Process: Cut/Remove Biomass to Height (P 32)
Note: This method is obsolete. Please use: Cut/Remove Biomass to Height (Flags)
This process cuts the specified standing biomass (crop and residue if present) to the specified height. This process is also a harvest process if components of the cut material are removed from the field as specified by the removal parameter values. Based upon the "Cut Biomass Flag" setting, the cut height is measured from the ground up or from the top of the crop down. Its parameters are:
- Cut Biomass Flag
- Determines how the cut is specified:
- 0: Cut Value = Height of Standing Stubble remaining.
- 1: Cut Value = Length of Standing Stalks removed.
- Cut Value
- Cut depth or height based upon Cut Biomass Flag value.
- Cut Yeild Removed
- Fraction of yeild biomass removed, remaining cut material goes flat.
- Cut Plant Removed
- Fraction of plant (crop) biomass removed, remaining cut material goes to flat.
- Cut Standing Residue Removed
- Fraction of residue biomass removed, remaining cut material goes flat.