Harvest, stripper header O 04 op_notes4 Harvest operation, grain is stripped off of the plant during harvest, majority of plant residue remaining is standing. Example small grains harvest with stripper header. Crop is killed oenergyarea 14.311503 ostir 0.15 op_devnotes4 Represents a combine or picker with a snapper header. Ears and husks are snapped from stalks as they pass between snapping rolls. Ears complete with kernels, cob and husks are harvested and removed from the field leaving only the stem and leaf residues. Rev 021109 DTL LMOD and WEPS update correlation; existing WEPS operation record, 160410 jkp ofuel G 02 gbioarea 1.0 P 31 kilflag 1 P 62 selpos 1 selpool 3 rstore 1.0 rleaf 0.0 rstem 0.0 rrootstore 0.0 rrootfiber 0.0 harv_report_flg 1 harv_calib_flg 1 harv_unit_flg 0 mature_warn_flg 1 selagepool 0 P 34 frselpool 3 ratemultvt1 2.5 ratemultvt2 2.0 ratemultvt3 1.5 ratemultvt4 1.25 ratemultvt5 1.0 threshmultvt1 0.6 threshmultvt2 0.7 threshmultvt3 0.8 threshmultvt4 0.9 threshmultvt5 1.0 P 24 fbioflagvt 0 massflatvt1 0.2 massflatvt2 0.2 massflatvt3 0.2 massflatvt4 0.5 massflatvt5 1.0