Miscanthus, perennial, biomass plantpop 1.680381545456792 dmaxshoot 20 cbaflag 0 tgtyield 12 cbafact 1 cyrafact 1 hyldflag 2 hyldunits ton/ac hyldwater 14 hyconfact 4.465 idc 6 grf 1 ck 0.65 hui0 0.8 hmx 3.6576443 growdepth 0.050800620000000005 rdmx 2 tbas 10.999999999999998 topt 25 thudf 0 dtm 365 thum 3600 frsx1 -3.888888888888889 frsx2 -9.444444444444445 frsy1 0.1 frsy2 0.8 verndel 0 bceff 45 a_lf 0.0069 b_lf 0.6708 c_lf 0.3816 d_lf -0.0694 a_rp 0 b_rp 1 c_rp 1.1 d_rp 0.01 a_ht 0.3816 b_ht -0.0694 ssaa 0.5 ssab 1 sla 10 huie 0.05 transf 0 diammax 1 storeinit 5669.898508816692 mshoot 1400 leafstem 3 fshoot 0.025 leaf2stor 0.1 stem2stor 0 stor2stor 0 rbc 3 standdk 0.015 surfdk 0.015 burieddk 0.015 rootdk 0.015 stemnodk 0.18 stemdia 0.012700155000000001 thrddys 17.1 covfact 2.676421 resevapa -1.20379 resevapb 0.604887 yield_coefficient 0 residue_intercept 0 regrow_location 0 noparam3 0 noparam2 0 noparam1 0 crop_notes Perennial, biomass cover production, suggest harvest, Harvest biomass fiber crop, crop_devnotes Archive: This file was cloned from the Sugarcane, southern file. The following data was corrected by Fred Fox to make Miscanthus grow correctly: Growth Tab: Crop matures in days Days to maturity = 365 Cold Tab: Higher temperature = 25 Lower temperature = 15 Geometry Tab: Stem silhouette are coefficient a = 0.5 Stem silhouette are coefficient b = 1.0 Shoot Tab: Ratio of stem diameter to stem length = 0.025 Partitioning Tab: Fraction of stem mass diverted to root store = 0 Tiller count was tripled, and planting density was adjusted also. MAS 6-20-11 Changed Heat Units at Start of Sen. from 1.0 to 0.9 MAS 6-20-11