Sprayer, post emergence, fertilizer tank mix O 04 op_notes4 Herbicide fertilizer tank mix application, general broadcast operation, user input: type of weed residue added and amount lbs/ac dry matter. Other common name would be "weed and feed" application. oenergyarea 1.2160101 ostir 0.15 op_devnotes4 Spray fungicide and insecticide tank mix on growing crop. Crop is not killed. 11/17/01 DTL Revised Sprayer, insecticide for fungicide combination application 101211 LOS. Added to the WEPS 2-28-12 LMOD and WEPS DB correlation, existing WEPS operation record, 160410 jp G 03 gcropname weed residue; 0-3 mo P 65 numst 0.0 rstandht 0.0 rstandmass 0.0 rflatmass 0.028021252 rbc 1 rburiedmass 0.0 rburieddepth 0.0 rrootmass 0.0056042504 rrootdepth 152.4003 standdk 0.05 surfdk 0.05 burieddk 0.05 rootdk 0.05 stemnodk 0.2 stemdia 0.0050 thrddys 20 covfact 5.227942 resevapa -1.20379 resevapb 0.604887 crop_notes This is a default notes text string.