Application, bio-fabric mulch, BFM O 04 op_notes4 Bio-fabric mulch application, Bonded Fiber Matrix mulch (BFM) application covering 100% of the surface. Applied after seeding operation. User input: fabric mulch type.Applied after seeding operation. User input: fabric mulch type. oenergyarea 0.0 ostir 0.15 op_devnotes4 Applicator applies straw or curlex erosion control blanket application covering 100% of the surface. Applied after seeding operation such as drill, cultipacker roller seeder or broadcast seeder. Specify straw mulch as residue type and specify the dry weight of material being applied. 06-24-03 DTL For example:S75(R) Single Net Straw Blanket Lightweight photodegradable polypropylene 2.1 lbs/1000 ft2 (1.02 kg/100 m2) approx wt STRAW FIBER 0.5 lbs/yd2 (0.27 kg/m2) THREAD: Degradable Aprox 2500 lbs/ac Straw. MAS 11-27-07 LMOD and WEPS update correlation; new WEPS operation record, clone Erosion blanket existing WEPS, correctly spelled name changed to match LMOD, 160410 jkp ofuel G 03 gcropname plastic or permeable mulch P 65 numst 0.0 rstandht 0.0 rstandmass 0.0 rflatmass 0.44834003 rbc 4 rburiedmass 0.0 rburieddepth 0.0 rrootmass 0.0 rrootdepth 0.0 standdk 0.0001 surfdk 0.0001 burieddk 0.0001 rootdk 0.0001 stemnodk 0.169 stemdia 0.0022 thrddys 1 covfact 6.244982 resevapa -0.604267 resevapb 0.711259 crop_notes Applied residue type, Applied with plastic, fabric, weed barrier or similar mulch applicator. Examples include erosion fabric, fabric, plastic, polymer or similar synthetic or bio mulches installed for weed control and moisture conservation adjacent to crops, trees, vegetables, etc.