Manure, liquid, irrigation O 03 oenergyarea 3.66 ostir 0.15 ospeed 1.7881091 odirect 0.0 ostdspeed 1.7881091 ominspeed 1.3410819 omaxspeed 3.5762181 op_notes3 Manure application, water from feedlot runoff pond, or liquid manure surface applied alone or diluted with irrigation water through irrigation system. Typically applied through sprinkler irrigation system. User input, type of material and amount of dry matter applied. Example: 10,000 gal/ac of water from feedlot runoff pond applied through sprinkler irrigation system, measured 8.34 lbs/gal and 0.5% solids. (10,000 X 8.34) X 0.005 = 417 lb/ac dry matter applied. op_devnotes3 This record requires the user to calulate the dry matter being applied with an irrigation. Use the dropdowns in MCREW to adjust the defult numbers. For example: If 2 inches/ac of water will be applied and it is at 1/2 percent solids then 2265 lbs/ac is use 2 ac in x 27,154 gal/ac x 8.34 lbs/gal x 0.005 dry matter = 2265 lbs/ac solids. 11-29-07 MASLMOD and WEPS update correlation; existing WEPS operation record, 160410 jkp Updated flattening standing residue to match RUSLE2. MJK 6-10-2022 ofuel G 02 gbioarea 1.0 P 24 fbioflagvt 0 massflatvt1 0.15 massflatvt2 0.15 massflatvt3 0.10 massflatvt4 0.15 massflatvt5 1.0 G 03 gcropname manure, liquid P 66 M_numst 0.0 M_rstandht 0.0 M_rstandmass 0.0 M_rflatmass 0.0 rbc 1 M_rburiedmass 0.0 M_rburieddepth 0.0 M_rrootmass 0.0 M_rrootdepth 0.0 manure_total_mass 0.25387254 manure_buried_ratio 0.0 standdk 0.06 surfdk 0.06 burieddk 0.06 rootdk 0.06 stemnodk 0.169 stemdia 0.0022 thrddys 1 covfact 0.6500045 resevapa -2.08165 resevapb 0.548606 crop_notes Applied residue type, when applying liquid manure, enter dry weight applied in lbs/ac. Liquid manure is typically surface applied with volume guns or other applicators that can apply large volumes of water. Includes beef, dairy and other liquid manure types where runoff from livestock feeding area is captured. Example is a beef feedlot where solids are captured in a solids settling basin and runoff with small amount of solids is captured in a runoff pond.