SenderEmail=Enter your email address here measurement=US map distance limit=250.0 output options=0 0 0 0 0 0 output report frequency=2 detailed hydro output=0 detailed soil output=0 detailed manage output=0 detailed crop output=0 detailed decomp output=0 detailed erosion output=0 debug hydro output=0 debug soil output=0 debug manage output=0 debug crop output=0 debug decomp output=0 debug erosion output=0 DebugOutput=0 0 0 0 0 windgen generator=bin/wind_gen4.exe windgen cmdline=-fdb/wind_gen/wind_gen_his_upper_US.wdb cligen generator=bin/cligen.exe cligen cmdline=-idb/cligen/US_cligen_stations.par -t5 -I3 -F WEPS exe=bin/weps.exe WEPS exe parameter= WEPS calibration exe parameter=-C15 management template=db/man management skeleton=db/skel cropdb=db/crops manoperdb=db/operations MCREW=mcrew_cfg soil database spec=JDBC:ODBC:Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=$!db # If "soil database spec" is set to a "JDBC:ODBC" driver then # "soil database display" expects a file/path name to the appropriate type of database soil database display=db\SSURGO\WEPS_baseline.mdb # Since the "soil database" string concatenates the "soil database spec" # and "soil database display" variables (substituting $!db) to create the # "soil database" variable only during a configuration panel update (save or ok), # we must do it here manually so things work the first time "out of the box". soil database=JDBC:ODBC:Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=db\SSURGO\WEPS_baseline.mdb projects path=projects time steps=24 use map=0 display latitude longitude=1 display state county=1 display elevation=1 mcrew edit=1 wind flag=0 # Station radius distance in km (200 miles) wind radius=241.4 climate flag=0 # Station radius distance in km (150 miles) climate radius=160.9 sub-daily flg=0 runtypedisp=NRCS nrcsrunlength=10 hideLonLat=false simulation basis=cycles override sim length=false hideScale=true hideLength=false hideElevation=false ToolTipInit=2000 ToolTipDismiss=2000