Cover crop, mix, cool season, spring plantpop 155.22871 dmaxshoot 4 cbaflag 0 tgtyield 2000 cbafact 1 cyrafact 1 hyldflag 2 hyldunits lb/ac hyldwater 0 hyconfact 8930 idc 4 grf 0.8 ck 0.79 hui0 0.84 hmx 1.158254 growdepth 0.019050233 rdmx 1.5240185 tbas 0 topt 18.88889 thudf 1 dtm 90 thum 1555.5555 frsx1 -5 frsx2 -15 frsy1 0.006 frsy2 0.05 verndel 0 bceff 30 a_lf .013 b_lf 0.85 c_lf 0.467 d_lf -0.072 a_rp -0.0195 b_rp 0.95 c_rp 0.57 d_rp 0.0739 a_ht 0.370 b_ht -0.080 ssaa 2.5 ssab 1.0 sla 22.0 huie 0.05 transf 0 diammax 0.3 storeinit 28.349495 mshoot 113.39798 leafstem 1.2 fshoot 0.012 leaf2stor 0.0 stem2stor 0.0 stor2stor 0.0 rbc 1 standdk 0.015 surfdk 0.015 burieddk 0.015 rootdk 0.015 stemnodk 0.18 stemdia 0.0050 thrddys 18.1 covfact 5.227942 resevapa -1.20379 resevapb 0.604887 yield_coefficient 0 residue_intercept 0 regrow_location 0 noparam3 0 noparam2 0 noparam1 0 crop_notes Annual, cool season grass and broadleaf mix, cover crop, Suggest termination, Spray kill crop or tillage. crop_devnotes Archive: Representative of a standard cool season cover crop mix planted in the spring. 45% small grain, 15% legumes and 40% Brassicae. % stand Weighted average growth parmaters with existing crop records. jkp 160401 Created single crop record for a Cover crop, cool season mix, spring seeded. Weighted average parameters for existing crop records with designated % stand estimates for representative mixes provided by Joel Douglas, PMC CNTSC. Oats, spring hay: 45 Peas, forage: 15 Radish, oil seed, cover crop: 40 jkp 160401 testing required