Sorghum, forage plantpop 62.0 dmaxshoot 5.0 cbaflag 0 tgtyield 10 cbafact 1.0 cyrafact 1.0 hyldflag 2 hyldunits ton/ac hyldwater 0 hyconfact 4.465 idc 4 grf 1.0 ck 0.46 hui0 0.8 hmx 1.9812241 growdepth 0.025 rdmx 2.0 tbas 10.0 topt 27.5 thudf 1 dtm 110 thum 1500.0 frsx1 -5.0 frsx2 -15.0 frsy1 0.01 frsy2 0.95 verndel 0.0 bceff 40 a_lf -0.0302 b_lf 0.9263 c_lf 0.3728 d_lf -0.065 a_rp -0.018 b_rp 1.015 c_rp 0.7224 d_rp 0.039 a_ht 0.3728 b_ht -0.065 ssaa 0.03985145 ssab 0.42 sla 19.2 huie 0.05 transf 0 diammax 0.7 storeinit 8.333333 mshoot 13.0 leafstem 3.0 fshoot 0.03 leaf2stor 0.1 stem2stor 0.1 stor2stor 0.0 rbc 3 standdk 0.01 surfdk 0.01 burieddk 0.01 rootdk 0.01 stemnodk 0.153 stemdia 0.01 thrddys 20.0 covfact 3.0 resevapa -1.20379 resevapb 0.604887 yield_coefficient 0.0 residue_intercept 0.0 regrow_location 0.0 noparam3 0.0 noparam2 0.0 noparam1 0.0 crop_notes This file is most like forage sorghum silage 20 ton 30" row spacing. Base location Columbia, MO REV 61801 DTL The residue ratio is set to Sorghum, silage from RUSLE. If you need a hay file use Sorghum, hay. MAS 4-27-08 Changed the flag to not selectect for calabration from calabration MAS 9-2-09 Changed the flag from day maturity to heat units. MAS 9-2-09 crop_devnotes Enter dev notes here.