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The source code schema for the Windows Installer XML Toolset Gaming Extension.
Registers this extension for the
rich saved games
property handler on Windows Vista and later.
Registers a game in Game Explorer on Windows Vista and later. The executable must have an
embedded Game Definition File. For more information about Game Explorer and GDFs, see
The Windows Vista Game Explorer.
This registration is accomplished via custom action.
On Windows XP, this element instead records the same information in the registry so that
later upgrades to Windows Vista register the game in Game Explorer.
Each game can support multiple play and support tasks that are shown in the Game Explorer context menu. PlayTask and SupportTask are not needed when using when authoring the tasks in the GDF using ExtendedProperties\GameTasks available in Windows 7. At least one play task should be created using either PlayTask or the ExtendedProperties\GameTasks\Play in the GDF.
The game's instance ID.
Identifier of the file that contains the game's GDF resource, if it doesn't exist in the parent file.
Identifier of the file that is the game's executable, if it isn't the parent file.
Creates a shortcut to the parent File and registers it as a "play task" in Game Explorer. For more information, see
Game Explorer Tasks
. PlayTask should not be used when authoring the tasks in the GDF using ExtendedProperties\GameTasks available in Windows 7.
User-visible task name Game Explorer shows on its context menu. Note that the first task is named "Play" regardless of the name you provide.
Command-line arguments to be passed to the game executable for this task.
Creates an Internet shortcut and registers it as a "support task" in Game Explorer. For more information, see
Game Explorer Tasks
. SupportTask should not be used when authoring the tasks in the GDF using ExtendedProperties\GameTasks available in Windows 7.
User-visible task name Game Explorer shows on its context menu. Note that the first task is named "Play" regardless of the name you provide.
URI for this task.
Values of this type will look like: "01234567-89AB-CDEF-0123-456789ABCDEF" or "{01234567-89AB-CDEF-0123-456789ABCDEF}". Also allows "PUT-GUID-HERE" for use in examples.