Harvest, hand pick, multiple O 04 oenergyarea 0.9614 ostir 0.15 op_notes4 Harvest operation, manual, partial harvest. Example hand pick tomatoes multiple times during season, crop is not killed. Must use harvest hand pick final operation to mark end of harvest season and season target yield calibration. op_devnotes4 Hand pick lettuce or similar crops or to represent one final picking of fruit or berry crops. Do not use for multiple pickings of fruit or berry crops unless a regrowth vegetation file representing regrowth between pickings is available in the database to be called in. This is not the case for strawberries. 12132011 DTL Added 3/29/07 MAS Reworked the values MAS 2-24-09 Added the change to flat on the crop type. 8-27-10 This operation takes all of the yield, and can be used to calibrate the yield. 12-27-11 MAS Adjusted the Energy use to 0.000000010 gal/ac 2-23-12 Changed the fuel use from 0.000000010 to 0.36 g/ac 4-17-12 MAS LMOD and WEPS update correlation; new WEPS operation record, as previous translate, Harvest, hand pick multiple times|rename|Harvest, hand pick, 160410 jkp ofuel G 02 gbioarea 1.0 P 62 harv_report_flg 1 harv_calib_flg 0 harv_unit_flg 0 mature_warn_flg 1 selpos 3 selpool 1 selagepool 2 rstore 0.3 rleaf 0.0 rstem 0.0 rrootstore 0.0 rrootfiber 0.0