Harvest, mechanical, leafy crop, multiple O 04 oenergyarea 13.095493 ostir 0.15 op_notes4 Harvest operation, mechanical, for multiple harvests during season, use a season ending final harvest operation for calibrated annual crops, annual crop killed, perennial crops regrow. Examples: Tobacco, and leafy vegetables, leaf lettuce, spinach. op_devnotes4 Updated user notes: Harvest, tobacco, flue cured, selective mechnical harvest: Partial, multiple leaf harvest, no kill crop, removes leaf and stem mass 0.33, 0.0, minimum soil disturbance. Plant is cut and removed: mechanical. Use "Harvest, tobacco flue cured" or "Harvest, tobacco flue cured, 1 pass mechanical" as final harvest to kill crop and target yield calibration. 170812 jkp LMOD and WEPS update correlation; existing WEPS operation record, 160410 jkp Mechanical harvest of flue cured tobacco where only the more mature lower leaves are stripped in one pass leaving the remaining upper leaves and the stem alive and standing. There is no reduction in canopy since upper leaves are not harvested. This machine may be used for first and one or more intermediate flue cured tobacco harvests. Use "Harvest, tobacco, flue cured, 1 pass mechanical" for the final harvest. 11/08/11 DTL Removed 100% of the flower fraction because some of the plant mass may have gone to fruiting or grain. Cannot be calibrated because this is a partial harvest. Change the bio adjustment factor manually. Crop not killed. This requires the "Harvest, flue cured" operation next to kill the crop. Edited 12-19-11 MAS ofuel G 02 gbioarea 1.0 P 43 harv_report_flg 1 harv_calib_flg 1 harv_unit_flg 0 mature_warn_flg 0 cutvalf 0.85 cyldrmf 1.0 cplrmf 0.25 cstrmf 0.0 P 31 kilflag 0 P 34 frselpool 0 ratemultvt1 1.0 ratemultvt2 1.0 ratemultvt3 1.0 ratemultvt4 1.0 ratemultvt5 1.0 threshmultvt1 1.0 threshmultvt2 1.0 threshmultvt3 1.0 threshmultvt4 1.0 threshmultvt5 1.0 P 40