All the soil properties that control soil wind erodibility vary with time. Hence, the objective of the soil submodel is to simulate these temporal soil properties on a daily basis in response to various driving processes. On days when wind erosion or management activities occur, the Erosion and Management submodels may also update some of the same temporal variables. The driving processes that change soil temporal properties are mostly weather related, and hence, the sequence of occurrence of individual driving processes is highly variable. Thus, the submodel must be able to update the soil variables given an arbitrary driving process and the soil conditions for the prior day.
WEPS 1.0 updates are also available for download on the WERU web site at Follow the link for Soil download and fill out the Soil Download Registration form. By filling out the registration form, WERU will provide notices of updates to the model. The download file consists of an executable file which will install WEPS onto your computer.
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