Sorghum, grain, low density, low precip plantpop 5.9307585 dmaxshoot 3 cbaflag 1 tgtyield 35 cbafact 1.001 cyrafact 1 hyldflag 0 hyldunits bu/ac hyldwater 14 hyconfact 162.2 idc 4 grf 0.8 ck 0.8 hui0 0.8 hmx 0.9144111192392099 growdepth 0.025 rdmx 1.5240185 tbas 10 topt 27.5 thudf 0 dtm 100 thum 1300 frsx1 -5 frsx2 -15 frsy1 0.01 frsy2 0.95 verndel 0 bceff 35 a_lf -0.0302 b_lf 0.99 c_lf 0.5 d_lf -0.065 a_rp -0.018 b_rp 1.015 c_rp 0.5224 d_rp 0.039 a_ht 0.3728 b_ht -0.065 ssaa 0.03985145 ssab 0.42 sla 19.2 huie 0.05 transf 0 diammax 0.7010057909174031 storeinit 30.303029999999996 mshoot 30.303029999999996 leafstem 3 fshoot 0.03 leaf2stor 0.1 stem2stor 0.1 stor2stor 0 rbc 3 standdk 0.02 surfdk 0.01 burieddk 0.01 rootdk 0.01 stemnodk 0.6 stemdia 0.01 thrddys 12 covfact 2.9797485 resevapa -1.20379 resevapb 0.604887 yield_coefficient 0.8988 residue_intercept 0.03810890179111839 regrow_location 0 noparam3 0 noparam2 0 noparam1 0 crop_notes This is a new record. The orginal RUSLE record had a 100,000 plant population in it. This was too high for the dryland 14-20 inch rainfall zone. The high count caused the standing stubble to reduce the erosion too much. Use this record on field with less than 20 in rainfall. The new record is based on work done at Bushland, TX with 8 dryland Cultivars. (Sorghum Harvest Index in Relation to Plant Size, Environment and Cultivar, by Terry A. Howell ARS 1991) The plant population is set to 24,000 plant/ac. The Res to Yield ratio is set to what the Sorghum, grain record in RUSLE is set to. That nearly matches the 1.19 Res:Yield ratio (average HI of 0.458) from the study. The value for WEPS is 0.8988 RES:Yield and 340 lbs intercept. For calibration, the file ran at a wet year in Eads and a 62 bu yield, produced 1700 lbs/ac standing and 1900 lbs/ac flat residue. Measured reidue by Sharkoff and Watson on March 22, 2011 showed 1700 lbs/ac standing and 1200 lbs/ac flat. The residue to Yield ratio for this clipping was estimated at 0.92. at the 62 bu/ac yield. Ht of the plant was also adjusted to keep the stem diam. reasonable. 3-25-11 MAS crop_devnotes Enter dev notes here.