Application, add PAM O 04 oenergyarea 9.353924E-8 ostir .15 op_notes4 Placeholder operation, represent application of PAM materials to soil surface. ofuel op_devnotes4 Spray pest control chemicals on growing crop. Crop is not killed. In the MCREW management screen the user must select the kind of weeds killed in the growing crop as external residue. 080404 DTL Cloned from Defoliate (spray) crop.oprn, Changed the P31 to No crop kill and added G4 to add material to field MAS 9-28-06 LMOD and WEPS update correlation; new WEPS operation record, clone sprayer post emerge, 160410 jkp G 03 gcropname weed residue; 0-3 mo P 65 numst 0.0 rstandht 0.0 rstandmass 0.0 rflatmass 0.0 rbc 1 rburiedmass 0.0 rburieddepth 0.0 rrootmass 0.0056042504 rrootdepth 152.4003 standdk 0.05 surfdk 0.05 burieddk 0.05 rootdk 0.05 stemnodk 0.2 stemdia 0.0050 thrddys 20 covfact 5.227942 resevapa -1.20379 resevapb 0.604887 crop_notes This is a default notes text string.