLEN integer function getlen(name) character*(*) name integer rlen, max max = len(name) do 10 rlen = 1, max if (name(rlen:rlen) .eq. ' ') goto 20 10 continue rlen = 0 20 if (rlen .eq. 0) then getlen = max else getlen = rlen - 1 endif return end c ... FUNCTION ISBLANK logical function isblank(line) character*(*) line c ... Local variables integer i, numchars logical blanko blanko = .true. numchars = len(line) do 10 i = 1, numchars if (line(i:i) .ne. ' ') then blanko = .false. goto 20 endif 10 continue 20 isblank = blanko return end c ... INTEGER FUNCTION SEARCH integer function search(word,incnum) integer incnum character*(*) word include '' c ... Local variables integer i do 10 i = 1, tvals(incnum) if (table(incnum,i) .eq. word) then search = i return endif 10 continue search = -1 return end