Small grain, winter, silage plantpop 220 dmaxshoot 8 cbaflag 1 tgtyield 11 cbafact 1 cyrafact 1 hyldflag 2 hyldunits ton/ac hyldwater 65 hyconfact 4.465 idc 5 grf 1 ck 0.6 hui0 0.8 hmx 1.2 growdepth 0.025 rdmx 2 tbas 0 topt 25 thudf 1 dtm 100 thum 1800 frsx1 -5 frsx2 -15 frsy1 0.005 frsy2 0.05 verndel 0.035 bceff 30 a_lf 0.013 b_lf 0.8013 c_lf 0.4293 d_lf -0.086 a_rp -0.018 b_rp 0.932 c_rp 0.556 d_rp 0.0736 a_ht 0.3293 b_ht -0.086 ssaa 2.87 ssab 1 sla 20 huie 0.05 transf 0 diammax 0.3 storeinit 28.571428000000004 mshoot 335 leafstem 1.4 fshoot 0.012 leaf2stor 0.1 stem2stor 0.1 stor2stor 0 rbc 2 standdk 0.0133 surfdk 0.0133 burieddk 0.0133 rootdk 0.0133 stemnodk 0.04 stemdia 0.005 thrddys 17.1 covfact 5.227942 resevapa -2.08165 resevapb 0.548606 yield_coefficient 0 residue_intercept 0 regrow_location 0 noparam3 0 noparam2 0 noparam1 0 crop_notes Annual, small grain, cool season crops, silage production, Harvest suggest, Harvest, silage, crop_devnotes Archive: Drilled in 7 inch rows. Base location Columbia, MO. Harvested as silage in dough stage. REV 61901 DTL Standing Fall rate reduced from 0.12 to 0.04 #/(# days) because WW-Chem fallow in SW KS showed too much standing residue was falling down. Larry Wagner recommended we reduce fall rate. Dave L, Linda S., and I made runs to get the wt to match the standing stalk wt from Fred Fox stalk residue samples WERU Lab. This rate left 24% of the starting count standing. This is well within the range of values of two paper. Both paper showed about 46% left standing at the 440 day after harvest time. David Nelson, ARS Akron, CO also confirmed that the orginal 8% standing was too low. He thought that the 24% was much more resonable. MAS 6-7-11